Would you forgive

I would have to pick my jaw off the ground, because it would certainly drop. My wife is so in to me, that she would never stray. I'm very lucky to have a bride like that. Likewise, I would never stray from her. Wouldn't want to jeopardize the best thing in my life.

Hmmm.... Aren't you supposed to be into her???
Echo, did your man cheat on you? Did you forgive him? The next time you had sex, did you think of him with his whore and whether she was better than you in bed? Did that make you try extra hard?
Years ago, when I was still in the Navy and stationed at a Naval Hospital, I came back into my office and there was a note on the door from the secretary that stated I needed to call my neighbor, a lady I shall call Edith. I couldn't imagine what in the world she could possibly want that required me to call her from work so I called my wife at the time, a lady I will call Sue. Sue said that before I called her she wanted to talk to me and she would come right over. Sure enough, about 30 minutes later Sue showed up and entered my office and closed the door. It was then that she told me that she had been having an affair with a guy I will call Bob who was our next door neighbor and Edith's husband. She said that most likely Edith wanted to talk to me about it all because she had just recently found out about the affair. Sue then left and I was of course, very dissapointed, angry, confused, and I had many questions that needed to be answered. I had went to high school with Sue and she was the love of my life and somebody I had trusted with not a single doubt. So, I called Edith and sure enough, she spilled the beans on all that she knew about the situation, which later turned out to be not much... Fast forward about two months. Sue and I had completed some marital counseling and I felt good enough about the situation to move back into our home but only if we would move away from where we lived next door to Edith and Bob. We moved about 10 miles away. For the next 6 months things seemed to be going very well and I was beginning to trust again. As it turned out, one Thursday I happened to get off work early just after lunch. Sue was employed as a nurse in a chiropractor's office and on Thursday the office was closed and she was the only one there. Her duties on Thursday was simply to restock items in the treatment rooms, catch up on patient's charts, answer the phone, etc. No patients were every scheduled for Thursdays and nobody was ever in the office except for Sue. Well, I drove to the office with the thought of maybe taking Sue out to lunch. When I turned into the parking lot I saw Bob's car parked there next to Sue's car and immediately became suspicous. I tried to enter the office but the door was locked. Very strange. I walked around to the back of the office and was going to enter the back door but while I was enroute I happened to notice through a partially opened window that Sue and Bob were heavily engaged in love-making in one of the treatment rooms. I watched for a minute or so because I just couldn't believe my eyes. Because the window was partially opened I could hear them very clearly and they were both quite surprised when I asked them to come unlock the door when they were finished with their lust. I've never seen two people jump so high and so quickly. Both set of eyes were quite wide too. I went around to the front door to wait to be let in and when Sue unlocked the door Bob took the opportunity to quietly slip out the back door and he made his get away. Fast forward a year and two months later. The divorce between Sue and I was completed and I was in the process of rebuilding my life. I was transferred away to a more distant duty station and it made things alot easier. I haven't seen or spoken to Sue for over 20 years. I do see both of my kids on a fairly regular basis and that is a good thing. My advice is that if you catch your spouse committing adultry to just end the relationship because any and all trust will be lost forever. It just isn't worth the emotional crap you go through and you can't have a happy life living with somebody you don't trust any longer.
May I ask how old your kids were at the time, BBD?

For some people, that is a huge determining factor.

Of course, if you prefer not to answer, that's ok.
When I was going through my divorce, my sister told me she saw my almost ex having lunch with someone but that was all I ever heard about.

He was always around bugging the shit out of me so I don't think he cheated during the marriage. I didn't either.
Yes, I would forgive her without a doubt. I would not be happy about the affair, but I would forgive her.

Echo, did your man cheat on you? Did you forgive him? The next time you had sex, did you think of him with his whore and whether she was better than you in bed? Did that make you try extra hard?

What are you, Alanis Morissette?

Nice try at trolling, next time be more creative, would ya?
You know, Echo, I think that is a rude but legitimate to the topic question. Of course, I know what the opinion was, as I heard them on the phone.

People compare. What was in the partner's mind when they were with you... Were they with you, or were they doing an evaluation exercise.

I think that is part of the hurt. We know humans do that with everything. You give your all, and they treat you like that.

So while the question is scummy, it has to be at the back of your mind all the time.
You know, Echo, I think that is a rude but legitimate to the topic question. Of course, I know what the opinion was, as I heard them on the phone.

People compare. What was in the partner's mind when they were with you... Were they with you, or were they doing an evaluation exercise.

I think that is part of the hurt. We know humans do that with everything. You give your all, and they treat you like that.

So while the question is scummy, it has to be at the back of your mind all the time.

Yeah, but this has nothing to do with me. I thought it would be interesting to see what the married people on here would do if their spouse cheated on them. The whole South Carolina Governor fiasco made me think of it.

Now my thoughts on cheating........I always wonder how you could look your spouse in the eye after you've been screwing someone else.......................but that's just me.
You know, Echo, I think that is a rude but legitimate to the topic question. Of course, I know what the opinion was, as I heard them on the phone.

People compare. What was in the partner's mind when they were with you... Were they with you, or were they doing an evaluation exercise.

I think that is part of the hurt. We know humans do that with everything. You give your all, and they treat you like that.

So while the question is scummy, it has to be at the back of your mind all the time.

Unless EZ brought her life experiences (whatever they may be) into the conversation, it was completely inappropriate for someone else do so - especially to be rude about it. Tacky.
Oops, sorry, I misunderstood the context.

to drag it back into the political realm, I think that is part of the reason for a lot of the Hillary distaste. What kind of person puts themselves through this, and for what goal?
Yes, I would forgive her without a doubt. I would not be happy about the affair, but I would forgive her.


Immie, I know you and forgiveness. With that stated, would you continue the marriage and/or trust again?

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