Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
So, for those who wouldn't vote for Romney because he is rich and thus successful. Who would you want to run your business? A proven success or a community organizer who has really not been successful at anything other then winning elections by hook or by crook? I don't want a Liz Warren who wins because she is the sweet old grandma. I don't want Hillary whose track record is anything but stellar and I can't think of any republican that I want to vote for. THERE IS NO ONE THAT I SEE ON THE HORIZON. But if given only the choice of voting for a democrat and Adolf Hitler, guess what, sig heil. (a bit of hyperbole to make a point)
Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

LMAO. People like you have been saying that Obama wants to destroy this country. And I voted for Obama. Now you want people to somehow believe that an ultra wealthy Republican just wants to "help the country".This is after the LAST Republican President REALLY did put us on a course to seriously hurt the country.
Good luck selling THAT idea. Fool me twice, shame on me. That ain't happening.

Obama's actions over the last 6 years prove that I am right about his motives.

Bush made some dumb moves, but remember he did it with the votes of a democrat controlled congress. and as I remember it Dodd and Frank were not republicans.
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.

Hate is such a strong word. Could you post why you HATE Romney? I am not saying you shouldn't hate him, or you should like him. But to HATE someone that implies something personal.

he hates Romney because he dared to challenge the kenyan messiah.
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.

Hate is such a strong word. Could you post why you HATE Romney? I am not saying you shouldn't hate him, or you should like him. But to HATE someone that implies something personal.

he hates Romney because he dared to challenge the kenyan messiah.

Well maybe. I am just curious that if the hate comes from the fact that Romney was successful and became rich because of that success. At least with Romney we can see how he became rich, Obama is rich and how he became rich is anyone's guess. Hell we know Romney wears "magic" underwear and yet few saw Obama at Columbia where he was allegedly attending college.

So if the hate comes from him being successful then the only answer is to elect the unsuccessful?
"No, proven loser."

Better reason though he's a uber wealthy who has nothing in common with the average American and is likely looking at the Presidency more as a way to accrue even more wealth doing favors for special interests.

I hate Romney and all, but I just don't get that vibe.

He doesn't need the presidency to accrue wealth. Look at his history, it's a fact. The man's King Midas, lol.

Hate is such a strong word. Could you post why you HATE Romney? I am not saying you shouldn't hate him, or you should like him. But to HATE someone that implies something personal.

he hates Romney because he dared to challenge the kenyan messiah.

Well maybe. I am just curious that if the hate comes from the fact that Romney was successful and became rich because of that success. At least with Romney we can see how he became rich, Obama is rich and how he became rich is anyone's guess. Hell we know Romney wears "magic" underwear and yet few saw Obama at Columbia where he was allegedly attending college.

So if the hate comes from him being successful then the only answer is to elect the unsuccessful?

We are trying to inject rational thinking into the liberal mind--------that is impossible.
I picked "No Romney is not conservative enough".

Romney didn't win the Republican nomination for president, he bought it. He's not the only one; the general trend in primaries is whoever spends the most money gets it. Why anyone who looks at the candidate's positions and track record would vote for Romney is beyond me. In 2012, he was by far the weakest candidate in the field during the primary, and had no substantial differences with Obama in the general.

Why do people plug Romney? Do you actually think he's the best person for the job?


He was the best individual for the job. He was the finest individual to have run in decades. He was/is a WORLD CLASS BUSINESS TURNAROUND EXPERT.

When you have a sick child you choose the best surgeon no matter their politics.

We had/have a sick country and Romney is a SUPERSTAR at turning around large organizations.


We could have hired him to play for OUR team!

Those who lament his past business activities might take a lesson from the world of MLB.


You mean to say there is something we political types can learn from the highly paid millionaires who play baseball?


When you face a team with a superstar player who always has a big game against your faves and is a hated but respected rival player, the thing SMART teams do is trade for that player so he will be scoring runs for YOU as well as making sure he can't continue helping to beat your club!

Mitt Romney is the MVP player on the other team YOU can get to pklay for you!

Well, that was the thought in 2012.

We could have hired THE BEST business leader possible to get America back on track.

If he did that would you really care if he took some time to finally realize he couldn't abide abortion any longer as Gov. of Mass?

Political elites picked Romney as the Republican nominee and helped him win that position for the express purpose of him losing to Obama.

Look at it from a strategic standpoint. Romney was portrayed as the crooked, greedy investor who made millions off the backs of the working class. Obama was sold as the working man's candidate, he was "one of us." While Saint Barack wanted to make sure everyone had access to affordable healthcare, the biggest pillar in the campaign of evil Romney was repealing Obamacare. Every debate, every ad, every soundbite, every appearance--let's undo Obama's work. In many of the statements he made where he wasn't directly attacking Obama, those not completely sold on voting for Romney still picked up the "I hate Obama" undertones.

Romney's political image was carefully crafted to be everything that people leaning even slightly to the left would hate. While Obama played the part of Messiah, Romney was cast as the Anti-Christ. It wasn't necessarily overt, and this wasn't done full-on from the beginning, but having followed the election from start to finish, this is the message the 2012 presidential race was meant to convey. You probably don't see it that way; you come across--at least to me--as someone who is skeptical of Obama and respects rather than abhors financial success. There is a prejudice inherent to all people that causes us to view the same facts in a completely different light.

For example, you say that "Romney is a SUPERSTAR at turning around large organizations", but this isn't how he was thought of at all. Gingrich established Romney's business record as that of a "corporate raider" early on in the primary, it stuck with him throughout the general, and there was no substantial effort made by him to correct it. If he had, some people might've supported him, while others would view his defensiveness as further self-incrimination.

Considering all of this, I stand by my earlier assertion that Romney was the worst of the Republicans running in 2012. Whoever our candidate is in 2016, it needs to be someone without all the baggage and who doesn't sound like a radical leftist caricature of a Republican.

Well, actually, I disagree.

First, I don't think that Romney was a bad candidate. The GOP team he put together (or had put together) still got him the 2nd highest raw vote total that any republican presidential candidate has ever received, behind George W. Bush's total from 2004.

Only, the Obama team was superior in terms of organization and the Democrats have built a coalition that is going to be very, very hard for the GOP to break as long as GOP whackos keep hating on women, gays, blacks, oh well, I think you get the idea.

Another thing that a lot of Lefties say is that Romney would have been a terrible president. He would probably have been an average president, but would have likely destroyed any gains in health care reform,and people decided that they wanted that health care reform.

No matter how you try to make your comments seem intelligent, the brain dead, liberal, stupidity usually comes out proving that in all actuality, you are not really a thinking person when it comes to politics. You should be embarrassed to post just drivel. I'm embarrassed for you actually. You're no better than the rest of the leftist clowns who can't think for themselves

Well, I suppose that in a weird universe somewhere, what you wrote makes sense.

Poor thing. Have you considered just grunting really loud from now on?
I picked "No Romney is not conservative enough".

Romney didn't win the Republican nomination for president, he bought it. He's not the only one; the general trend in primaries is whoever spends the most money gets it. Why anyone who looks at the candidate's positions and track record would vote for Romney is beyond me. In 2012, he was by far the weakest candidate in the field during the primary, and had no substantial differences with Obama in the general.

Why do people plug Romney? Do you actually think he's the best person for the job?


He was the best individual for the job. He was the finest individual to have run in decades. He was/is a WORLD CLASS BUSINESS TURNAROUND EXPERT.

When you have a sick child you choose the best surgeon no matter their politics.

We had/have a sick country and Romney is a SUPERSTAR at turning around large organizations.


We could have hired him to play for OUR team!

Those who lament his past business activities might take a lesson from the world of MLB.


You mean to say there is something we political types can learn from the highly paid millionaires who play baseball?


When you face a team with a superstar player who always has a big game against your faves and is a hated but respected rival player, the thing SMART teams do is trade for that player so he will be scoring runs for YOU as well as making sure he can't continue helping to beat your club!

Mitt Romney is the MVP player on the other team YOU can get to pklay for you!

Well, that was the thought in 2012.

We could have hired THE BEST business leader possible to get America back on track.

If he did that would you really care if he took some time to finally realize he couldn't abide abortion any longer as Gov. of Mass?

Political elites picked Romney as the Republican nominee and helped him win that position for the express purpose of him losing to Obama.

Look at it from a strategic standpoint. Romney was portrayed as the crooked, greedy investor who made millions off the backs of the working class. Obama was sold as the working man's candidate, he was "one of us." While Saint Barack wanted to make sure everyone had access to affordable healthcare, the biggest pillar in the campaign of evil Romney was repealing Obamacare. Every debate, every ad, every soundbite, every appearance--let's undo Obama's work. In many of the statements he made where he wasn't directly attacking Obama, those not completely sold on voting for Romney still picked up the "I hate Obama" undertones.

Romney's political image was carefully crafted to be everything that people leaning even slightly to the left would hate. While Obama played the part of Messiah, Romney was cast as the Anti-Christ. It wasn't necessarily overt, and this wasn't done full-on from the beginning, but having followed the election from start to finish, this is the message the 2012 presidential race was meant to convey. You probably don't see it that way; you come across--at least to me--as someone who is skeptical of Obama and respects rather than abhors financial success. There is a prejudice inherent to all people that causes us to view the same facts in a completely different light.

For example, you say that "Romney is a SUPERSTAR at turning around large organizations", but this isn't how he was thought of at all. Gingrich established Romney's business record as that of a "corporate raider" early on in the primary, it stuck with him throughout the general, and there was no substantial effort made by him to correct it. If he had, some people might've supported him, while others would view his defensiveness as further self-incrimination.

Considering all of this, I stand by my earlier assertion that Romney was the worst of the Republicans running in 2012. Whoever our candidate is in 2016, it needs to be someone without all the baggage and who doesn't sound like a radical leftist caricature of a Republican.

Well, actually, I disagree.

First, I don't think that Romney was a bad candidate. The GOP team he put together (or had put together) still got him the 2nd highest raw vote total that any republican presidential candidate has ever received, behind George W. Bush's total from 2004.

Only, the Obama team was superior in terms of organization and the Democrats have built a coalition that is going to be very, very hard for the GOP to break as long as GOP whackos keep hating on women, gays, blacks, oh well, I think you get the idea.

Another thing that a lot of Lefties say is that Romney would have been a terrible president. He would probably have been an average president, but would have likely destroyed any gains in health care reform,and people decided that they wanted that health care reform.

No matter how you try to make your comments seem intelligent, the brain dead, liberal, stupidity usually comes out proving that in all actuality, you are not really a thinking person when it comes to politics. You should be embarrassed to post just drivel. I'm embarrassed for you actually. You're no better than the rest of the leftist clowns who can't think for themselves

Well, I suppose that in a weird universe somewhere, what you wrote makes sense.

Poor thing. Have you considered just grunting really loud from now on?

Look at your post I quoted, does the second half of it make any sense really? Mind numb talking points. This is the problem with liberals. Seemingly intelligent people regurgitate that stuff. It's the craziness thing to me, and liberal first Jews in this country bother me the most with such stupidity. Conservatives hate woman, they hate gay people, they are a bunch of racist :cuckoo:
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

    YES, I would. Based upon his knowledge of business and foreign affairs. He isn't as conservative as I would like but has other things going for him that would help our country, create jobs and defend itself against terrorism and would refrain from playing golf and fund-raising in serious times when people are being slaughtered.

I voted for Stewart Alexander in 2012. And if he is running I will vote for him again. Or perhaps an Elizabeth Warren/Bernie Sanders ticket, since they are far more popular than Alexander.
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

    YES, I would. Based upon his knowledge of business and foreign affairs. He isn't as conservative as I would like but has other things going for him that would help our country, create jobs and defend itself against terrorism and would refrain from playing golf and fund-raising in serious times when people are being slaughtered.

Great post!

Reading it a metaphor came to me.

If our country was a great ship and was in trouble, if we'd elected Romney we could have been certain the economy and business would be fixed. And those would be like the engine of the ship.

Then, we know Romney would have been able to look at the issue of global Islamic expansion from a holistic POV.

Islam can't be destroyed. It can't be stopped. There is no negotiating with its followers to abandon their commitment to perform their Jihad toward total World wide domination.

Mitt understands that Islam's most influential leaders must be dealt with from a position of knowledge and strength. He's no war monger but you more often avoid war by being so strong and formidable the enemy won't dare attack you.

So, by electing Mitt the ship's engine would get fixed. And he'd have made sure we had a Foreign Policy while working to assure US that the ship of state would have a potent ability to defend our interests and protect our people and also to project our will anywhere necessary around the world, for the general good of the American people according to our elected leaders' direction.

With propulsion and defenses in service and functioning, all else (things like Abortion, Gun Control, Global Warming, Taxes, LGBT issues, Immigration, the Border and etc.) would be considered elective causes to be championed in the near future once we got things running again!
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Romney was never in it for the money or perks. He has all the money he and his family will ever need.

Why is it so hard to believe someone would run for president because he wants to help the country?

LMAO. People like you have been saying that Obama wants to destroy this country. And I voted for Obama. Now you want people to somehow believe that an ultra wealthy Republican just wants to "help the country".This is after the LAST Republican President REALLY did put us on a course to seriously hurt the country.
Good luck selling THAT idea. Fool me twice, shame on me. That ain't happening.

Zeke, you aren't very bright, are you?
Forums > US Discussion > Politics >

  1. Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

    YES, I would. Based upon his knowledge of business and foreign affairs. He isn't as conservative as I would like but has other things going for him that would help our country, create jobs and defend itself against terrorism and would refrain from playing golf and fund-raising in serious times when people are being slaughtered.

Great post!

Reading it a metaphor came to me.

If our country was a great ship and was in trouble, if we'd elected Romney we could have been certain the economy and business would be fixed. And those would be like the engine of the ship.

Then, we know Romney would have been able to look at the issue of global Islamic expansion from a holistic POV.

Islam can't be destroyed. It can't be stopped. There is no negotiating with its followers to abandon their commitment to perform their Jihad toward total World wide domination.

Mitt understands that Islam's most influential leaders must be dealt with from a position of knowledge and strength. He's no war monger but you more often avoid war by being so strong and formidable the enemy won't dare attack you.

So, by electing Mitt the ship's engine would get fixed. And he'd have made sure we had a Foreign Policy while working to assure US that the ship of state would have a potent ability to defend our interests and protect our people and also to project our will anywhere necessary around the world, for the general good of the American people according to our elected leaders' direction.

With propulsion and defenses in service and functioning, all else (things like Abortion, Gun Control, Global Warming, Taxes, LGBT issues, Immigration, the Border and etc.) would be considered elective causes to be championed in the near future once we got things running again!
Or we could vote for democrats, burn the economy to the ground, run all businesses out of the country, vilify success, while arming our enemies and leaving our borders as wide open as possible so we can bring in more welfare dependents to swamp our welfare system.
So, for those who wouldn't vote for Romney because he is rich and thus successful. Who would you want to run your business? A proven success or a community organizer who has really not been successful at anything other then winning elections by hook or by crook? I don't want a Liz Warren who wins because she is the sweet old grandma. I don't want Hillary whose track record is anything but stellar and I can't think of any republican that I want to vote for. THERE IS NO ONE THAT I SEE ON THE HORIZON. But if given only the choice of voting for a democrat and Adolf Hitler, guess what, sig heil. (a bit of hyperbole to make a point)

It is INCREDIBLE to me to believe that America failed to hire one of THE world's leaders in business and economics as well as an expert at large organizational turnarounds to fix this country.

It is absurd to think that good did not prevail over not so good because good needed a better sales campaign.

It is criminal to think that someone with an unblemished character, rock solid traditional American values, a tangible record of stellar achievement as well as being not only a genuinely nice guy and family man is also a rock star in the world of business could lose to the lying and lawless vacationer in chief.
So, for those who wouldn't vote for Romney because he is rich and thus successful. Who would you want to run your business? A proven success or a community organizer who has really not been successful at anything other then winning elections by hook or by crook? I don't want a Liz Warren who wins because she is the sweet old grandma. I don't want Hillary whose track record is anything but stellar and I can't think of any republican that I want to vote for. THERE IS NO ONE THAT I SEE ON THE HORIZON. But if given only the choice of voting for a democrat and Adolf Hitler, guess what, sig heil. (a bit of hyperbole to make a point)

It is INCREDIBLE to me to believe that America failed to hire one of THE world's leaders in business and economics as well as an expert at large organizational turnarounds to fix this country.

It is absurd to think that good did not prevail over not so good because good needed a better sales campaign.

It is criminal to think that someone with an unblemished character, rock solid traditional American values, a tangible record of stellar achievement as well as being not only a genuinely nice guy and family man is also a rock star in the world of business could lose to the lying and lawless vacationer in chief.

The dems had a better ground game. The public sector unions helped get out the vote in key states like OH..Romney was a weak candidate anyway. the first debate he was good, but that wasn't enough to overcome the liberal demagoguery.
So, for those who wouldn't vote for Romney because he is rich and thus successful. Who would you want to run your business? A proven success or a community organizer who has really not been successful at anything other then winning elections by hook or by crook? I don't want a Liz Warren who wins because she is the sweet old grandma. I don't want Hillary whose track record is anything but stellar and I can't think of any republican that I want to vote for. THERE IS NO ONE THAT I SEE ON THE HORIZON. But if given only the choice of voting for a democrat and Adolf Hitler, guess what, sig heil. (a bit of hyperbole to make a point)

It is INCREDIBLE to me to believe that America failed to hire one of THE world's leaders in business and economics as well as an expert at large organizational turnarounds to fix this country.

It is absurd to think that good did not prevail over not so good because good needed a better sales campaign.

It is criminal to think that someone with an unblemished character, rock solid traditional American values, a tangible record of stellar achievement as well as being not only a genuinely nice guy and family man is also a rock star in the world of business could lose to the lying and lawless vacationer in chief.

The dems had a better ground game. The public sector unions helped get out the vote in key states like OH..Romney was a weak candidate anyway. the first debate he was good, but that wasn't enough to overcome the liberal demagoguery.
Face it the democrats voted for romney, then the republicans said to hell with this. The elections are rigged to let the other side screw the other party over.
It seems that thinking Romney is a gigantic piece of shit is a non-partisan matter.

Nice poll :thup:

Anyone who thinks Mitt Romney is a gigantic piece of shit is a lard licking, lilly livered piece of shit Liberal with a dog for a mother.

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