Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
It seems that thinking Romney is a gigantic piece of shit is a non-partisan matter.

Nice poll :thup:

Anyone who thinks Mitt Romney is a gigantic piece of shit is a lard licking, lilly livered piece of shit Liberal with a dog for a mother.

^Some still think he was a valid candidate lol.............Political bias man..........so sad.

Romney and Obama were/are both puppets to the same Corporate masters..(some corporations vary, such as energy and defense)

The truth is you can't become a Presidential Candidate without $$$$$$$ and no one can compete with the Corporations that donate the amounts they do. And Presidents do what is necessary to ensure those Corporations get their money back using people as pawns.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Correct, it's not what it says on your paycheck (do Presidents actually get paychecks or some kind of an auto-deposit thing into a trust like they collect when they leave office?) :)

It's what you can do for people who'll 'pay' you once you're out of office.

Follow "OpenSecrets" to find out the Corporations donating to politicians...You can ultimately predict Presidential behaviors by following the corporations donating to them, it's really THAT easy.
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.
Romney would be taking a pay cut to be president.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

Psychiatrists for the rich say the same thing. The #1 issue the rich have is they just can't get enough. They start to compete with other rich people. It's not a matter of whether or not they have enough for their family, it's a Numbers game. "I'm worth $5 billion"........"Well I'm worth $7 Billion". Meanwhile the people working for them and making the money FOR them are on welfare.
So, for those who wouldn't vote for Romney because he is rich and thus successful. Who would you want to run your business? A proven success or a community organizer who has really not been successful at anything other then winning elections by hook or by crook? I don't want a Liz Warren who wins because she is the sweet old grandma. I don't want Hillary whose track record is anything but stellar and I can't think of any republican that I want to vote for. THERE IS NO ONE THAT I SEE ON THE HORIZON. But if given only the choice of voting for a democrat and Adolf Hitler, guess what, sig heil. (a bit of hyperbole to make a point)

It is INCREDIBLE to me to believe that America failed to hire one of THE world's leaders in business and economics as well as an expert at large organizational turnarounds to fix this country.

It is absurd to think that good did not prevail over not so good because good needed a better sales campaign.

It is criminal to think that someone with an unblemished character, rock solid traditional American values, a tangible record of stellar achievement as well as being not only a genuinely nice guy and family man is also a rock star in the world of business could lose to the lying and lawless vacationer in chief.

You have to remember, he wears "magic" underwear. Which apparently to liberals is worse then being an dope fiend. And his wife has MS and rides horses, can't have that crap in the WH. The truth about Obama, if we ever could know the truth about Obama, will in future generations make their head spin on how he could have been elected dog catcher let alone POTUS.
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.
Romney would be taking a pay cut to be president.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

Psychiatrists for the rich say the same thing. The #1 issue the rich have is they just can't get enough. They start to compete with other rich people. It's not a matter of whether or not they have enough for their family, it's a Numbers game. "I'm worth $5 billion"........"Well I'm worth $7 Billion". Meanwhile the people working for them and making the money FOR them are on welfare.

That holds for the majority of the people whether rich or not. So you think that being rich will lead to being bought off more so then being in the same position and not so rich. Really?
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.

Thats total bunk. Which party was in power when WW2 started? Viet Nam? Korea? Which party took the debt from 10 trillion in 08 to 17 trillion currently? Obama and the dems will have added more to the debt than all previous presidents COMBINED.

Ignoring our constitution and laws------------------Obama, immigration, Illegal appointments, drone bombing innocents, interfering in state legal matters (Ferguson)( Trayvon)(Cambridge). To top it off he ignores the funeral of a US general killed in battle and sends several representatives to the funeral of a black kid because he was alledgedly killed by a white cop.

The fact is that there is no reason to ever vote for another democrat for president. Obama has destroyed the democrat party of Kennedy and Truman. Happy now, idiots?
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.
Romney would be taking a pay cut to be president.
Base pay is unimportant, it's the perks that are sought after.

Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

Psychiatrists for the rich say the same thing. The #1 issue the rich have is they just can't get enough. They start to compete with other rich people. It's not a matter of whether or not they have enough for their family, it's a Numbers game. "I'm worth $5 billion"........"Well I'm worth $7 Billion". Meanwhile the people working for them and making the money FOR them are on welfare.
Psychiatrists for the poor say the same thing. The #1 issue the poor have is they just can't get enough. They start to steal and whine with other poor people. It's not a matter of whether or not they have enough for their family, it's a Numbers game. "I'm on EBT"........"Well I'm on disability". Meanwhile the people working for them and making the money FOR them are going in debt and leaving.
LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.

Nope...I vote the most humorous Republican candidate in the Primary. It's perfectly safe to do so in my locale..Hillary will carry it no matter what I do so I always go for the fun in the Primary.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.
And Democrats have been the voice of fiscal restraint, right?
Korea-Harry Truman
Dems suck and when they're done the public votes in the GOP to clean up the mess.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

I vote the "best" candidate in each election, vs. by party lines.
LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.

Nope...I vote the most humorous Republican candidate in the Primary. It's perfectly safe to do so in my locale..Hillary will carry it no matter what I do so I always go for the fun in the Primary.

The bull dyke party. You guys could rule San Francisco. I know you lust for Pelosi. :smiliehug:
How stupid are Republicans? Look at the polling results at the top. If not for the conservatives who don't think Romney's conservative ENOUGH, he'd win. LOL


Yep, thats why we have an incompetent marxist serving his second term.

That has nothing to do with his policy and everything to do with the color of his skin.

There's no way a white Obama would have been reelected. After that first term? Oh HELL no.

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