Would the dems ever win?

Friends claimed "most Americans realize that economic policies that benefit the rich do not benefit them", not what Redfish claimed Friends wrote: "that only republicans are rich and legislate for the rich is simply naive." What a stupid-type of fauxnews lie!

Nope, I quoted the intent of his comment and you know it. He was trying to make the case that republicans only do things to help the evil rich. I merely pointed out that that is not true.

You just doubled down on your lie. Your own words condemn what you are writing is not true.
The Democrats won with Foxnews as the most watched cable news network, with talk radio almost entirely dominated by rightwing propaganda, and with a vast proliferation of rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

The better question is, why does the GOP ever lose?

The Republican Party loses because despite the lies of Rush Limbaugh


and those of FOX News


most Americans realize that economic policies that benefit the rich do not benefit them.

The middle class just had the largest tax increase in US history via Obamacare, and to make things worse, corporate America sets the tax. In addition, the inflating dollar is killing the middle class at the other end because they spend trillion dollar budgets every year.

How could it get any worse?
The Democrats won with Foxnews as the most watched cable news network, with talk radio almost entirely dominated by rightwing propaganda, and with a vast proliferation of rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

The better question is, why does the GOP ever lose?

The Republican Party loses because despite the lies of Rush Limbaugh


and those of FOX News


most Americans realize that economic policies that benefit the rich do not benefit them.

The middle class just had the largest tax increase in US history via Obamacare, and to make things worse, corporate America sets the tax. In addition, the inflating dollar is killing the middle class at the other end because they spend trillion dollar budgets every year.

How could it get any worse?

It's worse because of your unsubstantiated claim.
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

If you must troll, find some real bait.

how is it trolling to ask a legitimate question? Do you think the MSM is fair, honest, and unbiased? Do you think Hollywood is fair, honest, and unbiased?

it isn't a legitimate question.

it's a troll thread.

and presupposes that the only legitimate media is the rightwingnut blogosphere.
And it assumes that the right-wing blogosphere is telling the truth, which time and time again, it has been proven, they are not.

Truth is in the eye of the beholder.

Extreme right wing partisans, like the OP, chose to believe the right wing media because it fits with their agenda and they have neither the moral courage or the intellectual honesty to question it or accept different opinions.

It is what it is.
If you must troll, find some real bait.

how is it trolling to ask a legitimate question? Do you think the MSM is fair, honest, and unbiased? Do you think Hollywood is fair, honest, and unbiased?

it isn't a legitimate question.

it's a troll thread.

and presupposes that the only legitimate media is the rightwingnut blogosphere.

not true at all, it is a proven fact that the MSM leans left and always supports the democrats. the MSM is much larger than any so-called right wing media.

I am merely asking if dems could still win if the media was unbiased and just reported the facts about the candidates.
how is it trolling to ask a legitimate question? Do you think the MSM is fair, honest, and unbiased? Do you think Hollywood is fair, honest, and unbiased?

it isn't a legitimate question.

it's a troll thread.

and presupposes that the only legitimate media is the rightwingnut blogosphere.

not true at all, it is a proven fact that the MSM leans left and always supports the democrats. the MSM is much larger than any so-called right wing media.

I am merely asking if dems could still win if the media was unbiased and just reported the facts about the candidates.

I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.
If you must troll, find some real bait.

how is it trolling to ask a legitimate question? Do you think the MSM is fair, honest, and unbiased? Do you think Hollywood is fair, honest, and unbiased?

LMAO :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Do you think Fox News is 'fair, honest and unbaised'? OMG I can't stop laughing.

the "news" programs on Fox are much more balanced than any similar news programs on the MSM. Fox commentary like Hannity are clearly right wing.

Now, lets talk about Chris Matthews who claims to be a "news" reporter. Do you consider him fair and balanced? How about Katie Couric?
it isn't a legitimate question.

it's a troll thread.

and presupposes that the only legitimate media is the rightwingnut blogosphere.

not true at all, it is a proven fact that the MSM leans left and always supports the democrats. the MSM is much larger than any so-called right wing media.

I am merely asking if dems could still win if the media was unbiased and just reported the facts about the candidates.

I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.

its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.
not true at all, it is a proven fact that the MSM leans left and always supports the democrats. the MSM is much larger than any so-called right wing media.

I am merely asking if dems could still win if the media was unbiased and just reported the facts about the candidates.

I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.

its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

Redfish, quit projecting. Both right and left have propaganda organs. There is no state-controlled media that you flabble about.

Media is always biased. It is not about news, it is about sensationalism that sells advertising space. True capitalism that.
not true at all, it is a proven fact that the MSM leans left and always supports the democrats. the MSM is much larger than any so-called right wing media.

I am merely asking if dems could still win if the media was unbiased and just reported the facts about the candidates.

I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.

its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

It's absolutley about placing blame on the media while absolving GOP politicians.

Virtually every GOP politician facing contested office ran a campaign, took part in debates, ran ads and had plenty of opportunity to get their message out.

Since they lost POTUS and seats in both houses of Congress, we now get GOP supporters crying like little bitches about how "unfair" the media was to those poor people and making excuses.

It's pathetic. Grow the hell up, take the blame when your people lose and stop trying to shift the blame.
I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.

its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

Redfish, quit projecting. Both right and left have propaganda organs. There is no state-controlled media that you flabble about.

Media is always biased. It is not about news, it is about sensationalism that sells advertising space. True capitalism that.

true to a point and the 24/7/365 news cycle is partly to blame because the clowns have all that time to fill, so they have to make up shit.

but seriously, the media of the 50s and 60s and 70s was not as biaised as it is today. Chronkite and Brinkley may have been raving liberals but it did not come out in their broadcasts.

now the MSM is shamefully obvious in its support of everything liberal. I know you don't see that as a problem because you are a liberal-------but think about it. Is this really good for our country?
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Bush won, didn't he? Twice.

Stop trying to blame everyone else for the GOP's fuckups.

The first step to solving your problem is admitting you have one.
its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

Redfish, quit projecting. Both right and left have propaganda organs. There is no state-controlled media that you flabble about.

Media is always biased. It is not about news, it is about sensationalism that sells advertising space. True capitalism that.

true to a point and the 24/7/365 news cycle is partly to blame because the clowns have all that time to fill, so they have to make up shit.

but seriously, the media of the 50s and 60s and 70s was not as biaised as it is today. Chronkite and Brinkley may have been raving liberals but it did not come out in their broadcasts.

now the MSM is shamefully obvious in its support of everything liberal. I know you don't see that as a problem because you are a liberal-------but think about it. Is this really good for our country?

Your flabble is fun to read. I am not liberal, and you are merely reactionary, so a Christie or Jindall seem liberal to you. Silly that.
I guess its much easier to blame others for your failures that look in the mirror and blame yourself.

"Party of personal responsibility" my ass.

its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

It's absolutley about placing blame on the media while absolving GOP politicians.

Virtually every GOP politician facing contested office ran a campaign, took part in debates, ran ads and had plenty of opportunity to get their message out.

Since they lost POTUS and seats in both houses of Congress, we now get GOP supporters crying like little bitches about how "unfair" the media was to those poor people and making excuses.

It's pathetic. Grow the hell up, take the blame when your people lose and stop trying to shift the blame.

Romney did not run a good campaign and thats why he lost. But if you look at it realistically--and you probably won't---he was competing with obama and the media most of the time.

McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket and the GOP screwed up by running them.

I accept that. But that does not change the fact that the MSM has a left wing bias.
The Republican primaries were a circus. The candidates were a bag of dildos. The GOP came off looking completely out of touch. A bunch of old men eating themselves and their young.

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