Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

  • Yes he should have won in 2012

    Votes: 29 42.0%
  • No he is a proven loser

    Votes: 31 44.9%
  • Yes and I voted for Obama in 2012

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • No Romney is not conservative enough

    Votes: 10 14.5%

  • Total voters
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?
How stupid are Republicans? Look at the polling results at the top. If not for the conservatives who don't think Romney's conservative ENOUGH, he'd win. LOL


Yep, thats why we have an incompetent marxist serving his second term.

That has nothing to do with his policy and everything to do with the color of his skin.

There's no way a white Obama would have been reelected. After that first term? Oh HELL no.

probably true, but he was helped by conservatives who thought Romney was not conservative enough, as well as the mormon haters.

Romney would have been a good president----------much better than Obama. Face it, we almost always end up voting against someone rather than for someone. Voting for the lesser of two evils makes sense, every time.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republicans all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket. You pubs are nutz.
The grass is always greener.

Easy to compare a known quantity to an unknown quantity, but objectively it doesn't make any sense. Would Romney have been better than President Obama? Impossible to speculate.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the truth.
The grass is always greener.

Easy to compare a known quantity to an unknown quantity, but objectively it doesn't make any sense. Would Romney have been better than President Obama? Impossible to speculate.

of course its speculation, but based on what obama has done, a head of cabbage would have been a better president. Personally, I think Romney would have been a great president, but you're right, we will never know.
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.
And Democrats have been the voice of fiscal restraint, right?
Korea-Harry Truman
Dems suck and when they're done the public votes in the GOP to clean up the mess.


Bush 41: Iraq 1
Bush 43: Iraq 2, Afghanistan

Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the trueh.

Nah, it's your kind of thinking that you have to vote for the 2nd worst candidate to ensure that the worst candidate won't win that is screwing up our elections. If you folks would have actually voted for the most conservative candidate you would have voted for the libertarian, who by the way was a lauded REPUBLICAN prior to the start of the election season. Why do you republicans insist on voting neo-con party line? What have the neo-con pnac war hawk homophobe socialist pubs done for you?
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the trueh.

Nah, it's your kind of thinking that you have to vote for the 2nd worst candidate to ensure that the worst candidate won't win that is screwing up our elections. If you folks would have actually voted for the most conservative candidate you would have voted for the libertarian, who by the way was a lauded REPUBLICAN prior to the start of the election season. Why do you republicans insist on voting neo-con party line? What have the neo-con pnac war hawk homophobe socialist pubs done for you?

You are refusing to get my point. Conservatives elected obama by not voting for the less liberal republican. Your voting pattern will keep liberals in power because you will always split the republican vote. The poll in this thread proves what I am saying.
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.
And Democrats have been the voice of fiscal restraint, right?
Korea-Harry Truman
Dems suck and when they're done the public votes in the GOP to clean up the mess.


Bush 41: Iraq 1
Bush 43: Iraq 2, Afghanistan

Those were such minor wars you might as well include Clinton-Somalia, Balkans.
/fail, you derp.
When republicans control both the executive and legislative branches, they have a propensity to increase the size of the Federal government, to increase the deficit, and to start illegal wars – given republican hostility to citizens' civil liberties today, along with their contempt for the Constitution and its case law, as well as the rule of law, there is clearly no reason to vote for a republican presidential candidate.
And Democrats have been the voice of fiscal restraint, right?
Korea-Harry Truman
Dems suck and when they're done the public votes in the GOP to clean up the mess.


Bush 41: Iraq 1
Bush 43: Iraq 2, Afghanistan

Those were such minor wars you might as well include Clinton-Somalia, Balkans.
/fail, you derp.

You just called Iraq 2 a "minor" war??


Yes, I think you have permanently left the land of reality for a permanent hiatus in the land of pretty unicorns.

The most expensive war in our nation's history, and you call it a minor war...

This is a classic fake-Rabbi fail, one for the history books.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the trueh.

Nah, it's your kind of thinking that you have to vote for the 2nd worst candidate to ensure that the worst candidate won't win that is screwing up our elections. If you folks would have actually voted for the most conservative candidate you would have voted for the libertarian, who by the way was a lauded REPUBLICAN prior to the start of the election season. Why do you republicans insist on voting neo-con party line? What have the neo-con pnac war hawk homophobe socialist pubs done for you?

You are refusing to get my point. Conservatives elected obama by not voting for the less liberal republican. Your voting pattern will keep liberals in power because you will always split the republican vote. The poll in this thread proves what I am saying.

No, that is not your shitty party's problem. Your shitty party's problem is that the Democratic coalition is now considerably larger and attracts more independents.

Conservatives came out in droves to vote for Romney. He still lost. :D
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the truth.

Terrible logic is terrible.

When R&D are both shit, voting for quality doesn't mean one helped whichever shit won, it just means that everybody that voted for shit undermined our chance at electing quality.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the trueh.

Nah, it's your kind of thinking that you have to vote for the 2nd worst candidate to ensure that the worst candidate won't win that is screwing up our elections. If you folks would have actually voted for the most conservative candidate you would have voted for the libertarian, who by the way was a lauded REPUBLICAN prior to the start of the election season. Why do you republicans insist on voting neo-con party line? What have the neo-con pnac war hawk homophobe socialist pubs done for you?

You are refusing to get my point. Conservatives elected obama by not voting for the less liberal republican. Your voting pattern will keep liberals in power because you will always split the republican vote. The poll in this thread proves what I am saying.

No, that is not your shitty party's problem. Your shitty party's problem is that the Democratic coalition is now considerably larger and attracts more independents.

Conservatives came out in droves to vote for Romney. He still lost. :D

First of all many conservatives either stayed home or voted third party, those votes elected obama.

Second, you are right, the dems have managed to put half of the country on the govt teat in order to buy their votes. If you think thats a good thing, then you are more of an idiot than I thought you were.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the truth.

Terrible logic is terrible.

When R&D are both shit, voting for quality doesn't mean one helped whichever shit won, it just means that everybody that voted for shit undermined our chance at electing quality.

technically you are right, practically you are wrong. When half of the country will vote for the liberal no matter what, splitting the remaining half only ensures that we get the worst possible result. Vote with your brain, not your emotions.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the truth.

Terrible logic is terrible.

When R&D are both shit, voting for quality doesn't mean one helped whichever shit won, it just means that everybody that voted for shit undermined our chance at electing quality.

technically you are right, practically you are wrong. When half of the country will vote for the liberal no matter what, splitting the remaining half only ensures that we get the worst possible result. Vote with your brain, not your emotions.

The people who sell out their alleged principles just to "keep dat udder guy owt" are the ones voting with their emotions.
Would you vote for Romney in 2016?

In the Primary? You betcha!

LOL, nice try at humor. But you failed. We all know that you will vote for your fellow lesbian Hillary no matter who runs from either party. Maybe you can get Rosie O'Donnel to run for VP----------an all bull dyke ticket.
The point was they will vote for Romney to make sure there are two socialists on the ticket. This way the democrats can't loose.

Who is your candidate? We know who you are against, who are you for?
I voted libertarian last time. I would vote republican if the candidate were a Reagan like republican vs a Bush/Romney/Perry republican. For example, I would vote for Rubio. I'm very impressed with Mr. Rubio.

So in 2012 you helped obama win. are you happy about that?

No, I helped the libertarian win. If you don't like how the voting system works fix it. If it makes you feel better I would have voted for Romney over Obama, not my fault our voting system is ludicrously archaic. I'm not gonna throw out my principles and vote for a homophobic, moderate socialist to vote against a full out socialist. If you want my conservative vote your gonna have to have a conservative for me to vote for or some sort of run off election system. If Romney and Obama were the only two on the ticket, I would vote Romney.

The way I look at it you republican all voted for a socialist when a perfectly good conservative was on the ticket.

Hmmmm, I don't recall a libertarian winning the presidency in 2012. I understand what you are saying, but the fact is that that kind of thinking will insure that we continue to be ruled by raving liberals, and you will be helping them retain power. We may not like it, but thats the trueh.

Nah, it's your kind of thinking that you have to vote for the 2nd worst candidate to ensure that the worst candidate won't win that is screwing up our elections. If you folks would have actually voted for the most conservative candidate you would have voted for the libertarian, who by the way was a lauded REPUBLICAN prior to the start of the election season. Why do you republicans insist on voting neo-con party line? What have the neo-con pnac war hawk homophobe socialist pubs done for you?

You are refusing to get my point. Conservatives elected obama by not voting for the less liberal republican. Your voting pattern will keep liberals in power because you will always split the republican vote. The poll in this thread proves what I am saying.

No, that is not your shitty party's problem. Your shitty party's problem is that the Democratic coalition is now considerably larger and attracts more independents.

Conservatives came out in droves to vote for Romney. He still lost. :D

First of all many conservatives either stayed home or voted third party, those votes elected obama.

Second, you are right, the dems have managed to put half of the country on the govt teat in order to buy their votes. If you think thats a good thing, then you are more of an idiot than I thought you were.

You are an excellent RWNJ drone. Carry on.

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