Would the dems ever win?

the topic is media bias towards the left. I have provided studies and examples to prove that it exists.

I am tired of going in circles with you on this.

I do not like wasting my time with someone who is closed minded on something that is a proven fact.

Your closed mind, which you project onto others, is the point.

"Media Bias" permeates the right and left, while the center simply shrugs its shoulders and goes through all of it.

If you want to talk in the Bubble, I think you are going to be disappointed.

nice deflection attempt, but you failed once again.

Yes, there is media bias on both sides. Talk radio and Fox commentary favor the right.

CBS,NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, DC post, LA times, and most print media favor the left.

there is an unbalance towards the left. That cannot be denied.

apparently you think thats OK. I do not.

end of story.

Thank you for agreeing with me that "there is media bias on both sides." No, the bias is not weighted to the left. You don't have objective evidence that critical thinking can support your claim.

Tis what tis. And WHAT is this: you won't be allowed to lie without being challenged.

Edit: Redfish wants to opine and whine, nothing more. He indicates no ability to critically think, evaluate evidence, and continue to grow.
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Your closed mind, which you project onto others, is the point.

"Media Bias" permeates the right and left, while the center simply shrugs its shoulders and goes through all of it.

If you want to talk in the Bubble, I think you are going to be disappointed.

nice deflection attempt, but you failed once again.

Yes, there is media bias on both sides. Talk radio and Fox commentary favor the right.

CBS,NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, DC post, LA times, and most print media favor the left.

there is an unbalance towards the left. That cannot be denied.

apparently you think thats OK. I do not.

end of story.

Thank you for agreeing with me that "there is media bias on both sides." No, the bias is not weighted to the left. You don't have objective evidence that critical thinking can support your claim.

Tis what tis. And WHAT is this: you won't be allowed to lie without being challenged.

your lies will also be challenged. I provided this earlier, but here it is again.

read it and then admit that you were wrong all along----either wrong or "biased"

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
Would the Dems ever win if Republicans began to fact-check and think critically about the monkey shit they are given to throw by their right wing media masters?

Would the Dems ever win if Republicans stopped attacking the other guy's ideas and came up with some of their own?

Would the Dems ever win if the Republicans became the party of ideas instead of the party of "I'll tell you what we WON'T do, we WON'T do what the other guy is doing"?

Would the Dems ever win if the Republicans stopped inventing fantasies and attacking those fantasies, and instead discussed the reality on the ground?

Would the Dems ever win if the Republicans stopped coddling and nurturing mental defectives like birthers, homophobes, and bigots and started attracting intelligent people who use logic and reason to defend their ideas?

Would the Dems ever win if Republicans stopped being hypocrites measuring their opponents with a different yardstick than they use to measure their own people?

Would the Dems ever win if Republicans stopped lying?

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nice deflection attempt, but you failed once again.

Yes, there is media bias on both sides. Talk radio and Fox commentary favor the right.

CBS,NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, DC post, LA times, and most print media favor the left.

there is an unbalance towards the left. That cannot be denied.

apparently you think thats OK. I do not.

end of story.

Thank you for agreeing with me that "there is media bias on both sides." No, the bias is not weighted to the left. You don't have objective evidence that critical thinking can support your claim.

Tis what tis. And WHAT is this: you won't be allowed to lie without being challenged.

your lies will also be challenged. I provided this earlier, but here it is again.

read it and then admit that you were wrong all along----either wrong or "biased"

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

Stop your lying and try to critically think. "Thank you for agreeing with me that 'there is media bias on both sides.'" [from a post of mine above] Your source can't support the thesis that somehow the bias is weighted more heavily on the left than the right.

I encourage everyone to review the source, and everyone can witness how Redfish's professor makes the conclusion out of context.

Your Bubble will be shattered every time you try to impose it on others here. So will the left wing equivalent of it: witness poet going all crazy the last day or two.

You ideologues reactionary and radical have it wrong, period. The center rules this country, not the wings.
Thank you for agreeing with me that "there is media bias on both sides." No, the bias is not weighted to the left. You don't have objective evidence that critical thinking can support your claim.

Tis what tis. And WHAT is this: you won't be allowed to lie without being challenged.

your lies will also be challenged. I provided this earlier, but here it is again.

read it and then admit that you were wrong all along----either wrong or "biased"

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

Stop your lying and try to critically think. "Thank you for agreeing with me that 'there is media bias on both sides.'" [from a post of mine above] Your source can't support the thesis that somehow the bias is weighted more heavily on the left than the right.

I encourage everyone to review the source, and everyone can witness how Redfish's professor makes the conclusion out of context.

Your Bubble will be shattered every time you try to impose it on others here. So will the left wing equivalent of it: witness poet going all crazy the last day or two.

You ideologues reactionary and radical have it wrong, period. The center rules this country, not the wings.

I agree that the center rules the country, and thats a very good thing because either fringe would completely destroy our great country.

I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.
your lies will also be challenged. I provided this earlier, but here it is again.

read it and then admit that you were wrong all along----either wrong or "biased"

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom

Stop your lying and try to critically think. "Thank you for agreeing with me that 'there is media bias on both sides.'" [from a post of mine above] Your source can't support the thesis that somehow the bias is weighted more heavily on the left than the right.

I encourage everyone to review the source, and everyone can witness how Redfish's professor makes the conclusion out of context.

Your Bubble will be shattered every time you try to impose it on others here. So will the left wing equivalent of it: witness poet going all crazy the last day or two.

You ideologues reactionary and radical have it wrong, period. The center rules this country, not the wings.

I agree that the center rules the country, and thats a very good thing because either fringe would completely destroy our great country.

I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Yes, the fringes are the enemy of America. You do not sound like a conservative, but rather a reactionary, according to your argumentation. Media bias is a reality but not an issue, and certainly not controlled by left wingers. Your denial is flatly in error. The facts are not your friend on this issue.

I think we have to agree to disagree on this.
Stop your lying and try to critically think. "Thank you for agreeing with me that 'there is media bias on both sides.'" [from a post of mine above] Your source can't support the thesis that somehow the bias is weighted more heavily on the left than the right.

I encourage everyone to review the source, and everyone can witness how Redfish's professor makes the conclusion out of context.

Your Bubble will be shattered every time you try to impose it on others here. So will the left wing equivalent of it: witness poet going all crazy the last day or two.

You ideologues reactionary and radical have it wrong, period. The center rules this country, not the wings.

I agree that the center rules the country, and thats a very good thing because either fringe would completely destroy our great country.

I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Yes, the fringes are the enemy of America. You do not sound like a conservative, but rather a reactionary, according to your argumentation. Media bias is a reality but not an issue, and certainly not controlled by left wingers. Your denial is flatly in error. The facts are not your friend on this issue.

I think we have to agree to disagree on this.

fine, agree to disagree. time to move on.:bye1:
I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Medias bias is much ado about nothing. A much more recent study than the one you linked to showed that more Republicans appeared on the Sunday political shows than Democrats throughout Obama's first term, by more than 2 to 1 ratio. Articles and television commentary about President Obama's policies was negative far more often than positive.
I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Medias bias is much ado about nothing. A much more recent study than the one you linked to showed that more Republicans appeared on the Sunday political shows than Democrats throughout Obama's first term, by more than 2 to 1 ratio. Articles and television commentary about President Obama's policies was negative far more often than positive,

Throughout Obama's first term, every indication is that the Republicans got their message out, and very strongly. But then the clown car came in and the Republican primaries began. The public spectacle of the Republicans ripping each other the way they normally do Democrats was highly entertaining. "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" was a devastating piece of work which trashed Romney from top to bottom, far more effectively than anything Obama did later.
I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Medias bias is much ado about nothing. A much more recent study than the one you linked to showed that more Republicans appeared on the Sunday political shows than Democrats throughout Obama's first term, by more than 2 to 1 ratio. Articles and television commentary about President Obama's policies was negative far more often than positive,

Throughout Obama's first term, every indication is that the Republicans got their message out, and very strongly. But then the clown car came in and the Republican primaries began. The public spectacle of the Republicans ripping each other the way they normally do Democrats was highly entertaining. "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" was a devastating piece of work which trashed Romney from top to bottom, far more effectively than anything Obama did later.

The fact of the matter about "media bias" is that the reactionary right and the libertarian wing cost the GOP the election because of reactionary and libertarian hysterical hate that drove away the center.

Until the reactionaries and libertarians own up and change their ways, they will continue to doom the GOP nationally.
I am not an ideologue. I am a realist who leans conservative. Media bias is real and most of the media is controlled by left wingers. Deny it if you wish but you cannot change that fact.

continuing to argue against facts does not give you a whole lot of credibility. You seem like a smart guy, but you are misguided on this topic.

Medias bias is much ado about nothing. A much more recent study than the one you linked to showed that more Republicans appeared on the Sunday political shows than Democrats throughout Obama's first term, by more than 2 to 1 ratio. Articles and television commentary about President Obama's policies was negative far more often than positive,

Throughout Obama's first term, every indication is that the Republicans got their message out, and very strongly. But then the clown car came in and the Republican primaries began. The public spectacle of the Republicans ripping each other the way they normally do Democrats was highly entertaining. "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" was a devastating piece of work which trashed Romney from top to bottom, far more effectively than anything Obama did later.

The fact of the matter about "media bias" is that the reactionary right and the libertarian wing cost the GOP the election because of reactionary and libertarian hysterical hate that drove away the center.

Until the reactionaries and libertarians own up and change their ways, they will continue to doom the GOP nationally.

You have it totally wrong, but I am not going to change your mind.

Media bias is real and has had an affect on elections, deny that if you want, but your denial does not change the facts

it is not reactionary to want a fair media that presents the facts and lets the people draw theri own conclusions. Thankfully the internet does provide the visibility that the MSM does not.
Medias bias is much ado about nothing. A much more recent study than the one you linked to showed that more Republicans appeared on the Sunday political shows than Democrats throughout Obama's first term, by more than 2 to 1 ratio. Articles and television commentary about President Obama's policies was negative far more often than positive,

Throughout Obama's first term, every indication is that the Republicans got their message out, and very strongly. But then the clown car came in and the Republican primaries began. The public spectacle of the Republicans ripping each other the way they normally do Democrats was highly entertaining. "When Mitt Romney Came To Town" was a devastating piece of work which trashed Romney from top to bottom, far more effectively than anything Obama did later.

The fact of the matter about "media bias" is that the reactionary right and the libertarian wing cost the GOP the election because of reactionary and libertarian hysterical hate that drove away the center.

Until the reactionaries and libertarians own up and change their ways, they will continue to doom the GOP nationally.

You have it totally wrong, but I am not going to change your mind.

Media bias is real and has had an affect on elections, deny that if you want, but your denial does not change the facts

it is not reactionary to want a fair media that presents the facts and lets the people draw theri own conclusions. Thankfully the internet does provide the visibility that the MSM does not.

The internet bias and hatred by the far right outweighed that of the far left, and all of it cost the GOP election.

Your type of hatred was part of the cause of the loss, not the "media bias."
The fact of the matter about "media bias" is that the reactionary right and the libertarian wing cost the GOP the election because of reactionary and libertarian hysterical hate that drove away the center.

Until the reactionaries and libertarians own up and change their ways, they will continue to doom the GOP nationally.

You have it totally wrong, but I am not going to change your mind.

Media bias is real and has had an affect on elections, deny that if you want, but your denial does not change the facts

it is not reactionary to want a fair media that presents the facts and lets the people draw theri own conclusions. Thankfully the internet does provide the visibility that the MSM does not.

The internet bias and hatred by the far right outweighed that of the far left, and all of it cost the GOP election.

Your type of hatred was part of the cause of the loss, not the "media bias."

Bullshit. total unadulterated bullshit! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
You reactionaries are going to have accept that you screwed up with all the screaming and hate speech.

No more drivel of Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Islamist, wild-eyed running-around-with-hands-flopping-in-the-air theatrics.

We will win on issues not demeaning stupid-ass theatrics. Yes, that was your fault.
You reactionaries are going to have accept that you screwed up with all the screaming and hate speech.

No more drivel of Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist, Communist, Islamist, wild-eyed running-around-with-hands-flopping-in-the-air theatrics.

We will win on issues not demeaning stupid-ass theatrics. Yes, that was your fault.

if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

I do agree that the histrionics need to be controlled, but I will never say we should put the truth aside in order to win. NEVER!
if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

Those are NOT facts, those are internet lies that have directly cost the Republican Party votes. That you believe this bullshit as "undeniable facts" shows how far out of touch you are with mainstream politics in the US.

The internet isn't exposing the truth about medias bias and the horror that is Barrack Obama. Stuff is being published, repeated and believed that has no basis in fact whatsoever. The mainstream media has fact checkers looking over their shoulders at all times. The internet does not. They can publish any lie and if enough people believe it and repeat it, it becomes one of your "undeniable facts".
if telling the truth results in losing, then so be it. I will take the truth every time no matter the results.

Obama has proven himself to be a marxist collectivist, and islamic sympathizer, and a proponent of european style socialism. His college records remain hidden from view and his past is virtually unknown because the media has chosen not to vet him like any other candidate. Those are undeniable facts.

Those are NOT facts, those are internet lies that have directly cost the Republican Party votes. That you believe this bullshit as "undeniable facts" shows how far out of touch you are with mainstream politics in the US.

The internet isn't exposing the truth about medias bias and the horror that is Barrack Obama. Stuff is being published, repeated and believed that has no basis in fact whatsoever. The mainstream media has fact checkers looking over their shoulders at all times. The internet does not. They can publish any lie and if enough people believe it and repeat it, it becomes one of your "undeniable facts".

what you said about the internet is true, but if you think the MSM only reports based on verified facts, you are sadly mistaken.

my opinions of obama are based not on what someone has said on the internet or on the MSM, but on my personal observations of his words and deeds.

It is also true that obama did not get the vetting by the media that every other candidate of either party gets. He was given a pass due to the overwhelming desire of many media people to believe that by electing a black president that the USA would somehow absolve itself from its past. It was and is a stupid thought process, but it continues today
my opinions of obama are based not on what someone has said on the internet or on the MSM, but on my personal observations of his words and deeds.

It is also true that obama did not get the vetting by the media that every other candidate of either party gets. He was given a pass due to the overwhelming desire of many media people to believe that by electing a black president that the USA would somehow absolve itself from its past. It was and is a stupid thought process, but it continues today

Then you have no comprehension as to what a marxist is, or what European socialism is because Obama is a right of centre social liberal. Nothing he has done is remotely like the type of social programs in Europe or Canada, especially the Affordable Care Act.

If the ACA was a true European style social program, private insurance would not be insuring primary care, and the government option would be your ONLY option.

Obama has been thoroughly vetted but there's little to find. The whole birther crap and the stuff about his college records are distractions that the right-wing media buys into to avoid dealing with real issues, like transfer of wealth to the top 5%, companies getting wealthier by shipping jobs overseas, and stagnant wages.

I'm a Canadian who doesn't watch ANY US news or read any US newspapers except for stuff I watch or read online. Anything I read in US links, I fact check religiously. The right wing papers in Canada report the news exactly like the mainstream media in the US, as to facts. I also read of lot of stuff from the UK. The right wing viewpoint is there, but the facts are the same. It is only when I start reading right-wing blogs or seeing stuff quoted by Limbaugh, Fox News, or the right-wing blogosphere, that the facts change.

I would suggest that you go and read the text of Obama's State of the Union address. Not some article about the State of the Union address but the actual program outlined therein. It's a very bold strategy. I think it contains a lot of initiatives to help undo the damage done by Republican fiscal policies over the past 30 years and to improve education and opportunities for all young Americans to achieve their potential.

In no way are these programs Marxist, communist, or socialist in any form. The Founding Fathers, in framing the Constitution understood that promoting the general welfare was a good thing. Throughout the Republican years, with it's extreme emphasis on cutting taxes, government infrastructure has been allowed to decay and crumble as funds were cut for any unnecessary projects.

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