Would the dems ever win?

Tell you what, you provide some proof to support the claim made in your OP, them we'll talk.

As it is, it's just so much crying on your part with nothing to back it up.

softball interviews of obama by 60 minutes
editing the Zimmerman tape to make him appear racist
not covering stories where citizens save their lives using guns
over covering stories like aurora
lying about the Giffords shooter being a conservative
not covering the LA cop killer being a liberal

there are 6 for you, now its your turn. provide 6 distortions or lies put out by Fox


Those are nothing but your partisan opinions.

Opinions aren't facts.

Try again.

sorry, but those are not opinions, they are proven facts. But your concession is accepted. :eusa_whistle:
softball interviews of obama by 60 minutes
editing the Zimmerman tape to make him appear racist
not covering stories where citizens save their lives using guns
over covering stories like aurora
lying about the Giffords shooter being a conservative
not covering the LA cop killer being a liberal

there are 6 for you, now its your turn. provide 6 distortions or lies put out by Fox


Those are nothing but your partisan opinions.

Opinions aren't facts.

Try again.

sorry, but those are not opinions, they are proven facts. But your concession is accepted. :eusa_whistle:

"Overcovering" and "softball interviews" are facts? :lol:


I'm done here, I'll leave you alone to your pathetic pity party.
Of course you are correct. there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Its not really so much a partisan argument as it is an ideological argument----large protective invasive government or individual freedom and responsibility.

with large govt individuals have fewer worries about survival but they become slaves of the state. true individual freedom means that we have the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. liberals do not want to take the chance of failure so they accept a lower standard of living in exchange for government being their nanny.


Oh man..

glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

Those are nothing but your partisan opinions.

Opinions aren't facts.

Try again.

sorry, but those are not opinions, they are proven facts. But your concession is accepted. :eusa_whistle:

"Overcovering" and "softball interviews" are facts? :lol:


I'm done here, I'll leave you alone to your pathetic pity party.

So we show you some evidence and you just laugh?

Doesn't it smell to keep your head up there?

glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

technically he is a marxist collectivist. remember Marx said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" and obama said: "I want to redistribute the wealth" and "you didn't build that"

Those are nothing but your partisan opinions.

Opinions aren't facts.

Try again.

sorry, but those are not opinions, they are proven facts. But your concession is accepted. :eusa_whistle:

"Overcovering" and "softball interviews" are facts? :lol:


I'm done here, I'll leave you alone to your pathetic pity party.

leave if you wish to concede defeat, thats just fine.

but the overcovering and softball interviews have been documented.

but here;s another chance for you. tell us one serious question asked of obama and/or hillary in the 60 minutes piece.

why weren't they asked about Benghazi? Why no questions on Syria, Libya, or F-16s to Egypt? It was a kiss ass interview, by a kiss ass media outlet. face it.
glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

technically he is a marxist collectivist. remember Marx said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" and obama said: "I want to redistribute the wealth" and "you didn't build that"

These talking heads like Rush and Beck discredit themselves when they continue to insist that Obama is a Marxist. Even the Red Chinese understand that Marx was an idiot. More than likely, they see his theory as something that is evolving, or "progressing" into a more workable construct including the existence of private industry.
Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

technically he is a marxist collectivist. remember Marx said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" and obama said: "I want to redistribute the wealth" and "you didn't build that"

These talking heads like Rush and Beck discredit themselves when they continue to insist that Obama is a Marxist. Even the Red Chinese understand that Marx was an idiot. More than likely, they see his theory as something that is evolving, or "progressing" into a more workable construct including the existence of private industry.

OK, I think we are in basic agreement so I am not going to split hairs with you on definitions. :eusa_angel:
technically he is a marxist collectivist. remember Marx said "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" and obama said: "I want to redistribute the wealth" and "you didn't build that"

These talking heads like Rush and Beck discredit themselves when they continue to insist that Obama is a Marxist. Even the Red Chinese understand that Marx was an idiot. More than likely, they see his theory as something that is evolving, or "progressing" into a more workable construct including the existence of private industry.

OK, I think we are in basic agreement so I am not going to split hairs with you on definitions. :eusa_angel:

Split hairs? There is no splitting hairs, only truth and untruth.

The problem with truth is if you stick with it, eventually it will kick you in the arse and you then have two choices. You can grin and bear it, or attack it. Most do the later.

glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

Obama is not a Marxist or a communist or even a socialist, he's a corportist, same as his preacessor.
sorry, but those are not opinions, they are proven facts. But your concession is accepted. :eusa_whistle:

"Overcovering" and "softball interviews" are facts? :lol:


I'm done here, I'll leave you alone to your pathetic pity party.

leave if you wish to concede defeat, thats just fine.

but the overcovering and softball interviews have been documented.

but here;s another chance for you. tell us one serious question asked of obama and/or hillary in the 60 minutes piece.

why weren't they asked about Benghazi? Why no questions on Syria, Libya, or F-16s to Egypt? It was a kiss ass interview, by a kiss ass media outlet. face it.

"Concede defeat? :lol:

These are the same stupid crybaby threads you used to create on the Hannity forum and get laughed at. Guess you thought you'd try it here, huh?

Now you say that since the questions you wanted asked weren't it was a softball interview. That's your OPINION, it isn't fact.

And yes, it's pointless to waste my time discussing this with you, since you're too thick to figure this out. Be happy claiming victory. enjoy your pity and have a lovely day.
glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

Obama is not a Marxist or a communist or even a socialist, he's a corportist, same as his preacessor.

Yes, I believe I covered this.
Obama is not a Marxist. The traditional Marxism thinks that they can do away with the private sector. Those in Washington are far too dependent on their money to think this. All they want to do is control them.

It is akin to Hilter's quote below.

Obama is not a Marxist or a communist or even a socialist, he's a corportist, same as his preacessor.

Yes, I believe I covered this.

Amazingly, not everyone subscribes to your newsletter.

Surprising, I know.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

You and others on the right need to get over this ‘liberal media’ nonsense, and face the fact that the majority of the voters rejected a GOP agenda predicated on hate and ignorance.

Republicans must realize that their failure stems not from the ‘liberal media,’ the myth of voter ‘fraud,’ or ‘uninformed’ voters, but from their very policies and actions.

Stop looking to cast blame elsewhere and assume personal responsibility for a change.
Fox news lies to these fools and gets caught red handed doing so.

They then still continue to mouth the fox talking points about all the other media is lying and ONLY Fox is tellling the truth.

that is the republican base for you
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

You and others on the right need to get over this ‘liberal media’ nonsense, and face the fact that the majority of the voters rejected a GOP agenda predicated on hate and ignorance.

Republicans must realize that their failure stems not from the ‘liberal media,’ the myth of voter ‘fraud,’ or ‘uninformed’ voters, but from their very policies and actions.

Stop looking to cast blame elsewhere and assume personal responsibility for a change.

I know it serves your purposes to believe that the biased media had nothing to do with obama winning, but you are wrong about that.

when a large % of voters get their news from SNL and MTV there is no way they were voting based on facts. when 80% of the media is an arm of the dem party, there is no way the low information voters had access to the truth about the candidates.

these are facts, you can ignore them if it makes you feel good.
Fox news lies to these fools and gets caught red handed doing so.

They then still continue to mouth the fox talking points about all the other media is lying and ONLY Fox is tellling the truth.

that is the republican base for you

please list the specific lies that you claim Fox is guilty of telling.

list them along with proof that they are lies.

if you cannot do that, then STFU because to continue will just make you look more foolish.
Of course you are correct. there is no black and white, only shades of grey. Its not really so much a partisan argument as it is an ideological argument----large protective invasive government or individual freedom and responsibility.

with large govt individuals have fewer worries about survival but they become slaves of the state. true individual freedom means that we have the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. liberals do not want to take the chance of failure so they accept a lower standard of living in exchange for government being their nanny.


Oh man..

glad to have amused you. You really don't know what you are asking for when you support obama and his marxism do you?

First off..I ain't asking you to support anything. You are a free person with your own mind.

Second off..calling Obama a marxist..really just shows you understand neither Marxism or Obama.

Pick up a book.
You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

Exactly the point of the thread, IF we had an honest media would dems win elections. IF the media truly vetted all candidates equally would obama have won? the typical liberal response is evident in the earlier posts, attack the messenger and denigrate anyone who does not worship at the feet of chairman maobama

Which is exactly what you do: be divisive and attack anyone who disagrees with you. Too many in both parties do exactly that.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

You and others on the right need to get over this ‘liberal media’ nonsense, and face the fact that the majority of the voters rejected a GOP agenda predicated on hate and ignorance.

Republicans must realize that their failure stems not from the ‘liberal media,’ the myth of voter ‘fraud,’ or ‘uninformed’ voters, but from their very policies and actions.

Stop looking to cast blame elsewhere and assume personal responsibility for a change.

I know it serves your purposes to believe that the biased media had nothing to do with obama winning, but you are wrong about that.

when a large % of voters get their news from SNL and MTV there is no way they were voting based on facts. when 80% of the media is an arm of the dem party, there is no way the low information voters had access to the truth about the candidates.

these are facts, you can ignore them if it makes you feel good.

Nonsense, you’ve provided no evidence as to these ‘facts.’

All the news organizations do is turn on the camera, it’s when a republican starts talking the GOP is in trouble.

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