Would Trump Supporters Support Hitler if they thought it was Trump?

People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
Ya, the facts are, if not for the murdering and enslavement of people he didn't like and invasion of his neighboring countries, Hitler might not have been such a bad guy.
Exactly. He brought a defeated nation back to life, put it back on its feet. gave it pride again, got things done again. You don't have to love the guy to be honest about that. The problem with Nazi Germany, for the average German those were good times for a time. If you are being rational about it you can understand that, but few are. Just because Hitler liked dogs and children doesn't mean we have to hate them eh?

It isn't so hard to make an economic recovery when you are able to arrest people and make them disappear as you confiscate all their wealth and property.

That came later, much. Try again...

I was not aware of the controversy on this particular topic. I have always considered the start date of confiscation to be The Currency Control Decree of 1931 and the confiscation laws that were followed by Nazi confiscation laws implemented in 1933.
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People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I don't want to silence you, you're entitled. i don't think the libturds are hitler like. Nope not me. You all are libturds cause you have no sense of integrity. You want all conservatives off the planet, we're not allowed to exists, the media focuses only on the liberal points, funny, it seems the hate is coming from the left libturds. Hell even the AGW clowns on the left call conservatives deniers, and want us all to shut the fk up or go to jail, Robert Kennedy Jr. was interviewed and stated it. Nope, libturds= haters. hate america and the rights associated with it. hate, here one more time HATE us. oh and one more thing they hate hard working americans even more.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I don't want to silence you, you're entitled. i don't think the libturds are hitler like. Nope not me. You all are libturds cause you have no sense of integrity. You want all conservatives off the planet, we're not allowed to exists, the media focuses only on the liberal points, funny, it seems the hate is coming from the left libturds. Hell even the AGW clowns on the left call conservatives deniers, and want us all to shut the fk up or go to jail, Robert Kennedy Jr. was interviewed and stated it. Nope, libturds= haters. hate america and the rights associated with it. hate, here one more time HATE us. oh and one more thing they hate hard working americans even more.
It is very obvious you are delusional and living in a warped sense of being. The one showing hatefulness is you, right here in front of God and Country. It is just comical that you do not realize what a hypocrite you are. I am presently watching my good friends pit bull while he is on vacation for a week. He is a pure 100% Trump supporter. In about a half hour I will visit with my ultra-conservative neighbor who votes straight Republican no matter what names are on the ticket. Your concepts of people hating each other because of political leanings and ideology is what is messing this country up. Most of us do not make those kinds of political beliefs the primary focus and moving influences of our lives. I would dare say they have little if any impact on friendships. Preference over sports teams probably has more influence.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
Are you sure you want to open up a pissing contest? Kind of hard to beat an avatar photoshopped to make the President and First Lady with monkey faces or some of the other rabid racist here.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
Are you sure you want to open up a pissing contest? Kind of hard to beat an avatar photoshopped to make the President and First Lady with monkey faces or some of the other rabid racist here.
I'm simply pointing out the fact that you have more than your fair share of hate filled liberals on this site as well. I never stated or implied there are not hate filled conservatives here nor have I tried to justify or rationalize their actions. I suspect I'm one of the few on either side who can honestly say that.
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
Are you sure you want to open up a pissing contest? Kind of hard to beat an avatar photoshopped to make the President and First Lady with monkey faces or some of the other rabid racist here.
I'm simply pointing out the fact that you have more than your fair share of hate filled liberals on this site as well. I never stated or implied there are not hate filled conservatives here nor have I tried to justify or rationalize their actions. I suspect I'm one of the few on either side who can honestly say that.
All sides have haters and all sides have liars. That is why I have never affiliated with a side. I don't join clubs or fly colors.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
Are you sure you want to open up a pissing contest? Kind of hard to beat an avatar photoshopped to make the President and First Lady with monkey faces or some of the other rabid racist here.
I'm simply pointing out the fact that you have more than your fair share of hate filled liberals on this site as well. I never stated or implied there are not hate filled conservatives here nor have I tried to justify or rationalize their actions. I suspect I'm one of the few on either side who can honestly say that.
All sides have haters and all sides have liars. That is why I have never affiliated with a side. I don't join clubs or fly colors.
Good for you unlike some on here I don't think one side is always right and the other always wrong one is all good and the other all bad. I'm not going to judge entire groups by the actions of a few.

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

angry, bigoted, largely undereducated, economically marginal and insecure, easily led, angry at their government....

fits the profile
People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I don't want to silence you, you're entitled. i don't think the libturds are hitler like. Nope not me. You all are libturds cause you have no sense of integrity. You want all conservatives off the planet, we're not allowed to exists, the media focuses only on the liberal points, funny, it seems the hate is coming from the left libturds. Hell even the AGW clowns on the left call conservatives deniers, and want us all to shut the fk up or go to jail, Robert Kennedy Jr. was interviewed and stated it. Nope, libturds= haters. hate america and the rights associated with it. hate, here one more time HATE us. oh and one more thing they hate hard working americans even more.
It is very obvious you are delusional and living in a warped sense of being. The one showing hatefulness is you, right here in front of God and Country. It is just comical that you do not realize what a hypocrite you are. I am presently watching my good friends pit bull while he is on vacation for a week. He is a pure 100% Trump supporter. In about a half hour I will visit with my ultra-conservative neighbor who votes straight Republican no matter what names are on the ticket. Your concepts of people hating each other because of political leanings and ideology is what is messing this country up. Most of us do not make those kinds of political beliefs the primary focus and moving influences of our lives. I would dare say they have little if any impact on friendships. Preference over sports teams probably has more influence.
yeah right, you can go with that it's your right in this country, and again I see you don't feel I'm allowed my opinion on how I feel. Got it. yep you're the hater.

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

angry, bigoted, largely undereducated, economically marginal and insecure, easily led, angry at their government....

fits the profile

and there you go. Every fkn day in here.

Again, Why do yo care what a conservative will support?
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People really do love to make these stupid Hitler and Nazi comparisons to people today which is really sad and in my opinion shows a total lack of understanding as to what Hitler and the Nazis were.
it's just who the libturds are. They hate and promote hate everyday. They just can't seem to help themselves.
A person would be hard-pressed to not believe the exact opposite after reviewing the pages, post, avatars and threads here at this site. You would have to go to a pure hate site to top the conservative and rightwing hatred displayed here. Liberal hatred, not so much. I mean, even you describe your political opponents as "lib turds". Funny you think you can speak that way while you whine about liberals being hateful. Talk about people who as you say "can't help themselves", look in the mirror.
I will briefly point out I have seen liberals on this board refer to Republicans as rethugs, repukes, repigs, more than a few times one uses nazicons on a regular basis.
but see they're allowed to just ask her.

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

Hey, you are dealing in hypotheticals.

It has already been established gigantic gaggles of morons RE-ELECTED the world's biggest ZERO and TRAITOR to the United States.
So don't try to imply the idiots are on the right. We are just sick of all those guys in D.C. playing us for fools and a vote for Trump spells that out.

Of course its hypothetical. Congrats on recognizing the obvious but your deflection isnt a defense of the Trump boot lickers. They stand for nothing...actually they stand for whatever wacky thing Donald does at any given moment.

It's a Cult of Personality.

They have a new, Dear Leader (saying just what he knows they want to hear)...

Trump supporters love what he is saying...... but the consequences will turn this country upside down. As I previously said several times to Trump supporters............. Be very careful what you wish for.

Why Trump can't be president

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

I reject this brand of 'journalism'. These little stunts can be heavily edited to show the least informed as typical.

"Gotcha" 'journalism' isn't fair and it isn't researched and it does not advance discourse in a healthy way.

Even when Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin what did she read, Katie already knew that Sarah doesn't read. Now, the Palin example isn't really germane to this type of interview as Couric was acting as a journalist and Palin was the Republican nominee for VP. Acting in their respective roles, Couric should ask pointed questions and Palin should expect them. Thus the vetting process moves forward.

But amateur hour like this, regardless of politics, makes for a cheap and cynical view of the campaigns. (Not that Trump's campaign isn't already cheap and cynical)
When are liberal invertebrate pond life going to stop beating that "Hitler" dead horse to death. Newsflash, YOU UTTER RETARDS OF ANOTHER KIND: Donald Trump hasn't killed anyone (only wants to block your muslim whoremaster heroes from moving to this country); Hitler killed tens of millions. Idiots. I swear, if Trump becomes president I'm going to get a straw and drink the tears of liberal pigs' faces.

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

Hey, you are dealing in hypotheticals.

It has already been established gigantic gaggles of morons RE-ELECTED the world's biggest ZERO and TRAITOR to the United States.
So don't try to imply the idiots are on the right. We are just sick of all those guys in D.C. playing us for fools and a vote for Trump spells that out.

Of course its hypothetical. Congrats on recognizing the obvious but your deflection isnt a defense of the Trump boot lickers. They stand for nothing...actually they stand for whatever wacky thing Donald does at any given moment.

It's a Cult of Personality.

They have a new, Dear Leader (saying just what he knows they want to hear)...

Trump supporters love what he is saying...... but the consequences will turn this country upside down. As I previously said several times to Trump supporters............. Be very careful what you wish for.

Why Trump can't be president

but the consequences will turn this country upside down

it will?
based on what?
What are the consequences you refer to?
By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
You're a simpleton. These aren't exclusive to fascist. Fail.

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