Would the death penalty be okay here?


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
NEWARK — Authorities in Essex County arrested a Newark man Thursday night accused of sexually assaulting and murdering a 7-month-old baby girl.

Blake is accused of assaulting and killing Dalaysia Rhymer, the 7-month-old daughter of a woman he had dated.

Blake was alone with the baby after her grandmother left to go to the hospital unexpectedly with back pain. The baby’s 21-year-old mother, who was planning to attend an event in Manhattan for Gay Pride Week, instead spent the day at a female friend’s home in Newark, authorities said.

...the infant was taken to University Hospital in Newark with a fractured skull, ruptured spleen, broken ribs, bruising to the spine and a lacerated liver.

Blake’s criminal record includes a dozen arrests for drug and weapons charges, authorities said. He was recently released from jail, the prosecutor’s office said.

Newark man is accused of fatal beating, sex assault of 7-month-old girl | NJ.com

What is wrong here? Let me count the ways...
The remainder of his life in a solitary dark, dank cell seems more fitting.

You DP guys are too merciful.
Actually the Death Penalty would be too Humane, they bastard should Suffer 1000 times worse than his Victim, 20 years of Severe Torture would be a start, then life in Prison as a human pin cushion play thing for everyone......

There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.
There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.

WOW Chanel, this case is the mother-load for a right wing moron like you. Look at all the inferior people you get to look down on or bash...gay's, Democrats, drug users, the list goes on...

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke
That's terrible and horrendous... though not yet as fucked up as the two brothers that raped and impregnated their sister while fucking their aunt, which as my "fucked of the month" award for now.

In any case, see there's kind of a problem with these threads about "is the death penalty ok here?" or "is abortion ok here?" or "is torture ok here?" There's no doubt that if this guy did what he's accused of he's horrifying and doesn't deserve to live. You could make a case that this guy, you know, deserves to get beaten and raped by inmates and then tortured until death. The problem is that one could make the same case backwards; "man found to have been innocent after being sentenced to being brutally beaten and raped by inmates until being tortured to death," 'was the death penalty ok there'? You can't take isolated incidents of people being extremely fucked up to decide policies like this, that's not what the Law is all about.
There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.

WOW Chanel, this case is the mother-load for a right wing moron like you. Look at all the inferior people you get to look down on or bash...gay's, Democrats, drug users, the list goes on...

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

You think dems, drug users and gays are inferior?
I'm only looking "down upon" baby killers and those complicit in child abuse. Is he a Dem? Is the mother gay? The article didn't say. Thanks for filling us in.

Oh and in case I didn't answer my own question - YES.
I'm only looking "down upon" baby killers and those complicit in child abuse. Is he a Dem? Is the mother gay? The article didn't say. Thanks for filling us in.

Oh and in case I didn't answer my own question - YES.

Yea right, you disingenuous lying sack of shit. We need to keep people like YOU away from our children.
There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.

Actually, left the baby with her own mother, the babies grandmother. The grandmother then had to go to the hospital, and that is when the FUCK was left with the baby.

I can harbor no ill feelings or accusations of complicity or abuse towards the mother when all she did was leave the child with her mother.
There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.

WOW Chanel, this case is the mother-load for a right wing moron like you. Look at all the inferior people you get to look down on or bash...gay's, Democrats, drug users, the list goes on...

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke
You'd rather attack chanel for her post than condemn a baby rapist and murderer?

If the state does not kill him the inmates will. Child molesters are not well liked in prison and I, for one, have no problem with Buba ending his life from and oversized......
I'm only looking "down upon" baby killers and those complicit in child abuse. Is he a Dem? Is the mother gay? The article didn't say. Thanks for filling us in.

Oh and in case I didn't answer my own question - YES.

chanel, did you not read the article? It said she left her child with her grandmother, but the grandmother ended up having to go to the hospital for back pain she had....so the grandmother left the child with this man? why would the woman be charged with child neglect for leaving her child with her mother?
Yes care I read the article. I also read others as well. The grandmother did not call the monster to babysit. He was there already even though his girlfriend was out of town. We can assume he lives there. He had cared for the baby before but never alone. Apparently he flew into a rage when he learned his girldfriend was not at the parade but at a friends house for the weekend instead.

He is a monster and any mother who would allow a monster around her infant should be punished as well. I have no sympathy for her. The only victim is that inconvenient child.
If the state does not kill him the inmates will. Child molesters are not well liked in prison and I, for one, have no problem with Buba ending his life from and oversized......

Has he been convicted yet, or do we just skip that part?

Ironic how 'conservatives' claim the government can't walk and chew gum at the same time, but when it comes to arresting, incarcerating and executing human beings... it is SO competent and SO efficient...

It is also ironic how people that call themselves 'fiscal conservatives' ferociously and passionately support the DEATH penalty, even though the costs are eightfold vs. life without parole, and it is bankrupting states and municipalities. Even the law enforcement community saying it steals resources that should be used preventing crime and protecting the citizenry won't deter these 'conservative types...................it sure FEELS good to punish...
I'm only looking "down upon" baby killers and those complicit in child abuse. Is he a Dem? Is the mother gay? The article didn't say. Thanks for filling us in.

Oh and in case I didn't answer my own question - YES.

chanel, did you not read the article? It said she left her child with her grandmother, but the grandmother ended up having to go to the hospital for back pain she had....so the grandmother left the child with this man? why would the woman be charged with child neglect for leaving her child with her mother?

WHY? It's OBVIOUS...she had planned to attend a 'GAY pride' event...

She needs to be exterminated!!!
There is a moratorium on the death penalty here in NJ thanks to our corrupt former governor. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster gets 25 years and is out in 15. There will be an outpouring of sympathy for the young mother who planned to attend a "gay pride" event and left her baby with a dangerous felon who was just released from prison. No mention of the victims father.

This guy is not a human being and should not be treated as such. I hope they charge the mother with neglect as well.

WOW Chanel, this case is the mother-load for a right wing moron like you. Look at all the inferior people you get to look down on or bash...gay's, Democrats, drug users, the list goes on...

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke
You'd rather attack chanel for her post than condemn a baby rapist and murderer?


You are judge, jury and executioner...

What does Fiscal Conservative have to do with the Death Penalty?

It'd cost less to kill the asswipe who fucking did this, how in anybody's mind even dare to sexually assault and kill a 7 month girl?

It's disgusting.. this man should be Punished to the maximum extent.
If the state does not kill him the inmates will. Child molesters are not well liked in prison and I, for one, have no problem with Buba ending his life from and oversized......

Has he been convicted yet, or do we just skip that part?

Ironic how 'conservatives' claim the government can't walk and chew gum at the same time, but when it comes to arresting, incarcerating and executing human beings... it is SO competent and SO efficient...

It is also ironic how people that call themselves 'fiscal conservatives' ferociously and passionately support the DEATH penalty, even though the costs are eightfold vs. life without parole, and it is bankrupting states and municipalities. Even the law enforcement community saying it steals resources that should be used preventing crime and protecting the citizenry won't deter these 'conservative types...................it sure FEELS good to punish...

This is all very true. It might sound counterintuitive that maintaining these people in jail for ever is cheaper than executing them, but it actually is what occurs because of the higher cost of the trials and longer duration. And of course all of that is necessary because we're talking about executing a person, so I mean, you gotta make damn sure if you're going to do it at all.
What does Fiscal Conservative have to do with the Death Penalty?

It'd cost less to kill the asswipe who fucking did this, how in anybody's mind even dare to sexually assault and kill a 7 month girl?

It's disgusting.. this man should be Punished to the maximum extent.


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