Would you hire this person?

He asks if it is possible...then says the doctors told him they were testing that...later in the same video President Trump says he is not a doctor and these are things he has been told by his medically trained advisors.

They were being polite. The medical community exploded. Trump is a moron.
They were being polite. The medical community exploded. Trump is a moron.

The liberal anti-Trump legacy media exploded and found like minded doctors to explode with them. A good leader looks for out of the box solutions. He never told anyone to inject themselves with disinfectant...he said he was told that was something doctors were looking into.

But IF you are dumb enough to inject yourself with disinfectant based on the contents of that clip...I don't believe it would be a great lost.
Would you hire this guy?

Yes, I did.

Are you too stupid to comprehend what he is talking about? Or are you just pretending to be the stupidest moron on the planet? Or what? :dunno:
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Yes...but when you have to make a judgement call... This fella is going to fall far closer to Dahmer on the possibilities scale then he will of being an idiot savant CPA.
Actually your serial killer types tend to take pains to blend in. Dhamer, BTK, Gacy, all pretty average looking guys.

So he's less likely to turn out to be one based on just appearance.
Sure Crepitus, except for the clown suit, Gacy looked normal.
Do you think he wore it all the time, and does that make a circus a mass murdering traveling show because they have a lot of people dressed as clowns. He looks more like a wanna be gangbanger than a serial killer

Would you hire this person​


Nor would I ever hire a liberal to work for me again. Only conservatives and only if I could somehow legally pull that off in this day and age. :( It's all about attitude and qualifications for me. A conservative IN GENERAL, has a better attitude toward work than a liberal. I repeat, IN GENERAL.
It ain't even that. The choice of facial decoration means he can't be anywhere where he has to interact with suburban soccer moms or little old ladies.
Actually “he” cant coexist with any normal person who is not as weird as “he” is

Would you hire this person​


Nor would I ever hire a liberal to work for me again. Only conservatives and only if I could somehow legally pull that off in this day and age. :( It's all about attitude and qualifications for me. A conservative IN GENERAL, has a better attitude toward work than a liberal. I repeat, IN GENERAL.
Some asshole who posts here all the time continuously extols the "virtues" of a lack of loyalty and encourages people to quit their jobs at the drop of a hat and leave with no notice at all to their employer. THAT is the kind of no-character jerk I would never hire.
Actually “he” cant coexist with any normal person who is not as weird as “he” is

If "he" wants to look like a circus freak on his own time, that's none of my business. If "he" doesn't have sense enough to look even somewhat professional for a job interview, he's got nothing to complain about.

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