Would the dems ever win?

If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

The thing is most of the media is tilted toward Republicans. Heck, the modern Tea Party is a total media fabrication.

And Democrats STILL win elections.

If the media were "honest", we'd have a fully Democratic senate and house as well as a Democratic President.
the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama
the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?
court documented evidence.

Evidence in fact that the republican party itsself has never refuted in court.

they merely grovel and promise not to do it again.

OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER

I feel sorry for anyone who trys to defend one party over the other.

What a bunch of losers.

the facts are not ALWAYS in the middle.

only silly little boys who think they are smarter than they really are cling to that stupidity

I'm just glad you are here to be the source of all "truthiness".

Thanks for that smart boy.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

The thing is most of the media is tilted toward Republicans. Heck, the modern Tea Party is a total media fabrication.

And Democrats STILL win elections.

If the media were "honest", we'd have a fully Democratic senate and house as well as a Democratic President.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh---choke, vomit-------------not worthy of response :cuckoo:
You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?

I suppose you are the only human being on the planet that has never lied.

Congrats!! :clap2:

Really, the only question becomes, what you are liars trying to sell?
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You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?

translation: I have no evidence of any lies but I am a devoted liberal so I will continue to spout the talking points as instructed by my masters.
You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

As with most things, you have elements of truth on both sides. So you both sit here lambasting each other with elements of truth while you disregard the others truth.

It's akin to the right defending corporate power to the death and the left defending government power to the death. Both see the other as the problem but refuse to see what they defend as the problem. In the end, both are attacking opposite ends of the same stick.

It is like watching the Occupy Wall Street crowd fighting to destroy corporate American, assumingly so that their cronies in Washington will use their tax dollars to bail them out again.
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You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?


I saw on Chuck Todd's morning show Ralph Reed blatantly lie about Iran's Revolutionary Guard. He said they were killing Americans.

No one questioned that..at all.

Same with Brian Terry. There were no links between him and "Fast and Furious" guns. Why? No guns were introduced by the government. Even with that..no ballastics ever matched up the bullets with any guns.

That never got challenged either.

And there were almost no "Hey wait a minute" moments about Benghazi. There were plenty of attacks on embassies during the Bush administration. No investigations.

That's in addition to blatant lies told by the Bush administration in the run up to the war on Iraq.
True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

FoxNews provides a valuable service for Democrats

They set the agenda for the GOP, they provide Republicans with their marching orders and they prevent Republican moderates from straying from the party line

Dems can't win without them

what a mindless bunch of crap. Without Fox and talk radio, the dem/libs would control the entire media and therefore the state would control the media. Is that what you want? Do you want Pravda and Politburo in the USA?

What is it that you libs find so objectionable about giving airtime to all viewpoints? Is it because you know that when the voters know the facts they will reject liberalism every time?

This might be the case if Fox and the talk radio hate crowd provided an unbiased assessment of Republicans. As it is they act as arch-rightwing attack dogs keeping their party in line.
Fox and the ditto heads have done an effective job in driving moderates out of he party and ending dissent in the party

If Fox REALLY wanted to help the republicans they would attack the radicals saying stupid things that hurt the GOP brand. Instead, they do the opposite.
I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

As with most things, you have elements of truth on both sides. So you both sit here lambasting each other with elements of truth while you disregard the others truth.

It's akin to the right defending corporate power to the death and the left defending government power to the death. Both see the other as the problem but refuse to see what they defend as the problem. In the end, both are attacking opposite ends of the same stick.

It is like watching the Occupy Wall Street crowd fighting to destroy corporate American, assumingly so that their cronies in Washington will use their tax dollars to bail them out again.

Occupy Wall Street never intended to destroy corporate America. Never.
You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

Tell you what, you provide some proof to support the claim made in your OP, them we'll talk.

As it is, it's just so much crying on your part with nothing to back it up.
I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

As with most things, you have elements of truth on both sides. So you both sit here lambasting each other with elements of truth while you disregard the others truth.

It's akin to the right defending corporate power to the death and the left defending government power to the death. Both see the other as the problem but refuse to see what they defend as the problem. In the end, both are attacking opposite ends of the same stick.

It is like watching the Occupy Wall Street crowd fighting to destroy corporate American, assumingly so that their cronies in Washington will use their tax dollars to bail them out again.

Of course you are correct. there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Its not really so much a partisan argument as it is an ideological argument----large protective invasive government or individual freedom and responsibility.

with large govt individuals have fewer worries about survival but they become slaves of the state. true individual freedom means that we have the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. liberals do not want to take the chance of failure so they accept a lower standard of living in exchange for government being their nanny.
really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?

I suppose you are the only human being on the planet that has never lied.

Congrats!! :clap2:

Really, the only question becomes, what you are liars trying to sell?

Check the list of advertisers..

It's pretty blatant.
really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.

They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?

translation: I have no evidence of any lies but I am a devoted liberal so I will continue to spout the talking points as instructed by my masters.

What evidence do you have to support your OP that the media supports liberals?

You haven't provided a single shred of evidence to support your OP, just cried a lot and lashed out at the media and liberals.

Support your claims, you started this silly thread.
Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

As with most things, you have elements of truth on both sides. So you both sit here lambasting each other with elements of truth while you disregard the others truth.

It's akin to the right defending corporate power to the death and the left defending government power to the death. Both see the other as the problem but refuse to see what they defend as the problem. In the end, both are attacking opposite ends of the same stick.

It is like watching the Occupy Wall Street crowd fighting to destroy corporate American, assumingly so that their cronies in Washington will use their tax dollars to bail them out again.

Of course you are correct. there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Its not really so much a partisan argument as it is an ideological argument----large protective invasive government or individual freedom and responsibility.

with large govt individuals have fewer worries about survival but they become slaves of the state. true individual freedom means that we have the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. liberals do not want to take the chance of failure so they accept a lower standard of living in exchange for government being their nanny.


Oh man..
I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

Tell you what, you provide some proof to support the claim made in your OP, them we'll talk.

As it is, it's just so much crying on your part with nothing to back it up.

softball interviews of obama by 60 minutes
editing the Zimmerman tape to make him appear racist
not covering stories where citizens save their lives using guns
over covering stories like aurora
lying about the Giffords shooter being a conservative
not covering the LA cop killer being a liberal

there are 6 for you, now its your turn. provide 6 distortions or lies put out by Fox
As with most things, you have elements of truth on both sides. So you both sit here lambasting each other with elements of truth while you disregard the others truth.

It's akin to the right defending corporate power to the death and the left defending government power to the death. Both see the other as the problem but refuse to see what they defend as the problem. In the end, both are attacking opposite ends of the same stick.

It is like watching the Occupy Wall Street crowd fighting to destroy corporate American, assumingly so that their cronies in Washington will use their tax dollars to bail them out again.

Of course you are correct. there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Its not really so much a partisan argument as it is an ideological argument----large protective invasive government or individual freedom and responsibility.

with large govt individuals have fewer worries about survival but they become slaves of the state. true individual freedom means that we have the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. liberals do not want to take the chance of failure so they accept a lower standard of living in exchange for government being their nanny.


Oh man..

glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?
Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won?

the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

Tell you what, you provide some proof to support the claim made in your OP, them we'll talk.

As it is, it's just so much crying on your part with nothing to back it up.

softball interviews of obama by 60 minutes
editing the Zimmerman tape to make him appear racist
not covering stories where citizens save their lives using guns
over covering stories like aurora
lying about the Giffords shooter being a conservative
not covering the LA cop killer being a liberal

there are 6 for you, now its your turn. provide 6 distortions or lies put out by Fox


Those are nothing but your partisan opinions.

Opinions aren't facts.

Try again.
They lie, omit facts, gives have truthes, etc daily.

The fact you stick your head in the sand and ignore it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I could give you numerous examples or tell you to google "Limbaugh lies" but you would just blame it on "evil liberals" and ignore it, so why would I waste my time?

translation: I have no evidence of any lies but I am a devoted liberal so I will continue to spout the talking points as instructed by my masters.

What evidence do you have to support your OP that the media supports liberals?

You haven't provided a single shred of evidence to support your OP, just cried a lot and lashed out at the media and liberals.

Support your claims, you started this silly thread.

You don't get out much, do you?

How about the Dan Rather fiasco that cost him his career by lying about "W"'s miliraty service on CBS?

Of course, the best progaganda is subtle, much like Walter Cronkite getting up their and saying, "And that's the way it is", with absolute authority. Then there is what they choose to ignore.......
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