Would the dems ever win?

I am not playing the victim at all. There is no doubt the mainstream media play a 100% role in getting Obama re elected. Especially after the cover-up that let four Americans die in Benghazi.

What exactly do you think that they're covering up? Why do you think it matters so much that the State Department sat on the information that it was a terrorist attack? Would it have changed anything at all if they had said it was a terrorist attack from day 1?

My impression is that Fox is absolutely desperate to find something, anything to discredit the Obama administration, but having precious few opportunities to do so, they come up with all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories , like the birther stuff, whenever they find some nugget they can exploit, but it's all been drama and little substance.

Fox also seeks to keep their viewer in a constant state of anger at the administration so they focus relentlessly on these so-called conspiracies to the exclusion of real news. When the only way you can discredit your opponent is to tell lies about him, it doesn't say much for your platform or your ideas, does it?

I don't live in the US, and I don't read much American media, other than when I link to stuff that's posted online. I don't watch any US network news and never have. I do watch the Daily Show, but that's satire. I read both conservative and liberal Canadian newspapers, I also read some British papers online, and their take on events is pretty much the same as the mainstream news media.

And in the rest of the world, people who get their information from Fox News are considered to be ill-informed and highly gullible.
I am not playing the victim at all. There is no doubt the mainstream media play a 100% role in getting Obama re elected. Especially after the cover-up that let four Americans die in Benghazi.

What exactly do you think that they're covering up? Why do you think it matters so much that the State Department sat on the information that it was a terrorist attack? Would it have changed anything at all if they had said it was a terrorist attack from day 1?

My impression is that Fox is absolutely desperate to find something, anything to discredit the Obama administration, but having precious few opportunities to do so, they come up with all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy theories , like the birther stuff, whenever they find some nugget they can exploit, but it's all been drama and little substance.

Fox also seeks to keep their viewer in a constant state of anger at the administration so they focus relentlessly on these so-called conspiracies to the exclusion of real news. When the only way you can discredit your opponent is to tell lies about him, it doesn't say much for your platform or your ideas, does it?

I don't live in the US, and I don't read much American media, other than when I link to stuff that's posted online. I don't watch any US network news and never have. I do watch the Daily Show, but that's satire. I read both conservative and liberal Canadian newspapers, I also read some British papers online, and their take on events is pretty much the same as the mainstream news media.

And in the rest of the world, people who get their information from Fox News are considered to be ill-informed and highly gullible.

It would have changed everything ... they not only sat on the murders the openly lie about it.

If they had said from day one it was a terrorist attack instead of lying it would have meant they were telling the truth to the American people!! And the truth was not kind to the Obama Administration.

Right there Obama would have lost a huge amount of votes.
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".

True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".

True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

FoxNews provides a valuable service for Democrats

They set the agenda for the GOP, they provide Republicans with their marching orders and they prevent Republican moderates from straying from the party line

Dems can't win without them
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".

True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

FoxNews provides a valuable service for Democrats

They set the agenda for the GOP, they provide Republicans with their marching orders and they prevent Republican moderates from straying from the party line

Dems can't win without them

what a mindless bunch of crap. Without Fox and talk radio, the dem/libs would control the entire media and therefore the state would control the media. Is that what you want? Do you want Pravda and Politburo in the USA?

What is it that you libs find so objectionable about giving airtime to all viewpoints? Is it because you know that when the voters know the facts they will reject liberalism every time?
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".

True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.
True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

FoxNews provides a valuable service for Democrats

They set the agenda for the GOP, they provide Republicans with their marching orders and they prevent Republican moderates from straying from the party line

Dems can't win without them

what a mindless bunch of crap. Without Fox and talk radio, the dem/libs would control the entire media and therefore the state would control the media. Is that what you want? Do you want Pravda and Politburo in the USA?

What is it that you libs find so objectionable about giving airtime to all viewpoints? Is it because you know that when the voters know the facts they will reject liberalism every time?

Still getting your victim on, huh?

You know, no matter how much you repeat the same garbage over and over, it still doesn't make it true.
Right now the Dems can't afford to let Fox get newsworthy and respectable.

The folks who mindlessly take in that pablum are obvious to others who stare at them open mouthed, thinking "idiots".

True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."
If we had an honest media?

Opinions and thoughts, please.

I was watching Pawn Stars the other day, I just love the show, and someone brought in a signed letter from FDR. In the letter, he wrote a preacher whom he was asking to support his social security program from the pulpit. For you see, the program was largely unpopular at the time. People simply did not see the need for it and had to be sold on the idea. That is how vital propaganda is and how well it works.

Incidentally, the letter ended up being authentic and the man got a fortune for selling the wretched document, because people simply cannot get enough of the little dictator.
If we have a left leaning media why have they NOT told the American people of the decades of republican party cheating in this country?

Because slander is against the law.

court documented evidence.

Evidence in fact that the republican party itsself has never refuted in court.

they merely grovel and promise not to do it again.

OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER
True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.
True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

really? put up or shut up-------------provide evidence of lies by any of those guys. Prove it, or admit that you are the liar here.
If we have a left leaning media why have they NOT told the American people of the decades of republican party cheating in this country?

Because slander is against the law.

court documented evidence.

Evidence in fact that the republican party itsself has never refuted in court.

they merely grovel and promise not to do it again.

OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER

I feel sorry for anyone who trys to defend one party over the other.

What a bunch of losers.
True that.

That's why it amuses me when republicans claim democrats fear Fox news. Limbaugh, Beck, etc.

They don't fear them, they embrace them. Without the CEC the GOP probably would not have taken a hard right turn and independents would never have been informed exactly how far right many of the candidates really were.

the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

Fox spends months lying to them about robmoney numbers and they believe them right up until the very end.

so what do they do in response?

double down on the crap line that "fox is the only one telling me the truth" idiocy.

Fox is PROVEN beyond all showdow of a doubt of lying to them and they still stay loyal and call the ones who told the truth liars.

These are the type of people who should be ingored by every party.

The republican party needs them or they will never win any elections.

So the republican party base is insane and the republican party just cant quite them.

That is what Jindal was talking about.

I dont see a good way out of this mess the republcian party has created for itself.

They cheat enough to win and EVERYONE will KNOW about the decades of cheating.

they are in BIG trouble
the dems do not fear Fox, Limbaugh, Beck, etc-----what they fear is the truth.

You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

You were actually headed for a decent, insightful post until that last sentence.

So close, so close.
Because slander is against the law.

court documented evidence.

Evidence in fact that the republican party itsself has never refuted in court.

they merely grovel and promise not to do it again.

OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER

I feel sorry for anyone who trys to defend one party over the other.

What a bunch of losers.

the facts are not ALWAYS in the middle.

only silly little boys who think they are smarter than they really are cling to that stupidity
You're right about one thing, Fox, Linbaugh, Beck. etc have absolutely nothing to do with the "truth." and it amuses me when I see far right whack jobs continuing to pimp these entertainers as some fountains of "truth."

I have often been amused by the constant attacks against these talking heads. I've heard everything from they are insane to them not espousing any truth.

First of all, they are all very rich men. To then say that they became this way only espousing lies is entertaining to me. Of course there is some truth there, otherwise no one would listen. The only question becomes, how much truth?

Are they any worse the the Today show, a seemingless benign media outlet that is nothing more than a way to find a good recipee for cooking these days, shows a clip of Zimmerman that was manufactured by them to try and portray him as a racist?

All media outlets are biased and all tell lies to various degrees. To think that there is a media outlet out there that is all truth telling and unbiased is insane.

Of course, by their very definition liberals are insane, so I'll cut them some slack.

You were actually headed for a decent, insightful post until that last sentence.

So close, so close.

Translation: I can't stand partisan shills. That goes for both sides. They voluntarily stick thier collective heads up their arse. If both parties told the truth both parties would be out of business.

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