Would you scrap the obamacare mandate for a public option?

Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Only if you want to jump out of the frying pan into the fire---:cuckoo: It's clear that Obamacare is too big to handle for the Federal Government, imagine if the Federal Government had total control over your health care.

Furthermore--there isn't one single agency within the federal government that is managed effectively and even more important efficiently. They bankrupt everything.

Yeah but having a public option doesn't mean you're giving the government total control of health care. Again, my point was to say having the option to buy government insurance might be better than forcing people to buy private insurance.
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Repeal YES.. and pass a bill Called "Uninsured Health Insurance Corporation " UHIC Act.

Since the single biggest cost driver admitted by physicians is the $850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/Insurance companies for services rendered because of fear of lawsuits and 90% of physicians attest, creating this new for profit lowest bid insurance program to cover the truly uninsured.

Using the SAME logic applied in ACA to tax tanning salons because everyone knows tanning causes cancer, then tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion as it has been attested by surveys of physicians THEY order duplicate tests, refer to specialists ONLY because they fear being sued!
Then link a reduction in the 10% tax to the reduction in the $850 billion a year defensive medicine costs.

YOU don't believe me... check the below article and see why!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Then order all hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to send their claims to the Uninsured Health insurance company..AFTER the hospital has means tested
the "uninsured" to make sure they are truly "uninsured" and can't afford health insurance!

These two actions will REDUCE health care costs because:
A) Medicare/Insurance companies will see a reduction in the $850 billion they pay out every year in claims.
B) Insurance companies will be forced to lower their premiums because their Medical Liability ratio i..e claims paid as % of premiums received will be lower!
C) Hospitals will have lower "uncompensated" services costs as they will BE reimbursed!
D) Hospitals will be audited to make sure they aren't padding and passing as MOST do know with some a 6,000% markup over their costs!

OH... and by the way the $270 billion a year in lawyers income taxed at 10% will pay a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that are truly uninsured!
NOT the bogus 46 million that was made up with:
10 million not citizens.
14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA passed... these 14 million were at poverty levels that all they need do is register with medicaid.. they are covered!
18 million make over $50,000 but don't need to use employers' plans as they spend less then $1,000 out of their own pocket for health care costs... so why were the counted???
42 million from 46 million leave 4 million truly uninsured that would be covered by the Uninsured Health Insurance Company!

THAT simple plan would
Save the 1,300 health insurance companies that will be going out of business under ACA and that
a) pay $100 billion a year in taxes
b) employ 400,000+ that will become Unemployed under ACA!

It would eliminate the ENTIRE "subsidies" that NOT ONE member of congress much less Obama can attest will be needed!
And if these subsidies comes from the government and the government is reducing tax revenues by billions due to insurance companies going out of business..
WHERE will the money come from??
the robmoney care you guys invented and Obama used as a compromise was what you idiots came up with the STOP single payer back in the 90s idiots


Maybe within his own party. No Republican voted for the PPACA. The main reason your side is blaming this on the other side is because you know how much of a massive fail this bad policy has been.
Scrape Obama-scare and allow Insurance Companies to offer across State lines as well as get rid of the manditory coverages.

Credit cards used to be like insurance, confined to states where they had to do business and subject to state regulation, then the banks pushed to be allowed to operate across state lines and eventually won the right to do so, they proptly relocated to the state with the loosest regs and flaunted their near untouchable status by raising rates and fees at will. That is what will result in selling insurance across state lines, they will simply move to the state that wins the resulting race to the bottom in taxes and loose regulation and your state will have no leverage at all in how these companies operate there or what they do to you to increase profits.

TX has the lowest ins rates in the nation. And guess what? They allow every hc ins company in.
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Repeal YES.. and pass a bill Called "Uninsured Health Insurance Corporation " UHIC Act.

Since the single biggest cost driver admitted by physicians is the $850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/Insurance companies for services rendered because of fear of lawsuits and 90% of physicians attest, creating this new for profit lowest bid insurance program to cover the truly uninsured.

Using the SAME logic applied in ACA to tax tanning salons because everyone knows tanning causes cancer, then tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion as it has been attested by surveys of physicians THEY order duplicate tests, refer to specialists ONLY because they fear being sued!
Then link a reduction in the 10% tax to the reduction in the $850 billion a year defensive medicine costs.

YOU don't believe me... check the below article and see why!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Then order all hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to send their claims to the Uninsured Health insurance company..AFTER the hospital has means tested
the "uninsured" to make sure they are truly "uninsured" and can't afford health insurance!

These two actions will REDUCE health care costs because:
A) Medicare/Insurance companies will see a reduction in the $850 billion they pay out every year in claims.
B) Insurance companies will be forced to lower their premiums because their Medical Liability ratio i..e claims paid as % of premiums received will be lower!
C) Hospitals will have lower "uncompensated" services costs as they will BE reimbursed!
D) Hospitals will be audited to make sure they aren't padding and passing as MOST do know with some a 6,000% markup over their costs!

OH... and by the way the $270 billion a year in lawyers income taxed at 10% will pay a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that are truly uninsured!
NOT the bogus 46 million that was made up with:
10 million not citizens.
14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA passed... these 14 million were at poverty levels that all they need do is register with medicaid.. they are covered!
18 million make over $50,000 but don't need to use employers' plans as they spend less then $1,000 out of their own pocket for health care costs... so why were the counted???
42 million from 46 million leave 4 million truly uninsured that would be covered by the Uninsured Health Insurance Company!

THAT simple plan would
Save the 1,300 health insurance companies that will be going out of business under ACA and that
a) pay $100 billion a year in taxes
b) employ 400,000+ that will become Unemployed under ACA!

It would eliminate the ENTIRE "subsidies" that NOT ONE member of congress much less Obama can attest will be needed!
And if these subsidies comes from the government and the government is reducing tax revenues by billions due to insurance companies going out of business..
WHERE will the money come from??

How about Medicare Part E, for everyone. Paid for by the taxes on the bloated salaries of the GOP rank & file, and moving spending from the bloated "Defense" budget to medical services. That would instantly make America a better place.
Personally I think the public option would be the lesser of two evils compared to the fascist insurance mandate.

Repeal YES.. and pass a bill Called "Uninsured Health Insurance Corporation " UHIC Act.

Since the single biggest cost driver admitted by physicians is the $850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/Insurance companies for services rendered because of fear of lawsuits and 90% of physicians attest, creating this new for profit lowest bid insurance program to cover the truly uninsured.

Using the SAME logic applied in ACA to tax tanning salons because everyone knows tanning causes cancer, then tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion as it has been attested by surveys of physicians THEY order duplicate tests, refer to specialists ONLY because they fear being sued!
Then link a reduction in the 10% tax to the reduction in the $850 billion a year defensive medicine costs.

YOU don't believe me... check the below article and see why!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Then order all hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to send their claims to the Uninsured Health insurance company..AFTER the hospital has means tested
the "uninsured" to make sure they are truly "uninsured" and can't afford health insurance!

These two actions will REDUCE health care costs because:
A) Medicare/Insurance companies will see a reduction in the $850 billion they pay out every year in claims.
B) Insurance companies will be forced to lower their premiums because their Medical Liability ratio i..e claims paid as % of premiums received will be lower!
C) Hospitals will have lower "uncompensated" services costs as they will BE reimbursed!
D) Hospitals will be audited to make sure they aren't padding and passing as MOST do know with some a 6,000% markup over their costs!

OH... and by the way the $270 billion a year in lawyers income taxed at 10% will pay a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that are truly uninsured!
NOT the bogus 46 million that was made up with:
10 million not citizens.
14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA passed... these 14 million were at poverty levels that all they need do is register with medicaid.. they are covered!
18 million make over $50,000 but don't need to use employers' plans as they spend less then $1,000 out of their own pocket for health care costs... so why were the counted???
42 million from 46 million leave 4 million truly uninsured that would be covered by the Uninsured Health Insurance Company!

THAT simple plan would
Save the 1,300 health insurance companies that will be going out of business under ACA and that
a) pay $100 billion a year in taxes
b) employ 400,000+ that will become Unemployed under ACA!

It would eliminate the ENTIRE "subsidies" that NOT ONE member of congress much less Obama can attest will be needed!
And if these subsidies comes from the government and the government is reducing tax revenues by billions due to insurance companies going out of business..
WHERE will the money come from??

How about Medicare Part E, for everyone. Paid for by the taxes on the bloated salaries of the GOP rank & file, and moving spending from the bloated "Defense" budget to medical services. That would instantly make America a better place.

So you want $2.5 Trillion coming from whom exactly?

Break it down. I don't think you've thought this through.
Repeal YES.. and pass a bill Called "Uninsured Health Insurance Corporation " UHIC Act.

Since the single biggest cost driver admitted by physicians is the $850 billion in claims paid by Medicare/Insurance companies for services rendered because of fear of lawsuits and 90% of physicians attest, creating this new for profit lowest bid insurance program to cover the truly uninsured.

Using the SAME logic applied in ACA to tax tanning salons because everyone knows tanning causes cancer, then tax lawyers 10% of their $270 billion as it has been attested by surveys of physicians THEY order duplicate tests, refer to specialists ONLY because they fear being sued!
Then link a reduction in the 10% tax to the reduction in the $850 billion a year defensive medicine costs.

YOU don't believe me... check the below article and see why!
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles

Then order all hospitals that see "uninsured" patients to send their claims to the Uninsured Health insurance company..AFTER the hospital has means tested
the "uninsured" to make sure they are truly "uninsured" and can't afford health insurance!

These two actions will REDUCE health care costs because:
A) Medicare/Insurance companies will see a reduction in the $850 billion they pay out every year in claims.
B) Insurance companies will be forced to lower their premiums because their Medical Liability ratio i..e claims paid as % of premiums received will be lower!
C) Hospitals will have lower "uncompensated" services costs as they will BE reimbursed!
D) Hospitals will be audited to make sure they aren't padding and passing as MOST do know with some a 6,000% markup over their costs!

OH... and by the way the $270 billion a year in lawyers income taxed at 10% will pay a $5,000 premium for each of the truly 4 million that are truly uninsured!
NOT the bogus 46 million that was made up with:
10 million not citizens.
14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BEFORE ACA passed... these 14 million were at poverty levels that all they need do is register with medicaid.. they are covered!
18 million make over $50,000 but don't need to use employers' plans as they spend less then $1,000 out of their own pocket for health care costs... so why were the counted???
42 million from 46 million leave 4 million truly uninsured that would be covered by the Uninsured Health Insurance Company!

THAT simple plan would
Save the 1,300 health insurance companies that will be going out of business under ACA and that
a) pay $100 billion a year in taxes
b) employ 400,000+ that will become Unemployed under ACA!

It would eliminate the ENTIRE "subsidies" that NOT ONE member of congress much less Obama can attest will be needed!
And if these subsidies comes from the government and the government is reducing tax revenues by billions due to insurance companies going out of business..
WHERE will the money come from??

How about Medicare Part E, for everyone. Paid for by the taxes on the bloated salaries of the GOP rank & file, and moving spending from the bloated "Defense" budget to medical services. That would instantly make America a better place.

So you want $2.5 Trillion coming from whom exactly?

Break it down. I don't think you've thought this through.

Are you kidding me? Conservatives spend all the Bush Presidency racking up actual debt on stupid, ill-planned wars and the new mega-entitlement of Medicare D, but now liberals must provide you with 'break downs' of policy proposals on anonymous message boards? What nerve. Up yours. The Bush Presidency's budget blowouts negate ALL conservative complaints about unbalanced budgets. It means that conservatives can only stfu about unbalanced budgets. This included you.

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