Would like to suggest "Abortion Politics" subforum


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Since race relations has its own section,
I would like to suggest this for abortion politics.

People know that subject tends to get sensitive, similar to discussing race issues.

So instead of having to move threads to other areas,
why not just keep them all in this one place, even if they go south.

I also strongly suggest some guidelines for the section,
such as "highly recommending" that each member who
posts an OP SPECIFY what they intend for that thread:
* open but clean discussion (similar rules as CDZ) absolutely no bashing no negative
personal comments etc.
* limited to prolife friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
* limited to prochoice friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
* open/free speech *bashing included* anything goes
(same as flaming, taunting, badlands)

If posters of threads have a preference such as one of the above,
this would have to be stated at the top of their OP.

Anyone who disagrees with the rule set by an OP, can address it in a separate
thread and state their own rule at the top of their OP.

If this is contained in one section, I think that would help.
And I will gladly volunteer to help moderate such a section.

I think people really need their free speech on this one,
so whatever it takes I'm willing to help. What do you think?
Fundamentally, I agree and think such a forum would indeed be helpful to the boards in general, however, this bit:
* limited to prolife friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
* limited to prochoice friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
is counter-productive and will probably be a real bear to moderate, let alone follow.

By nature, USMB exists to promote debate, which means that there will be at least two sides to an issue. Should you force separate threads, the flow of the debate will be hindered or lost, especially on a topic as volatile as this one is.

The "pro" or "right" title parts are good, it gives the reader an idea of what to expect of the thread.

If it is to be a CDZ style, then the flaming should be left out, if "standard" style then anything goes.

My 2¢...

I thought that was what the Candidate Corner was all about.


OK Okay Damaged Eagle
You got me on that one = Funny Agree Winner Oscar and Emmy

How about Abortion Policy, where it's seriously about addressing real issues and real solutions.

Anyone can post a current event or politics thread that might mention prolife or prochoice politics or politicians. But for people who are "seriously serious" about this issue, or who get deep into it where the bashing turns ugly, why not create a subforum where that is expected. And give people a place to REALLY hash it out, either logically in terms of really exploring legislative proposals and possible reforms/solutions. Or letting people bash if that's what they need to vent,
as long as it's related to their beliefs and convictions about this particular area of politics and public policy.

I'd be happy to moderate and talk anyone through any approach they want to take, either prochoice, prolife or some combination of the two. In order to defend people's unabridged freedom of speech and right to petition so they can finish the conversation. No matter how ugly it may get. I'm okay with that.

This is a difficult subject because there are MULTIPLE issues that are thrown together which get people frustrated and upset. So we do need to sort that out; I've been working on this issue for years, with various friends from all manner of approaches, degrees and angles.

If people get onesided or the bashing gets ugly, I'm willing to work with where people are coming from. Even if the threads have to be separated, or people separated from each other to talk it all out from start to finish, each angle, each issue. I think that is valuable and necessary. Or else we'll never have a civil sensible policy if we don't go through the process of addressing and resolving everything.

Seems like there's at least two different sections in the forum about health and both are located under the US DISCUSSIONS section of the forum. If you want to start another health related discussion section that's up to you, the mods, and admin. If you guys are going to do it though then I'd suggest placing them all in their own little forum section labeled HEALTH and subdivided into those three different headings. If you guys do though then might I request a fourth heading labeled VA Health under that section labeled HEALTH.


I (for one) would be fine with having a section set aside for the topic of abortion, if only it would be fairly and deliberately moderated to keep threads on topic and informative. As it is, we don't have that approach to most of the threads on the subject, so it's practically futile.
I (for one) would be fine with having a section set aside for the topic of abortion, if only it would be fairly and deliberately moderated to keep threads on topic and informative. As it is, we don't have that approach to most of the threads on the subject, so it's practically futile.

Well, Chuz Life I'm willing to give it a shot, moderation wise.

I am very prochoice, to the point of defending the belief in prolife as an *equally protected choice* that shouldn't be infringed upon by govt either! One of my dear friends I love and respect with all my heart, Juda Myer, has the most prolife group I've found, which I completely support (www.choices4life.org is her nonprofit. my favorite prolife nonprofit is www.nurturingnetwork.org which I believe deserves equal funding that Planned Parenthood gets, where taxpayers should have a choice of both.)

The only thing I don't support for Juda is "making abortion illegal" -- UNLESS there is a consensus on how that law is written and enforced, and then of course I would support a law that is written and passed by consent of all affected.

I believe we can eradicate abortion 100% by free choice, the more the prochoice and prolife advocates work together on agreed steps and policies and quit wasting resources on problems that we could be solving instead with those same efforts. We just have to work smarter and not lose time and energy in conflict when we could be focused on solutions we all agree are better.
Cool. Lets get a debt, deficit, unemployment rate and GDP subforum as well
JK :p
Okay, how about National Debt/Deficit issues under Economics?
And the Abortion Policies and Politics under Health care?

Heck at this rate of re-organization, USMB could be the central
premiere message board for the upcoming Convention of States!
Let's slow the train down a bit here....we already have a lot of forums and that can cause a bit of a problem - because people tend to dump things in just a few places regardless of topic: Politics and Current Events. So you get a bunch of sub forums that don't get much use at all and the board can get very cluttered.

I think adding an Abortion forum is a good idea. It's a frequent topic, and though it typically goes into Politics, it really isn't always politics - it ranges from ethics, to health, policy and politics. Kind of like discussions in Environment where a lot of the global warming goes.

If we added an Abortion forum, it would almost certainly be under Zone 2 rules - given it's contentious and highly emotionally charged nature.
Let's slow the train down a bit here....we already have a lot of forums and that can cause a bit of a problem - because people tend to dump things in just a few places regardless of topic: Politics and Current Events. So you get a bunch of sub forums that don't get much use at all and the board can get very cluttered.

I think adding an Abortion forum is a good idea. It's a frequent topic, and though it typically goes into Politics, it really isn't always politics - it ranges from ethics, to health, policy and politics. Kind of like discussions in Environment where a lot of the global warming goes.

If we added an Abortion forum, it would almost certainly be under Zone 2 rules - given it's contentious and highly emotionally charged nature.
I'm not sure a lot of folks could discuss abortion under Zone 2 rules. Not enough name calling allowed. I'm a witch and a satanist, ya know--where'd I put that fetus I was gonna sacrifice?
Let's slow the train down a bit here....we already have a lot of forums and that can cause a bit of a problem - because people tend to dump things in just a few places regardless of topic: Politics and Current Events. So you get a bunch of sub forums that don't get much use at all and the board can get very cluttered.

I think adding an Abortion forum is a good idea. It's a frequent topic, and though it typically goes into Politics, it really isn't always politics - it ranges from ethics, to health, policy and politics. Kind of like discussions in Environment where a lot of the global warming goes.

If we added an Abortion forum, it would almost certainly be under Zone 2 rules - given it's contentious and highly emotionally charged nature.
I'm not sure a lot of folks could discuss abortion under Zone 2 rules. Not enough name calling allowed. I'm a witch and a satanist, ya know--where'd I put that fetus I was gonna sacrifice?

That's why I was suggesting to give the CREATOR of a thread the choice of
designating do they want clean rules (ie CDZ type) or do they want to open up to free speech
(thread bashing and head smashing as long as it is on topic).

I was advised it causes moderation issues to try to let the author set the rules of the thread
(unless the entire section is under the same standard as with CDZ).

What if the "Abortion Politics and Policies" is SET UP as CDZ type clean debate/no namecalling-insults.
But IF the AUTHOR designates that this thread WILL BE OPEN TO FREE SPEECH
then posts won't get thrown off there, because the author specifically waived the rules that normally apply.

Is that possible? To require the AUTHORS to post if they WANT the free speech bashing
to go on there. But otherwise, the DEFAULT rule is CLEAN.
Since race relations has its own section,
I would like to suggest this for abortion politics.

People know that subject tends to get sensitive, similar to discussing race issues.

So instead of having to move threads to other areas,
why not just keep them all in this one place, even if they go south.

I also strongly suggest some guidelines for the section,
such as "highly recommending" that each member who
posts an OP SPECIFY what they intend for that thread:
* open but clean discussion (similar rules as CDZ) absolutely no bashing no negative
personal comments etc.
* limited to prolife friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
* limited to prochoice friendly comments only (or posts will be removed)
* open/free speech *bashing included* anything goes
(same as flaming, taunting, badlands)

If posters of threads have a preference such as one of the above,
this would have to be stated at the top of their OP.

Anyone who disagrees with the rule set by an OP, can address it in a separate
thread and state their own rule at the top of their OP.

If this is contained in one section, I think that would help.
And I will gladly volunteer to help moderate such a section.

I think people really need their free speech on this one,
so whatever it takes I'm willing to help. What do you think?

why would you do that? so religious zealots can call people representing the majority of thought in this country (by far) murderers? it would be like the israel/pal section which is nothing more than anti-semite/terrorist supporters spreading propaganda.
Hi jillian and Coyote
so in order to go with the given zones already designated
1. if a thread on abortion is started in that section, and it's
under CDZ rules, then any of that religious flaming would get deleted
and the posters would stick to content
2. if someone DOES start an abortion thread to flame and troll
then it gets moved to the FZ, right? And doesn't qualify as
content threads being discussed civilly in the Abortion politics section, right?

So it still allows separation of these two types of threads.
But the civil ones stay in the designated section,
while the flaming/trolling ones get moved. Right?
is that how this could work?

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