Would you scrap the obamacare mandate for a public option?

Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

forced compliance vs forced compliance is still force

weather you fuck me come tax time or fuck me each paycheck, I'm still getting fucked
then go move to a country with the type of system you wish to see.

This country doesnt agree with you
Oh, stop it. Folks with national health care live longer, more healthier, and at less cost.

Your figures mean nothing, because it is only for those who get it. So many Americans can't get such care.

And going to a national health care program will not diminish those rates.

Just fess up, and admit it would be better for America.

have you ever been to the dmv?

try to recall it. I know you tried to block it out, but now imagine those same people running your hc
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

You're talking Single-payer.

No dice.

Not a single payer, but a government run insurance to compete with private insurance companies. I don't think a public option is a good idea on it's own merit, but I'd rather have that as opposed to an insurance mandate by the government.

medicare for all?

doctors hate medi, only a few accept it.
Maybe if we wait until the 48 million that Obama said did not have insurance to sign up this ObamaCare
might work......

I know...I was laughing when I wrote it.

not enough people signed up to pay for it as is.

wonder where that money is going to come from?

TM, I'm gonna write up a contract. If policy is passed that you agree with on HC I'd like you to sign it. If HC fails under that policy then you agree to burn yourself live on TV until you die with a written apology for destroying so many peoples lives. Ok?

Seeing as you wouldn't sign this contract now after Obamacare has passed and is un-doubtabley failing, I offer it to you now. In fact if you still believe in O-care I still offer you to sign the contract. We can even post it on these boards.
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then go move to a country with the type of system you wish to see.

This country doesnt agree with you

It's people like you that hate this country and want to "fundamentally change" it.

so pack your own bags and piss off to another socialist shithole

I like being free and will never support government tyranny
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Their is nothing fascist about making people be responsible for their own medical bills -- no matter how likely they are to get sick.

That being said, not having public option was the biggest mistake of Obama's career.
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Their is nothing fascist about making people be responsible for their own medical bills -- no matter how likely they are to get sick.

That being said, not having public option was the biggest mistake of Obama's career.

People we're responsible were responsible for their own medical bills before Obamacare. And yes, forcing people to buy a product they might not want is fascist.
The real problem with health care is the excessive costs of healthcare in the U.S.

It really doesn't matter what the system is or if there is no system. For as long as the medical industry can get away with charging ridiculous prices, the healthcare system will remain a major problem.
Scrape Obama-scare and allow Insurance Companies to offer across State lines as well as get rid of the manditory coverages.

Credit cards used to be like insurance, confined to states where they had to do business and subject to state regulation, then the banks pushed to be allowed to operate across state lines and eventually won the right to do so, they proptly relocated to the state with the loosest regs and flaunted their near untouchable status by raising rates and fees at will. That is what will result in selling insurance across state lines, they will simply move to the state that wins the resulting race to the bottom in taxes and loose regulation and your state will have no leverage at all in how these companies operate there or what they do to you to increase profits.
Notice how nobody answered the OP.
Notice how nobody answered the OP.

Nobody answered because the question is too vague and everyone has their own definition of what they want our medical system to look like. Some look at the patent first and some look at the doctors first, some even look at the insurance companies first. This has been the trouble all along, Terribly conflicting agendas and almost no common frame of reference as to what terms like "single payer" even mean.
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Only if you want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire---:cuckoo: It's clear that Obamacare is too big to handle for the Federal Government, imagine if the Federal Government had total control over your health care.

Furthermore--there isn't one single agency within the federal government that is managed effectively and even more important efficiently. They bankrupt everything.
Just end the albatross that is ocare. Its bringing more people into poverty and causing loss of their health insurance.
Notice how nobody answered the OP.

Nobody answered because the question is too vague and everyone has their own definition of what they want our medical system to look like. Some look at the patent first and some look at the doctors first, some even look at the insurance companies first. This has been the trouble all along, Terribly conflicting agendas and almost no common frame of reference as to what terms like "single payer" even mean.

Single payer is govt run ineptitude....something O clamors for.

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