WOW. ABC forced to admit FBI did in fact wiretap Trump Tower

Desperation is so thick around here it's fogging up the board.
It's been that way even before the election. i would have figured a rational person would have adjusted and gotten over that by now.
Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

Everyone has read that hit piece, and there is nothing there. It is opinion based on opinion.
The only purpose of the Fake News Article is to get some hits, try to get it trending, and then of course, pretend like it was Journalism when it is debunked for the 10th time.
You should have paid attention in school. Its not an opinion piece. CNN labels opinion pieces as such

No offense, but that article is ridiculous. Did you even read it?

So let's recap.

  • No evidence in 8 months of surveillance and investigation (without a warrant I might add)
  • CNN says, they still can't find evidence and THE FBI still can't prove anything, but it must have happened because how could The Queen of the Damned ever possibly lose?
  • CNN says the reason they can't find evidence now is that The Russians are on to them, on to the Investigation and changed their methods.

Does that make sense to you?

So when they weren't "ON TO US" there was NO EVIDENCE, because they were just THAT GOOD AT HIDING IT, and now that they are on to us "THERE WON'T BE EVIDENCE" because they are going to be even better at hiding it.

Like I said, only a Certifiably Insane Moron can believe that NO EVIDENCE IS GOING TO LEAD TO SOME EVIDENCE.

Get The Fuck Out Of Here.

You are going to ride that dead horse for 8 years to get elected?
How the phuck did that work for you in 2016?

Is Hillary President?

So for Brevity here is CNN's Toilet Paper Article Synopsis.

There Was No Evidence
BUT There Must Be Evidence
There Is No Evidence
And There Won't Be Evidence.

But it had to happen because The Queen of The Damned is not President.

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The Comrade is going down. I wonder how many people he throws under the bus before he does?
Again, no matter how EMOTIONAL Lefty gets......THE NSA, CIA have said there is NO RUSSIAN COLLUSION.
The only illegal acts uncovered was The Obama Administration's Leaks of an Illegal Investigation on Trump, and Illegal Surveillance on Trump.

8 Months of Surveillance and Investigation and you find Nothing?

The most powerful surveillance apparatus the world has ever known cannot and has not found any evidence of anything Lefty accused him of when they were trying to save a failing campaign.

US Officials: Info suggests Trump associates may have coordinated with Russians -

Everyone has read that hit piece, and there is nothing there. It is opinion based on opinion.
The only purpose of the Fake News Article is to get some hits, try to get it trending, and then of course, pretend like it was Journalism when it is debunked for the 10th time.
You should have paid attention in school. Its not an opinion piece. CNN labels opinion pieces as such

No offense, but that article is ridiculous. Did you even read it?

So let's recap.

  • No evidence in 8 months of surveillance and investigation (without a warrant I might add)
  • CNN says, they still can't find evidence and THE FBI still can't prove anything, but it must have happened because how could The Queen of the Damned ever possibly lose?
  • CNN says the reason they can't find evidence now is that The Russians are on to them, on to the Investigation and changed their methods.

Does that make sense to you?

So when they weren't "ON TO US" there was NO EVIDENCE, because they were just THAT GOOD AT HIDING IT, and now that they are on to us "THERE WON'T BE EVIDENCE" because they are going to be even better at hiding it.

Like I said, only a Certifiably Insane Moron can believe that NO EVIDENCE IS GOING TO LEAD TO SOME EVIDENCE.

Get The Fuck Out Of Here.

You are going to ride that dead horse for 8 years to get elected?
How the phuck did that work for you in 2016?

Is Hillary President?
Yes I read it. it appears you somehow missed the very first sentence in the article....

"The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clinton's campaign, US officials told CNN."
Naturally they are trying to spin it by saying it was 4 years ago and trump was not the target.!! They claim the target was those dastardly ruskies . HAHA

Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

march 21 2017 But it was not placed at the behest of Barack Obama, and the target was not the Trump campaign of 2016. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York.

The FBI investigation led to a federal grand jury indictment of more than 30 people, including one of the world’s most notorious Russian mafia bosses, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. Known as the “Little Taiwanese,” he was the only target to slip away, and he remains a fugitive from American justice.

Seven months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a red notice for Tokhtakhounov, he appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump had sold the Russian rights for Miss Universe to a billionaire Russian shopping mall developer.

How does a wire tap in 2013 prove the Obama regime wiretapped the Trump Admin in 2016?

I am not following you.

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Naturally they are trying to spin it by saying it was 4 years ago and trump was not the target.!! They claim the target was those dastardly ruskies . HAHA

Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

march 21 2017 But it was not placed at the behest of Barack Obama, and the target was not the Trump campaign of 2016. For two years ending in 2013, the FBI had a court-approved warrant to eavesdrop on a sophisticated Russian organized crime money-laundering network that operated out of unit 63A in Trump Tower in New York.

The FBI investigation led to a federal grand jury indictment of more than 30 people, including one of the world’s most notorious Russian mafia bosses, Alimzhan Tokhtakhounov. Known as the “Little Taiwanese,” he was the only target to slip away, and he remains a fugitive from American justice.

Seven months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a red notice for Tokhtakhounov, he appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. Trump had sold the Russian rights for Miss Universe to a billionaire Russian shopping mall developer.

How does a wire tap in 2013 prove the Obama regime wiretapped the Trump Admin in 2016?

I am not following you.

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Cause Drumpf told him so.
The Comrade is going down. I wonder how many people he throws under the bus before he does?
Drumpf will throw all his idiot backers under the bus like he did on the birther conspiracy.
I agree. The outlook for Drumpf backers dont look too good at all.

Since Comrade Trump can do no wrong, everyone around him will go down before he does.
Don't you ever tire of not having a clue what you are talking about?

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