Would the dems ever win?

He was awesome in that debate, and when Obama came back strong, Mitt went back to the bad old way.
Redfish, quit projecting. Both right and left have propaganda organs. There is no state-controlled media that you flabble about.

Media is always biased. It is not about news, it is about sensationalism that sells advertising space. True capitalism that.

true to a point and the 24/7/365 news cycle is partly to blame because the clowns have all that time to fill, so they have to make up shit.

but seriously, the media of the 50s and 60s and 70s was not as biaised as it is today. Chronkite and Brinkley may have been raving liberals but it did not come out in their broadcasts.

now the MSM is shamefully obvious in its support of everything liberal. I know you don't see that as a problem because you are a liberal-------but think about it. Is this really good for our country?

Your flabble is fun to read. I am not liberal, and you are merely reactionary, so a Christie or Jindall seem liberal to you. Silly that.

earlier in the thread I gave a link to a study done by UCLA that confirmed left wing media bias. Did you bother to look at it? BTW, UCLA is hardly a right wing institution.

Jindal is our governor and has done a great job. Christie is a fat fool who gave up his principles to suck up to obama, and his people in NJ are still suffering from a storm that happened months ago. Christie is a failure. Jindal is a success.

not sure why you brought them up, but thats my take on them
Your definition of left wing media is not what the sources are suggesting. Jindall is awesome, Christi is awesome, and you are missing the boat because of your reactionary beliefs.
The GOP has to stop coddling and nurturing its mental defects. The birthers, the bigots, the liars, the hypocrites, the weak-minded parroting piss drinkers who can't think critically and who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. That's what about 90 percent of the alleged "right wingers" on this forum are.

Run out the rubes, and a much better class of conservatives will bloom, and in larger numbers.

Time to weed the garden.
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Romney was defeated by his far right that scared of middle America.

Romeny was defeated by conservative and libertarian voters who stayed home. The so-called 'far right' is a tiny group of idiots that live in the woods and eat tree bark. Obama won because his racial and left wing bases came out to vote---but in smaller numbers than in 08
its not about placing blame, its about pointing out the hypocrisy of the MSM which has become nothing but a mouthpiece for the dem party.

Are you comfortable with a state controlled media? Are you comfortable with a media that gets its direction from either political party?

A biased media is a dangerous thing, no matter which side they support.

It's absolutley about placing blame on the media while absolving GOP politicians.

Virtually every GOP politician facing contested office ran a campaign, took part in debates, ran ads and had plenty of opportunity to get their message out.

Since they lost POTUS and seats in both houses of Congress, we now get GOP supporters crying like little bitches about how "unfair" the media was to those poor people and making excuses.

It's pathetic. Grow the hell up, take the blame when your people lose and stop trying to shift the blame.

Romney did not run a good campaign and thats why he lost. But if you look at it realistically--and you probably won't---he was competing with obama and the media most of the time.

McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket and the GOP screwed up by running them.

I accept that. But that does not change the fact that the MSM has a left wing bias.

Would the dems ever win

If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Are these two posts writen by the same member?

Romney was defeated by his far right that scared of middle America.

Romeny was defeated by conservative and libertarian voters who stayed home. The so-called 'far right' is a tiny group of idiots that live in the woods and eat tree bark. Obama won because his racial and left wing bases came out to vote---but in smaller numbers than in 08

Nonsense. The reactionary and libertarian haters scared off sensible America.
It's absolutley about placing blame on the media while absolving GOP politicians.

Virtually every GOP politician facing contested office ran a campaign, took part in debates, ran ads and had plenty of opportunity to get their message out.

Since they lost POTUS and seats in both houses of Congress, we now get GOP supporters crying like little bitches about how "unfair" the media was to those poor people and making excuses.

It's pathetic. Grow the hell up, take the blame when your people lose and stop trying to shift the blame.

Romney did not run a good campaign and thats why he lost. But if you look at it realistically--and you probably won't---he was competing with obama and the media most of the time.

McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket and the GOP screwed up by running them.

I accept that. But that does not change the fact that the MSM has a left wing bias.

Would the dems ever win

If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Are these two posts writen by the same member?


yes, and there is no inconsistency with them. I know it may be too much for you to grasp intellectually, but people can see media bias and also see political stupidity
The GOP has to stop coddling and nurturing its mental defects. The birthers, the bigots, the liars, the hypocrites, the weak-minded parroting piss drinkers who can't think critically and who have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker. That's what about 90 percent of the alleged "right wingers" on this forum are.

The Republican party needs a BIG shovel to take out the trash.

This is where the GOP and the conservative media are at odds.

These are the people tuning in on the radio to the Limbaughs and the Becks, so they play to these nuts to make money. The GOP can either accept this (which is what they are doing) or wage war with the CEC, which they do not have to stomach for.

But I agree, as long as thses nuts are in the GOP tent with a loud voice, moderate and independents will keep running away.
Romney was defeated by his far right that scared of middle America.

Romeny was defeated by conservative and libertarian voters who stayed home. The so-called 'far right' is a tiny group of idiots that live in the woods and eat tree bark. Obama won because his racial and left wing bases came out to vote---but in smaller numbers than in 08

Nonsense. The reactionary and libertarian haters scared off sensible America.

How is it being a "hater" to want our government to follow the constitution? how is it being a "hater" to want the govt to control spending? how is it being a "hater" to be opposed to a president who is taking us down the path to failed european socialism?
Romney did not run a good campaign and thats why he lost. But if you look at it realistically--and you probably won't---he was competing with obama and the media most of the time.

McCain/Palin was a terrible ticket and the GOP screwed up by running them.

I accept that. But that does not change the fact that the MSM has a left wing bias.

Would the dems ever win

If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

Are these two posts writen by the same member?


yes, and there is no inconsistency with them. I know it may be too much for you to grasp intellectually, but people can see media bias and also see political stupidity

OP - The democrats would not win without a biased media.

Recent post - Romney and McCain ran bad campaigns and lost because of them.

Hypocrisy and intellectual inconsistency on display.
Romeny was defeated by conservative and libertarian voters who stayed home. The so-called 'far right' is a tiny group of idiots that live in the woods and eat tree bark. Obama won because his racial and left wing bases came out to vote---but in smaller numbers than in 08

Nonsense. The reactionary and libertarian haters scared off sensible America.

How is it being a "hater" to want our government to follow the constitution? how is it being a "hater" to want the govt to control spending? how is it being a "hater" to be opposed to a president who is taking us down the path to failed european socialism?

The screaming, the yelling, the chants of Nazi and Socialist and Marxist and Kenyan and Muslim all remind the sensible part of America of the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood and the militia nuts. The bolded above is proof positive that makes people afraid of your vapid chanting.
How is it being a "hater" to want our government to follow the constitution? how is it being a "hater" to want the govt to control spending? how is it being a "hater" to be opposed to a president who is taking us down the path to failed european socialism?

Unrestrained capitalism has failed too. That's what we refer to when we say that W crashed the world's economy. That's an epic fail. Republican fiscal policies cause depressions.
Are these two posts writen by the same member?


yes, and there is no inconsistency with them. I know it may be too much for you to grasp intellectually, but people can see media bias and also see political stupidity

OP - The democrats would not win without a biased media.

Recent post - Romney and McCain ran bad campaigns and lost because of them.

Hypocrisy and intellectual inconsistency on display.

not at all, both are true. and both played a part in the election of 2012.

why is that so hard for you to grasp?
Nonsense. The reactionary and libertarian haters scared off sensible America.

How is it being a "hater" to want our government to follow the constitution? how is it being a "hater" to want the govt to control spending? how is it being a "hater" to be opposed to a president who is taking us down the path to failed european socialism?

The screaming, the yelling, the chants of Nazi and Socialist and Marxist and Kenyan and Muslim all remind the sensible part of America of the KKK and the Aryan Brotherhood and the militia nuts. The bolded above is proof positive that makes people afraid of your vapid chanting.

Do you deny that the USA is moving towards the form of socialism displayed in Europe?

what is obamacare but the NHS of the UK with a new name?

what are welfare and foodstamps but the guaranteed income programs that crashed Greece?
How is it being a "hater" to want our government to follow the constitution? how is it being a "hater" to want the govt to control spending? how is it being a "hater" to be opposed to a president who is taking us down the path to failed european socialism?

Unrestrained capitalism has failed too. That's what we refer to when we say that W crashed the world's economy. That's an epic fail. Republican fiscal policies cause depressions.

capitalism in the USA has never been unrestrained. The world's economy was not crashed in 2008. Where do you get this crap?

Speaking of failed fiscal policy-which party has controlled congress for most of the last 75 years? hint---its not the republicans.
You have to proved "that the USA is moving towards the form of socialism displayed in Europe". You haven't, simply stated it. You have to prove ACA is like the NHS of the UK. You have to prove that "welfare and foodstamps" are "the guaranteed income programs that crashed Greece."

Your assertions are not evidence, and when you scream and yell and hate, good folks turn away from you.
The Democrats won with Foxnews as the most watched cable news network, with talk radio almost entirely dominated by rightwing propaganda, and with a vast proliferation of rightwing propaganda sites on the internet.

The better question is, why does the GOP ever lose?

Not enough people getting entitlements.
You have to proved "that the USA is moving towards the form of socialism displayed in Europe". You haven't, simply stated it. You have to prove ACA is like the NHS of the UK. You have to prove that "welfare and foodstamps" are "the guaranteed income programs that crashed Greece."

Your assertions are not evidence, and when you scream and yell and hate, good folks turn away from you.

I asked you a question: do you deny that the USA is moving towards a form of socialism currently on display in Europe?

the answer is a yes or no.

I don't have to prove anything, its obvious to anyone with functioning brain cells.

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