Would the dems ever win?

my opinions of obama are based not on what someone has said on the internet or on the MSM, but on my personal observations of his words and deeds.

It is also true that obama did not get the vetting by the media that every other candidate of either party gets. He was given a pass due to the overwhelming desire of many media people to believe that by electing a black president that the USA would somehow absolve itself from its past. It was and is a stupid thought process, but it continues today

Then you have no comprehension as to what a marxist is, or what European socialism is because Obama is a right of centre social liberal. Nothing he has done is remotely like the type of social programs in Europe or Canada, especially the Affordable Care Act. If the ACA was a true European style social program, private insurance would not be insuring primary care, and the government option would be your ONLY option.

Obama has been thoroughly vetted but there's little to find. The whole birther crap and the stuff about his college records are distractions that the right-wing media buys into to avoid dealing with real issues, like transfer of wealth to the top 5%, companies getting wealthier by shipping jobs overseas, and stagnant wages.

I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch ANY US news or read any US newspapers except for stuff I watch or read online. Anything I read in US links, I fact check religiously. The right wing papers in Canada report the news exactly like the mainstream media in the US, as to facts. I also read of lot of stuff from the UK. The right wing viewpoint is there, but the facts are the same. It is only when I start reading right-wing blogs or seeing stuff quoted by Limbaugh, Fox News, or the right-wing blogosphere, that the facts change.

I would suggest that you go and read the text of Obama's State of the Union address. Not some article about the State of the Union address but the actual program outlined therein. It's a very bold strategy. I think it contains a lot of initiatives to help undo the damage done by Republican fiscal policies over the past 30 years and to improve education and opportunities for all young Americans to achieve their potential.

In no way are these programs Marxist, communist, or socialist in any form. The Founding Fathers, in framing the Constitution understood that promoting the general welfare was a good thing. Throughout the Republican years, with it's extreme emphasis on cutting taxes, government infrastructure has been allowed to decay and crumble as funds were cut for any unnecessary projects.

Schools, especially inner city schools, have seen facilities decay. Teacher are poorly paid, and resources are scare. How can these kids learn to compete in the digital age when they have to share textbooks? Investment is needed in math, science and technology for students to be able to compete with emerging economies like China.
You reactionaries are going to have accept that you screwed up with all the screaming and hate speech.

No more drivel of Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Islamist, wild-eyed running-around-with-hands-flopping-in-the-air theatrics.

We will win on issues not demeaning stupid-ass theatrics. Yes, that was your fault.

if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!

You cannot even define "Marxist" "Collectivist" much less give examples. You can't give examples of what being an "Islamic sympathizer" is at all by the president.

You are a loon to even believe that tripe. You are not truth telling, only acting like a useful tool of evil people and agendas.
You reactionaries are going to have accept that you screwed up with all the screaming and hate speech.

No more drivel of Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Islamist, wild-eyed running-around-with-hands-flopping-in-the-air theatrics.

We will win on issues not demeaning stupid-ass theatrics. Yes, that was your fault.

if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!

You cannot even define "Marxist" "Collectivist" much less give examples. You can't give examples of what being an "Islamic sympathizer" is at all by the president.

You are a loon to even believe that tripe. You are not truth telling, only acting like a useful tool of evil people and agendas.

Still wondering who's sock puppet he is, too.
if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!

You cannot even define "Marxist" "Collectivist" much less give examples. You can't give examples of what being an "Islamic sympathizer" is at all by the president.

You are a loon to even believe that tripe. You are not truth telling, only acting like a useful tool of evil people and agendas.

Still wondering who's sock puppet he is, too.

No need to wonder, it's very obvious. Just a slightly milder version.
You reactionaries are going to have accept that you screwed up with all the screaming and hate speech.

No more drivel of Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Islamist, wild-eyed running-around-with-hands-flopping-in-the-air theatrics.

We will win on issues not demeaning stupid-ass theatrics. Yes, that was your fault.

if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!

You cannot even define "Marxist" "Collectivist" much less give examples. You can't give examples of what being an "Islamic sympathizer" is at all by the president.

You are a loon to even believe that tripe. You are not truth telling, only acting like a useful tool of evil people and agendas.

its really not complicated

Marx "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

obama " I want to redistribute the wealth" "you didn't build that"

sounds pretty much the same to me.

the muslim brotherhood now controls egypt, libya, Iran, and soon Syria. obama did nothing to stop those takeovers---------islamic sympathizer--you decide

and I am no ones sock. I am who I say I am.

whose sock are you?
my opinions of obama are based not on what someone has said on the internet or on the MSM, but on my personal observations of his words and deeds.

It is also true that obama did not get the vetting by the media that every other candidate of either party gets. He was given a pass due to the overwhelming desire of many media people to believe that by electing a black president that the USA would somehow absolve itself from its past. It was and is a stupid thought process, but it continues today

Then you have no comprehension as to what a marxist is, or what European socialism is because Obama is a right of centre social liberal. Nothing he has done is remotely like the type of social programs in Europe or Canada, especially the Affordable Care Act. If the ACA was a true European style social program, private insurance would not be insuring primary care, and the government option would be your ONLY option.

Obama has been thoroughly vetted but there's little to find. The whole birther crap and the stuff about his college records are distractions that the right-wing media buys into to avoid dealing with real issues, like transfer of wealth to the top 5%, companies getting wealthier by shipping jobs overseas, and stagnant wages.

I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch ANY US news or read any US newspapers except for stuff I watch or read online. Anything I read in US links, I fact check religiously. The right wing papers in Canada report the news exactly like the mainstream media in the US, as to facts. I also read of lot of stuff from the UK. The right wing viewpoint is there, but the facts are the same. It is only when I start reading right-wing blogs or seeing stuff quoted by Limbaugh, Fox News, or the right-wing blogosphere, that the facts change.

I would suggest that you go and read the text of Obama's State of the Union address. Not some article about the State of the Union address but the actual program outlined therein. It's a very bold strategy. I think it contains a lot of initiatives to help undo the damage done by Republican fiscal policies over the past 30 years and to improve education and opportunities for all young Americans to achieve their potential.

In no way are these programs Marxist, communist, or socialist in any form. The Founding Fathers, in framing the Constitution understood that promoting the general welfare was a good thing. Throughout the Republican years, with it's extreme emphasis on cutting taxes, government infrastructure has been allowed to decay and crumble as funds were cut for any unnecessary projects.

Schools, especially inner city schools, have seen facilities decay. Teacher are poorly paid, and resources are scare. How can these kids learn to compete in the digital age when they have to share textbooks? Investment is needed in math, science and technology for students to be able to compete with emerging economies like China.

you really need some education on political philosophies, its quite clear that you know nothing about them or you would not post such foolishness as the above post. and for the record I listened to every word of obama last night, and every word of rubio-----did you?
if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!

You cannot even define "Marxist" "Collectivist" much less give examples. You can't give examples of what being an "Islamic sympathizer" is at all by the president.

You are a loon to even believe that tripe. You are not truth telling, only acting like a useful tool of evil people and agendas.

its really not complicated

Marx "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

obama " I want to redistribute the wealth" "you didn't build that"

sounds pretty much the same to me.

the muslim brotherhood now controls egypt, libya, Iran, and soon Syria. obama did nothing to stop those takeovers---------islamic sympathizer--you decide

and I am no ones sock. I am who I say I am.

whose sock are you?

How pathetically pitiful. That is mere tantrum wailing, not any kind of indictment You act more a Marxist than any poster on the board other than mememe; you act like a Marxist, without morality or decency. What a good little sock.
you really need some education on political philosophies, its quite clear that you know nothing about them or you would not post such foolishness as the above post. and for the record I listened to every word of obama last night, and every word of rubio-----did you?

I didn't listen to, I read every word of Obama's speech. I live in Canada and was out enjoying life with my neighbours on Monday night. We have a weekly poker game in the party room at a neighbourhood sports bar. Low stakes so nobody is going to lose any enormous amounts of money, but lots of good food and great laughs.

I haven't seen Rubio's rebuttal yet, but it's kind of useless since he's not the President and isn't in a position to do much of anything at this point.
you really need some education on political philosophies, its quite clear that you know nothing about them or you would not post such foolishness as the above post. and for the record I listened to every word of obama last night, and every word of rubio-----did you?

I didn't listen to, I read every word of Obama's speech. I live in Canada and was out enjoying life with my neighbours on Monday night. We have a weekly poker game in the party room at a neighbourhood sports bar. Low stakes so nobody is going to lose any enormous amounts of money, but lots of good food and great laughs.

I haven't seen Rubio's rebuttal yet, but it's kind of useless since he's not the President and isn't in a position to do much of anything at this point.

Rubio fell flat on his face, and Rand did not do much better. The quicker these two eliminate themselves as viable primary candidates for 2016, the quicker we can much better alternatives to Biden or Clinton in the election.
you really need some education on political philosophies, its quite clear that you know nothing about them or you would not post such foolishness as the above post. and for the record I listened to every word of obama last night, and every word of rubio-----did you?

I didn't listen to, I read every word of Obama's speech. I live in Canada and was out enjoying life with my neighbours on Monday night. We have a weekly poker game in the party room at a neighbourhood sports bar. Low stakes so nobody is going to lose any enormous amounts of money, but lots of good food and great laughs.

I haven't seen Rubio's rebuttal yet, but it's kind of useless since he's not the President and isn't in a position to do much of anything at this point.

Rubio fell flat on his face, and Rand did not do much better. The quicker these two eliminate themselves as viable primary candidates for 2016, the quicker we can much better alternatives to Biden or Clinton in the election.

you remind me of a guy on another forum. every candidate sucked, but when asked who he supported he never had an answer-------are you that same clown?

if not, who is your pick for GOP in 2016?
I didn't listen to, I read every word of Obama's speech. I live in Canada and was out enjoying life with my neighbours on Monday night. We have a weekly poker game in the party room at a neighbourhood sports bar. Low stakes so nobody is going to lose any enormous amounts of money, but lots of good food and great laughs.

I haven't seen Rubio's rebuttal yet, but it's kind of useless since he's not the President and isn't in a position to do much of anything at this point.

Rubio fell flat on his face, and Rand did not do much better. The quicker these two eliminate themselves as viable primary candidates for 2016, the quicker we can much better alternatives to Biden or Clinton in the election.

you remind me of a guy on another forum. every candidate sucked, but when asked who he supported he never had an answer-------are you that same clown?

if not, who is your pick for GOP in 2016?

I have know folks like that, but I was for Romney from the get go, and used to make JoeB, who was pretending he was GOP, absolutely crazy as he opposed MR, backing all the weirdoes from the reactionary right one after another. JoeB knew MR would be the only candidate who had a chance to win, and he opposed it as hard as he could.

I like Jindall and Christie best, I think. Martinez would be OK in my book.
Rubio fell flat on his face, and Rand did not do much better. The quicker these two eliminate themselves as viable primary candidates for 2016, the quicker we can much better alternatives to Biden or Clinton in the election.

you remind me of a guy on another forum. every candidate sucked, but when asked who he supported he never had an answer-------are you that same clown?

if not, who is your pick for GOP in 2016?

I have know folks like that, but I was for Romney from the get go, and used to make JoeB, who was pretending he was GOP, absolutely crazy as he opposed MR, backing all the weirdoes from the reactionary right one after another. JoeB knew MR would be the only candidate who had a chance to win, and he opposed it as hard as he could.

I like Jindall and Christie best, I think. Martinez would be OK in my book.

Jindal is a good governor and a solid conservative, but his delivery and charisma are not very good.

Christie---I liked him until he showed his true colors by snuggling up to obama, and his state is still in a terrible mess months after the storm. I think he is history

Martinez, don't know much about her, so no opinion at this time

I think it will be Rubio or Paul, or maybe Rubio/Paul or Paul/Rubio. We need a ticket that will have the guts to stick to its principles and not try to cater to all of the fringers.

I don't think that we can rule out Ryan either, he looked pretty good last year and is a brilliant economist
you remind me of a guy on another forum. every candidate sucked, but when asked who he supported he never had an answer-------are you that same clown?

if not, who is your pick for GOP in 2016?

I have know folks like that, but I was for Romney from the get go, and used to make JoeB, who was pretending he was GOP, absolutely crazy as he opposed MR, backing all the weirdoes from the reactionary right one after another. JoeB knew MR would be the only candidate who had a chance to win, and he opposed it as hard as he could.

I like Jindall and Christie best, I think. Martinez would be OK in my book.

Jindal is a good governor and a solid conservative, but his delivery and charisma are not very good.

Christie---I liked him until he showed his true colors by snuggling up to obama, and his state is still in a terrible mess months after the storm. I think he is history

Martinez, don't know much about her, so no opinion at this time

I think it will be Rubio or Paul, or maybe Rubio/Paul or Paul/Rubio. We need a ticket that will have the guts to stick to its principles and not try to cater to all of the fringers.

I don't think that we can rule out Ryan either, he looked pretty good last year and is a brilliant economist

Any ticket with Rand Paul on it will fail

The man is a walking Democratic sound bite
Marx "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

obama "I want to redistribute the wealth"

Obama never said he wanted to redistribute the wealth. He said he wanted to redistribute school board resources throughout Chicago. The Republicans pounced on the bolded part of his statement that he somewhat believed in redistribution of government resources, and turned it into "I want to redistribute wealth".

This is what he actually said:

There has been a systematic — I don’t think it’s too strong to call it a ‘propaganda campaign’ against the possibility of government action and its efficacy. And I think some of it has been deserved. The Chicago Housing Authority has not been a model of good policy making, and neither necessarily has been the Chicago Public Schools. What that means then is that as we try to resuscitate this notion that we’re all in this thing together, leave nobody behind, we do have to be innovative in thinking what are the delivery systems that are effective and meet people where they live.

And my suggestion, I guess, would be that the trick — and this is one of the few areas where I think there are technical issues that have to be dealt with as opposed to just political issues — I think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence facilitate some redistribution,” he said, “because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a certain level, to make sure everybody’s got a shot.

"you didn't build that"

This one has been so thoroughly debunked, I didn't think that there were any sentient beings left who didn't know that this was another comment which was taken out of context. Obama said that business owners did not built the infrastructure which helps them succeed in a first world country:

There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

sounds pretty much the same to me.

If you take words - not even entire sentences but one word like "redistribution" completely out of context, and then use it in a completely different way like instead of redistribution of government resources, it becomes redistribution of private wealth, and voila, Obama has admitted he is a communist.

If the only way you have of discrediting the opposition is to lie about what he's saying, and who he is, that suggests to me your policies are so weak, that they cannot withstand honest scrutiny.

Redfish, you continue to believe the distortions and lies of the right wing. You accept the lies without even fact checking. You are too dumb to be one person.

the muslim brotherhood now controls egypt, libya, Iran, and soon Syria. obama did nothing to stop those takeovers---------islamic sympathizer--you decide?

What would you have had him do to stop the people of Egypt and other countries, from legally elected the party of their choice? Invade? On what grounds? All that would do is further destabilize the Middle East which is already a quagmire because of W's meddling. It would also further anger terrorists and militants in the Middle East, and help their recruiting efforts to stop US meddling in their affairs.

Democracy is messy that way. When you let free people decide for themselves, sometimes they make decisions you don't like and aren't in YOUR best interests. As for Syria, intervening there (and I do agree something needs to be done to stop the violence) would be stepping on Russian toes in a major way. And while the world pussyfoots around diplomatic niceties, people are dying.
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