Would the Left be okay if upon their presidential loss, a Trump/Desantis sent the FBI/DOJ against "Biden Democrats"?

We already know the answer to that. They claim Republicans are fighting a war against everyone and want to take democracy away. But, it's just a smokescreen to cover up the fact that we do have those who really are trying to take democracy away and it is those on the left, who are actually doing it right now as we speak. Our first amendment is under attack, our second amendment is under attack, and they are abusing their powers to round up their enemies, try them in kangaroo courts, and jail them, not to mention they want to be the fact police and control the media like Russia does. The government will decide what are facts and what is misinformation.

Our First Amendment is under attack from Republicans. Fascists ignore the fact that the second amendment uses the words "well-regulated". No one is abusing anything. These people have been tried and jailed after being convicted for crimes. So much for your law and order garbage.
When Conservatives retake control, if Dominion were to allow that to occur, it would still be fair to go after and prosecute anyone that allowed themselves to be a weaponized government agent or were responsible for such agents being weaponized against people simply exercising their constitutional rights. That would not be retribution against political opposition. It would be prosecuting the unconstitutional violations against US Citizens.

It would be retribution. No one is being arrested for exercising their constitutional rights.
Of course. It's all their fault.

Not when it comes to the idiocy of your two-party shitshow. That's no mistake. That's the sorry state of our reality.

Your reality is that you are prepared to let Republican fascists take over the country but you are not one. In a pig's eye. There is nothing fascist about Democrats. I am waiting for you to tell us why Democrats are fascist.
OMG, why are you such a lying sack of shit?


If we do head to fascism, you will be a enabler. Republicans attack voting rights, free speech rights, seek to impose their religion on us at the point of a gun and attack free speech rights. They terrorize gays and transgenders. The worst thing you can say about Democrats are that they are too liberal. I am a Reagan Republican and voted for every Republican candidate through 2012. In 2016, I could stand neither so I voted for a independent candidate. That was a mistake. Clinton was not a authoritarian while Trump is. I enabled that by voting that way.
Yep! It is definitely drugs! No sane human being could lie like that!
Once again, you prove your idiocy. Those were convicted criminals from the concentration camps in Poland, executed after they were tried and convicted by a Soviet/Polish military tribunal. A simple Google search proved what a incredible moron you are!

My God, you are such a dumbass! Are you simply lying sack of shit in your posts or are you that incredibly stupid?
I said you could push someone off a truck at similar height. Its not my fault you have difficulty with reading comprehension. It must have been your time in the war there Rock. That nurse is cute. She'll fix your arm right up. Sorry about your kid though.
This is only complicated for partisan ideologues.
  1. If you suspect something, investigate it
  2. If you find something, prosecute
  3. If they're found guilty, nail 'em good
  4. If anyone helped them, nail them too, family included
  5. Individual name or party affiliation irrelevant
Country over party. Easy peasy.

I wish the GQP felt this way.
Still using that typo in every post when you to to reference the Republicans? Are you incompetent or just stupid?
If Republicans take control in 2024 and fail to weaponize every government agency to eliminate the leftists with extreme prejudice America will be a dictatorship more like China under Mao than was Germany under Hitler.
Would they simply "deserve it" because they were charged, regardless of the reasons?

Or would this be labeled as some authoritarian overreach by the Left? (yes, it would).

Depends on whether Biden stole classified documents and refused to return them for a year and a half.
Comey did make a mistake. He never should have announced publicly that he was re-opening the investigation. That potentially had a effect on the election.
Sure it did. In my view, the potential risks of influencing the election had to be weighed against the effect that keeping quiet would have on the department he was heading. In other words, he made a judgment call. One I defended at the time.

Comey did what he had to do when he got new information. He notified congress the moment he got it. He took politics out of the equation, protecting the integrity of the bureau. He also knew politics would be put into it the moment it got released, but in my opinion acted in the best interest for his agency. All the spin, like this OP is doesn't change the very simple fact, that at no point did Comey claim the emails contained anything interesting, he said he will investigate it, not the same thing. And the only meaning you can ascertain from this release is that the FBI like any other bureaucratic entity covers it's ass. And rightfully so in my opinion.
I said you could push someone off a truck at similar height. Its not my fault you have difficulty with reading comprehension. It must have been your time in the war there Rock. That nurse is cute. She'll fix your arm right up. Sorry about your kid though.
You said "WE" you stupid MF! WE did no such thing, faggot breath!

Would the Left be okay if upon their presidential loss, a Trump/Desantis sent the FBI/DOJ against "Biden Democrats"?​

Would they simply "deserve it" because they were charged, regardless of the reasons?

Or would this be labeled as some authoritarian overreach by the Left? (yes, it would).

Toadie, IT'S NOT OK for any President/VP to direct FBI/DOJ investigations into matters of their own personal interest, including political opposition. It's corruption, plain and simple.

That is exactly WHY Trump's constant interference and obstruction of justice process was so reprehensible, exactly why that swamp lord should be nowhere near White House.

I hold Democrats to this same standard and should there ever be evidence of such corrupt acts by a Democrat administration I'll be the first on here to condemn it.
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Would they simply "deserve it" because they were charged, regardless of the reasons?

Or would this be labeled as some authoritarian overreach by the Left? (yes, it would).
I don't think the Trump-Desantis ticket will be happening:

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