Would the dems ever win?

If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Doesn't surprise me conservatives can never understand this, given their lack of cause and effect logic.

Media outlets exist to make money. They make money on newsworthy items. The reason why it seems as though the media is not reporting on shenanigans from left is because there are so many more instances of bullshit coming from the right. Media outlets can't keep up. That's why there are 4 or 5 news stations "on the left side" as opposed to just the one on the right. And the news station on the right even has to make up stories about the left just to fill air space.
Media is not about truth but about sensationalism because the latter sells, makes money for the bosses, true capitalism that. Extremists are super for creating sensational stories. There is no conspiracy whatsoever other than the one to make money.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Doesn't surprise me conservatives can never understand this, given their lack of cause and effect logic.

Media outlets exist to make money. They make money on newsworthy items. The reason why it seems as though the media is not reporting on shenanigans from left is because there are so many more instances of bullshit coming from the right. Media outlets can't keep up. That's why there are 4 or 5 news stations "on the left side" as opposed to just the one on the right. And the news station on the right even has to make up stories about the left just to fill air space.

And yet, for all their talk about capitolism, republicans can't seem to grasp the simple fact that news stations and other media outlets exist to make a profit.

I swear, this is just too easy, like shooting fish in a barrel.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

I'd say no. I have some friends who listen to Katie Couric. They believe that everything they need to know will be reported by her. They know very little or nothing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra and Obamacare. They think Obamacare will make their insurance cheaper. Boy are they in for a shock.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

I'd say no. I have some friends who listen to Katie Couric. They believe that everything they need to know will be reported by her. They know very little or nothing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra and Obamacare. They think Obamacare will make their insurance cheaper. Boy are they in for a shock.

Conversely there are plenty of people who believe everything they hear on FOX news and everything that Glenn Beck tells them.

There are guillable fools on both sides of the aisle, so I really don't see how either side has that market cornered.
If we had an honest media we would know...

Obama was born in Kenya
He flunked out of college
He is unable to speak without a telepromter
He is a homosexual
He is a Marxist, socialist, commie, Nazi
Michelle Obama hates America

Damn liberal media
They know very little or nothing about Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Solyndra and Obamacare. They think Obamacare will make their insurance cheaper. Boy are they in for a shock.

I know you won't believe this but Benghazi is a non-issue. There were 11 embassy attacks during the eight years Bush was President. Where was your outrage at the lack of protection for the diplomatic facilities then? Foreign postings are dangerous. As long the the US meddles in the affairs of other countries, people in those countries will take shots at you. It's unfortunate that these good people died, but it happens

Fast and Furious came about because the Republican Attorney General told the DEA they had no basis for charges.

Solyndra is a total Fox lie.

Quit the outrage over Solyndra  - NY Daily News

And with regard to the Affordable Care Act, maybe she isn't in for a shock - maybe you are.

While Fox News keeps conservative viewers focused on scandals that never were, it totally ignores the good news about the overall improvement in the economy, and that Obama's policies really are making things better.

I'll bet there was nothing on Fox News that sufficient monies came into Federal coffers last month that a portion of them were used to pay down the public debt. The US government ran in the black last month for the first time since the early years of the Bush Administration. What did Fox say about it???? Crickets.
If the media were actually truthful

We wouldn't have a 2 party system any more b/c everyone would have to make it on merit.

Imagine trying to seem clean as a career pol after 2 years on a school board.

Would be kinda awesome though

my point exactly, up until your post, all of the others were partisan hacks
The dem propaganda machine is good but not as good as the GOP apparatus, yet the Dems still won.

So, yes, I imagine the dems will win.

no, the dem machine is much better. do you ever hear any conservative viewpoints expressed on the hollywood awards shows? the music awards shows? in rap music? No, of course not.
I doubt the stoners decide elections much.

The libs and the cons have each other on their shows all the time, but the cons' propaganda machine is much better organized and orchestrated. Doesn't matter, though, because most Americans simply do not believe that the cons care about them.
The dem propaganda machine is good but not as good as the GOP apparatus, yet the Dems still won.

So, yes, I imagine the dems will win.

no, the dem machine is much better. do you ever hear any conservative viewpoints expressed on the hollywood awards shows? the music awards shows? in rap music? No, of course not.

Poor republicans you're all such victims.

When is the next pity party taking place, laughing at pitiful people while admittedly low brow, is great fun.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Well...the media certainly went over backwards to help their Dear Leader.

It omitted all of Obama's mistakes, like Benghazi, rising debt, etc...etc...etc... while at the same time Republican errors were overemphasized.

So the answer is yes.... the media in their dishonesty , helped their idol win the election.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Well...the media certainly went over backwards to help their Dear Leader.

It omitted all of Obama's mistakes, like Benghazi, rising debt, etc...etc...etc... while at the same time Republican errors were overemphasized.

So the answer is yes.... the media in their dishonesty , helped their idol win the election.

skye, you are playing the victim of a bad ol' dem propaganda machine that out did our ol' GOP propaganda machine. Grow up.
skye, you are playing the victim of a bad ol' dem propaganda machine that out did our ol' GOP propaganda machine. Grow up.

I am not playing the victim at all. There is no doubt the mainstream media play a 100% role in getting Obama re elected. Especially after the cover-up that let four Americans die in Benghazi.
skye, you are playing the victim of a bad ol' dem propaganda machine that out did our ol' GOP propaganda machine. Grow up.

I am not playing the victim at all. There is no doubt the mainstream media play a 100% role in getting Obama re elected. Especially after the cover-up that let four Americans die in Benghazi.

It still annoys you that outside the CEC bubble, nobody really cares about Benghazi, huh?

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