Zone1 Would You Make A Relative Change Your Baby's Diaper?

Just another version of the 'copout from responsibility and away from the demands of society. Not unlike the copout of the homeless millions on the streets in some ways, in disregarding the needs of the baby.
its official, this forum needs a "ZOMG" emoji
I wouldn't, but then again I wouldn't force anybody to live with me either. Especially somebody who claims to be uncomfortable with babies and hasn't even cared or bothered to ask to learn.

I would make a lot of my relatives change my diaper.
Who isn't qualified to change a diaper?
Maybe you should be asking those whose job it is to deal with the subject. This (of many examples) will help to show you the need.

Also, below, ABikerSailor points out an additional factor.
It's not so much that changing a diaper is very technical or difficult to do, it's getting past the idea that you're handling poop that smells bad. Some people are seriously squeamish and can't get past that.

Me? I'd worked cleaning stables and chicken coops most of my childhood (grew up on a farm), and so changing diapers was easy compared to cleaning out a chicken coop or a barn.
THE BOTTOM LINE(s) from my perspective:

1). We don’t know any of the details on what was said by whom or if there was any above-surface confrontation.

2). If all of the speculation (in this thread) is true then the father isn’t fit to take care of his own child and I hope his wife made him spend the night on the sofa! I, for one, would NEVER insist that someone change my child if they don’t want to do it. READ MY LIPS: It's my child and I want it to be taken care of with the most care and diligence.
Maybe you should be asking those whose job it is to deal with the subject. This (of many examples) will help to show you the need.

Also, below, ABikerSailor points out an additional factor.

I never changed a diaper or held a baby and I'm in my 50's And I ain't about to start now
Then don’t freeload for three months in a house that has a baby
More ASSumptions from you.

That's all you have

Even if I had a baby AND had invited people to stay with me I would NEVER demand they change diapers or do anything I would have to do if they weren't staying with me.
More ASSumptions from you.

That's all you have

Even if I had a baby AND had invited people to stay with me I would NEVER demand they change diapers or do anything I would have to do if they weren't staying with me.

It is best that some people don’t breed

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