Would Trump Supporters Support Hitler if they thought it was Trump?

By chance, tell us what things the Nazis did that you did agree with, and what they did that you didn't agree with?

They built roads, bridges, and a strong military.
They defended their borders.
They suppressed radicals, liberals, and communists.
They got people back to work.
They supported youth, the church, and family life.
They rallied the nation to national causes.
They repealed gun control laws.
They rejected internationalism.
They suppressed alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality.
They defended traditionalism, etc.

Your kind of folks actually.
You're a simpleton. These aren't exclusive to fascist. Fail.
Yes, I know, so stop thinking Hitler was all bad...

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

No..Trump supporters believe in limited government and individual rights.......everything the left wing socialist hitler hated....

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

Wow...Stephanie has a left wing nut job, Internet forum stalker....I've had those myself........and if they weren't bat crap crazy they would be funny.....

This reminds me of on Hulu there is a election special where they told Trump supporters that Trump was for the sterilization of Puerto Ricans. One lady replied with "Thhaaat's Trump" and another guy replied with "So what? Get over it"

Which seems to be the Stephanie way to deal with things

I reject this brand of 'journalism'. These little stunts can be heavily edited to show the least informed as typical.

"Gotcha" 'journalism' isn't fair and it isn't researched and it does not advance discourse in a healthy way.

Even when Katie Couric asked Sarah Palin what did she read, Katie already knew that Sarah doesn't read. Now, the Palin example isn't really germane to this type of interview as Couric was acting as a journalist and Palin was the Republican nominee for VP. Acting in their respective roles, Couric should ask pointed questions and Palin should expect them. Thus the vetting process moves forward.

But amateur hour like this, regardless of politics, makes for a cheap and cynical view of the campaigns. (Not that Trump's campaign isn't already cheap and cynical)

It's a case of bad acting. The video is faked.

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