Would Trump Supporters Support Hitler if they thought it was Trump?

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

Hey, you are dealing in hypotheticals.

It has already been established gigantic gaggles of morons RE-ELECTED the world's biggest ZERO and TRAITOR to the United States.
So don't try to imply the idiots are on the right. We are just sick of all those guys in D.C. playing us for fools and a vote for Trump spells that out.

Of course its hypothetical. Congrats on recognizing the obvious but your deflection isnt a defense of the Trump boot lickers. They stand for nothing...actually they stand for whatever wacky thing Donald does at any given moment.

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

Hey, you are dealing in hypotheticals.

It has already been established gigantic gaggles of morons RE-ELECTED the world's biggest ZERO and TRAITOR to the United States.
So don't try to imply the idiots are on the right. We are just sick of all those guys in D.C. playing us for fools and a vote for Trump spells that out.

Of course its hypothetical. Congrats on recognizing the obvious but your deflection isnt a defense of the Trump boot lickers. They stand for nothing...actually they stand for whatever wacky thing Donald does at any given moment.

It's a Cult of Personality.

They have a new, Dear Leader (saying just what he knows they want to hear)...
Look how natural it is for her

Is she ordering ovens to throw you into?

No, we still have our guns. But, she wants to change that, huh?
Ya, the facts are, if not for the murdering and enslavement of people he didn't like and invasion of his neighboring countries, Hitler might not have been such a bad guy.
Exactly. He brought a defeated nation back to life, put it back on its feet. gave it pride again, got things done again. You don't have to love the guy to be honest about that. The problem with Nazi Germany, for the average German those were good times for a time. If you are being rational about it you can understand that, but few are. Just because Hitler liked dogs and children doesn't mean we have to hate them eh?

It isn't so hard to make an economic recovery when you are able to arrest people and make them disappear as you confiscate all their wealth and property.
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

1. They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
1. 1 trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs that weren't really shovel ready. That went over well.
2. We don't defend our borders but allow HORDES of illegals to cross over, taking from us and our children our future, even to the point of killing us.
3. They were liberal radicals, and killed Jewish people(who were 1%ers) for the final solution.
4. If you didn't get back to work, you were executed or sent to the Russian Front, yeah those incentives work well.
5. As long as the Hitler Youth obeyed, yeah support, the Church was too afraid to speak out especially when the Jews were being executed.
6. Just like today with the vagina candidate speaking, she rallies the uneducated blacks and women to hate Whites, turning those low information voters against the men and women in blue who are out to protect them.
7. They took all the guns away from the Jews and other people, so those who were Brownshirts could beat up and kill those who didn't believe in Hitler.
8. They tried to take over the world. Not much internationalism when there is only 1 country.
9. At least there was 1 thing that the Nazi's did right, but then so did Roosevelt and the Democrats who took US into WWII. Before 1973 homosexuals were mentally challenged, today along with liberals, they are considered normal. (notice the word Considered).
10. Whose traditions? Hitlers?

Figures a liberal who went to PUBLIC EDUMACATION wouldn't know the TRUTH about Hitler and the Nazi's and how close today in America, the similarities abound. But when your head is up URANUS, it is hard to see what is going on around you.

View attachment 65584
So, take away killing the Jews, and taking their guns, and trying to take over the world and you're all good. Maybe a bit too much State Control for your taste but in general you would have been a happy camper...
You asked what people like me abhor what the Nazi's did and I pointed out everything. Along with it pointed out what people like me abhor about your messiah, and then you squirrel around and put words into the link, hoping it would make me back down. Unfortunately for you libtard, I wont back down, and point out how radical left wing extremist you are acting right now. Joseph Goebel would be very proud how you use propaganda. And you didn't even know how much closer to Hitler you really are.
Everyone has Hitler inside them, hence the problem, but he hated liberals, just like you do...
Hitler was a socialist. Bernie and the Beast are far more politically aligned with him than Trump.
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

1. They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
1. 1 trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs that weren't really shovel ready. That went over well.
2. We don't defend our borders but allow HORDES of illegals to cross over, taking from us and our children our future, even to the point of killing us.
3. They were liberal radicals, and killed Jewish people(who were 1%ers) for the final solution.
4. If you didn't get back to work, you were executed or sent to the Russian Front, yeah those incentives work well.
5. As long as the Hitler Youth obeyed, yeah support, the Church was too afraid to speak out especially when the Jews were being executed.
6. Just like today with the vagina candidate speaking, she rallies the uneducated blacks and women to hate Whites, turning those low information voters against the men and women in blue who are out to protect them.
7. They took all the guns away from the Jews and other people, so those who were Brownshirts could beat up and kill those who didn't believe in Hitler.
8. They tried to take over the world. Not much internationalism when there is only 1 country.
9. At least there was 1 thing that the Nazi's did right, but then so did Roosevelt and the Democrats who took US into WWII. Before 1973 homosexuals were mentally challenged, today along with liberals, they are considered normal. (notice the word Considered).
10. Whose traditions? Hitlers?

Figures a liberal who went to PUBLIC EDUMACATION wouldn't know the TRUTH about Hitler and the Nazi's and how close today in America, the similarities abound. But when your head is up URANUS, it is hard to see what is going on around you.

View attachment 65584
So, take away killing the Jews, and taking their guns, and trying to take over the world and you're all good. Maybe a bit too much State Control for your taste but in general you would have been a happy camper...
You asked what people like me abhor what the Nazi's did and I pointed out everything. Along with it pointed out what people like me abhor about your messiah, and then you squirrel around and put words into the link, hoping it would make me back down. Unfortunately for you libtard, I wont back down, and point out how radical left wing extremist you are acting right now. Joseph Goebel would be very proud how you use propaganda. And you didn't even know how much closer to Hitler you really are.
Everyone has Hitler inside them, hence the problem, but he hated liberals, just like you do...
Hitler was a socialist. Bernie and the Beast are far more politically aligned with him than Trump.
So is Sweden. Care to try again, or is Sweden Nazi Germany?

And would Hitler have let the Wetbacks and Sand ******* invade?
Look how natural it is for her

Is she ordering ovens to throw you into?

No, we still have our guns. But, she wants to change that, huh?
Not that we know of eh? And why did all those Jews die like pussies, instead of men?

Because they thought they were being taken to a safe place.
Pretty obvious when they got there that it wasn't eh?

Would you let yourself and your family be loaded onto a cattle car for an unknown destination? Or would you rather die on your feet, like a man?
Ya, the facts are, if not for the murdering and enslavement of people he didn't like and invasion of his neighboring countries, Hitler might not have been such a bad guy.
Exactly. He brought a defeated nation back to life, put it back on its feet. gave it pride again, got things done again. You don't have to love the guy to be honest about that. The problem with Nazi Germany, for the average German those were good times for a time. If you are being rational about it you can understand that, but few are. Just because Hitler liked dogs and children doesn't mean we have to hate them eh?

It isn't so hard to make an economic recovery when you are able to arrest people and make them disappear as you confiscate all their wealth and property.

That came later, much. Try again...
Look how natural it is for her

Is she ordering ovens to throw you into?

No, we still have our guns. But, she wants to change that, huh?
Not that we know of eh? And why did all those Jews die like pussies, instead of men?

Because they thought they were being taken to a safe place.
Pretty obvious when they got there that it wasn't eh?

Would you let yourself and your family be loaded onto a cattle car for an unknown destination? Or would you rather die on your feet, like a man?
Look how natural it is for her

Is she ordering ovens to throw you into?

No, we still have our guns. But, she wants to change that, huh?
Not that we know of eh? And why did all those Jews die like pussies, instead of men?

Because they thought they were being taken to a safe place.
Pretty obvious when they got there that it wasn't eh?

Would you let yourself and your family be loaded onto a cattle car for an unknown destination? Or would you rather die on your feet, like a man?

They found out when the showers weren't really showers.

Knowing what I know, now? No, I wouldn't. But the the Jews in 1930's Germany were living in a different tune and place.

Why did the Ukranians allow Stalin to murder 5 million of them? Are they pussies, too?
Why did the Ukranians allow Stalin to murder 5 million of them? Are they pussies, too?
You tell me, if you won't fight back against a genocide that will eventually kill you, what do you call said people, heroes?

Wouldn't you rather die like a man, not a schoolgirl?
Ya, the facts are, if not for the murdering and enslavement of people he didn't like and invasion of his neighboring countries, Hitler might not have been such a bad guy.
Exactly. He brought a defeated nation back to life, put it back on its feet. gave it pride again, got things done again. You don't have to love the guy to be honest about that. The problem with Nazi Germany, for the average German those were good times for a time. If you are being rational about it you can understand that, but few are. Just because Hitler liked dogs and children doesn't mean we have to hate them eh?

seems you are in love with Hitler and keep posting about him. hmmmmmmmmmm
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
Ya, the facts are, if not for the murdering and enslavement of people he didn't like and invasion of his neighboring countries, Hitler might not have been such a bad guy.
Exactly. He brought a defeated nation back to life, put it back on its feet. gave it pride again, got things done again. You don't have to love the guy to be honest about that. The problem with Nazi Germany, for the average German those were good times for a time. If you are being rational about it you can understand that, but few are. Just because Hitler liked dogs and children doesn't mean we have to hate them eh?

seems you are in love with Hitler and keep posting about him. hmmmmmmmmmm

Nope, I'm in love with honesty. Was Hitler all bad? Was Lincoln all good? Childish thinking, at best.

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