Would you like to be taxraped or have control of fiduciary matters?

  • im a sheeple.let the government take my money.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • im a us citizen. I want control and know where my money goes.

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Even better than my social security proposal.
Would you like..

1.a system,whereas,at each level of government,you are no longer a taxpayer,but,a citizen government investor?

2.have complete control and say over budgets,creation of budgets,disbursements,and appropriations with complete transparancy,whereas a bill and budget can only be implemented by way of citizens majority vote,and no longer can leaders,elected or appointed,act of and for their own interests,leaders only being able to act upon the vpice of the people,at each and every level of government jurisdiction....

3.where,people are the checks and balances,no more waster spending,or imposition,as being a citizen government investor,youd have a partnership with the leaders of each and every level of government jurisdiction....where leaders,citizens,and businesses can make proposals,but only implemented with the majority vote of the citizens?

4.have a complete capitalist democratic republic.where each level of government is run like a business,to,be profitable for each and every us citizen? To be able to get a return on what each citizen incests and partners in with the government in all fiduciary matters?


Do you like living ina nanny,redistribuative state,where youre not allowed to earn more than whhat the status quo tells you,and continues to rape your walket without any accountability and give money to serve its own needs without regard to the citizens or its country?

One of the either.mistakes or on purposes our founding fathers goofed in is the parliamentry and imperial replication of imposing taxation on the people. This needs to be corrected.

This ensures that the people have the ability to have checks and balances via vote....
freedom of choice

Right now,fed government rapes the us citizens without regard,a blank check of $850 billion in discretionary spending...

If i have a say....
it ends.now...
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Throw your money into the stock market. See how long it lasts.

Where are you copy/pasting this stuff from?

You're not literate enough to be writing it yourself and that comic book web site, commie blasters is way too dumb so --

Where do you get it?
This was a power created by the founders of this nation,to have an ability to serve of their own interests. This variable,under the right circumstances,and leadership,would work with good direction...
but,with this variable being eliminated...
leaders have no choice but to work on behalf of the people,and not themselves.
i can explain how we can EVOLVE out of the nanny state of government taxation,and becoming citizen government investors.
Hey why dont you debate my op?
copy and paste NOTHING.
these are proposals i create from simple governmental understanding.
Has nothing to do with stock market,etc.
Citizen control rather than communism.
democracy vs. Socialism.
In any event....
at the FEDERAL LEVEL....
when a mutually agreed,meaning by citizen and government..
proposal is laid out for vote
instead of a representative in the house voting on their own
the majority vote of the citizens of the district determines YEA or NAY for the vote for the representative for the district.
as it will be handled in all districts.
then,the majority vote in the house would be pure to thedirective of the us citizens.
us citizens ratify their vote in their senate districts
then on the majority vote of the senate,based on the
Citizens majority vote.
house vote approves mutually agreed bill or bydget.
senate ratifies,double check for the citizens.
president then signs bill into law....
based on the citizens majority vote,represented,and ratified....
no arguing.
No lineitem slipups
true directive of the us citizen fulfilled by the us citizen in charge of the checks and balances
this is communisms worst.nightmare,and IT CAN WORK.
Yeah, right.

then on the majority vote of the senate,based on the

"... based on the" WHAT?

Did you notice that you didn't copy/paste the entire statement from the post above?


You are really a trip but you're gonna have to, uh, play with yourself tonight or get someone else to play your silly game.
Its a simple differentiation...
between CHOOSING...
this takes away the ability for leaders to work i their own selfinterests...
and at every level of government jurusdiction

Leaders can and will work only on behalf of the interests of the people.
the years of taxrape paying for one of the many robert kkk byrd bridges or money to pakistan,or muslim brotherhood....

Debate me,mr.douchebag.
these are proposals i created and developed.
get over it.
In any event....
each level of government.
*federal,through the us treasury department
will NO LONGER COLLECT or impose tax.
each jurisdictional level will create a CITIZENS GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT FUND ACCOUNT,managed by,and appropriated by the majority citizens vote.
each fund account will handle the mutually agreed upon budgets and disbursements,approved by citizens majority vote,and the citizen investors of each level of government jurisdiction will receive quarterly statements to see how their appropriations and investments are growing,and how the citizens of each government jurisdiction are profiting from their fiduciary investment to determine whether or not to maintain or change a particular budget.

Power to the people.
by the way,fag neddite.
debate me.
tell me how my system doesnt work.
or get lost off my thread.
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That's a pretty crappy plan, our government is already run too much like a business.
In any event....
at the FEDERAL LEVEL....
when a mutually agreed,meaning by citizen and government..
proposal is laid out for vote
instead of a representative in the house voting on their own
the majority vote of the citizens of the district determines YEA or NAY for the vote for the representative for the district.
as it will be handled in all districts.
then,the majority vote in the house would be pure to thedirective of the us citizens.
us citizens ratify their vote in their senate districts
then on the majority vote of the senate,based on the

Maybe you would like France.
vampiric68 Claim
Supposed Evidence
Evidence, Continued
You Decide

I decided, it's hilariously bad, whoever that is has never spoken a word of Spanish in their life, it is totally devoid of genuine marks of a Latino accent.
Wow,occupieds true colors show.
look,you anti american treasoner...
im your worst enemy,politically
im an architect to destroy your communism.
My evidence,with everything,is legitimate.
including this proposal.
debate it.
Well...is anyone going to debate the.op?
or be stupid,like liberals always are...
The difference is taking control back from the government.
to the us citizen.

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