Wow! As a Democrat I was embarrassed last night.

Instead of being embarrassed...spend tonight getting charged up with a positive attitude and good spirit by watching the TRUMP RALLY at 6:00 pm...
Or a good Scotch and cigar.
Take your ass-kicking like an adult. Don't spend the next 4 years, crying, bitching, undermining, and attempting coups.
I’ve never voted for a Democrat.
Then you have one redeeming social value. BTW, you've missed nothing ... they are so rarely worth voting for.
Democrat... in 2020? I would be embarrassed as well. Whether to vote for the billionaire buying the election or the socialist promising to take the billionaire's money... Others don't have that dilemma, they simply vote for the American president.
And we have the option of voting for a guy who has proven his America-First bone fides. I didn't in 2016 but I will in 2020.
It was definitely the Jerry Springer show last night. Too bad Pocahontas wasn't armed with a pillow, because she would've assaulted Racist Mikey for sure. Mikey, Low IQ Joe, and The Bern are just flat out TOO OLD. Racist Mikey gaffed immediately, saying 150 billion, not million, would lose health insurance if The Bern got his way. I really couldn't stop laughing every time Low IQ Joe spoke. What a MORON!! The Bern reminds me of the old Scooby Doo cartoon, warning the kids that "the house is haunted." Stop waving your finger, Bernie. It isn't helping you.

Klobuchar did OK but it was not her best showing. Mayor Pete is a slick smartass. Pocahontas is totally unhinged....

Big winner last night = Donald Trump

Good analysis but I have a slightly different perspective. The Scooby Doo character was Creepy Old Slow Joe.
The Scooby Doo character was Creepy Old Slow Joe.


All three "old geezers" there would fit the bill, but the Bern, with that bald spot, the stringy white hair, waving his finger every time he spoke....

The Bern - "the house is haunted"
Low IQ Joe - "you rang" - the Butler
Racist Mikey - "no, you have no right to look at the ship's manifold" - Redbeard the Pirate
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The Scooby Doo character was Creepy Old Slow Joe.


All three "old geezers" there would fit the bill, but the Bern, with that bald spot, the stringy white hair, waving his finger every time he spoke....

The Bern - "the house is haunted"
Low IQ Joe - "you rang" - the Butler
Racist Mikey - "no, you have to right to look at the ship's manifold" - Redbeard the Pirate

Kobuchar - Debbie Downer

Trump really wrapped up the election win in 2016 when he destroyed Crooked Hillary in the last debate.

Trump will destroy any of those clowns in a debate this year.
Amy K appears to have a serious health issue. She was "winking" in one eye last night, and struggled after speaking, with a pained look. I wonder if she doesn't have early Parkinson's or something like that. Too bad, since she is the only Dem running who has any chance in a general.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

LOL, virtually NOBODY believes Doomberg was any good at all.
Warren is just Hillary 2.0

Self centered, egotistical bitch, who looks down on everyone else as peasants who should hang on her every word. ... :cuckoo:
Or Bernie 2.0 or a copy of anyone or anything that will get Gray Beaver in the White House. She is a miserable phony with a voice that makes me want to break the TV.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

I didn't see it last night I was with me lady
Bloomberg came I'll prepared ...I read

He needs fire all those ass licking yes men ...but it may be to late ..ya never know candidates can also turn it around in another debate

I'm hoping trump's little torpedo stays in for as long as possible
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

That made me chuckle. Honestly.

Warren singlehandedly gutted Bloomberg (who arrived unprepared in supreme arrogance), and she demonstrated her fighting instincts. Good on her. I wish she'd shown more of same earlier.

Buttigieg was smarmy, Klobuchar (learn how to spell her name, damnit!) was petulant in return, in a rather transparent feud to win over Hispanics. Biden had one of his better nights. At least he seemed awake.

All told, Sanders sailed relatively smoothly and escaped unscathed, Biden probably couldn't save his campaign, neither could Klobuchar and Buttigieg. Bloomberg's Potemkin's village of a campaign should, if not collapse, at least experience a significant dent.

This is politics, Rye. They all left the stage with their hair and all their eyes intact. If you want eternal peace and harmony... find a knitting group, or something...
There really isn't a better way to describe what happened to Bloomberg last night than to say he was 'savaged' in front of the whole country / world (...anyone who watched).

Serious question - Can Bloomberg recover from such a devastating showing?

In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

Democrats eating their own, good times. :eusa_dance:
In all the watching of the Democratic Debate last night, I was taken back by the fact that neither there during the debate nor here that I’ve seen, no one has asked or asked the candidates the

THREE OBVIOUS QUESTIONS that begged to be asked!

Over and over, most of the candidates stated that their strongest most urgent goal and the greatest reason to vote for them was to get Trump out of office! MUST REMOVE TRUMP! Yet no on asked these begging questions:

1). The economy is soaring! Employment is sky high! Wages are up! Fairer Trade is being addressed. Borders are safer. Crime is down. Several top terrorist leaders have been eliminated. The military has been modernized. Veteran care is improved. ISIS all but destroyed. North Korea has been visited and stabilized. Drug prices have been reduced. Construction jobs way up. America now largest oil producer. Russia was sanctioned. New space defense policy created. New USMCA trade agreement replaces NAFTA. War prisoners brought home. School Choice educational grants. And $500 billion in errors found at HUD plus much, MUCH more. And all this accomplished under incredible obstruction, resistance. hostility and distraction. So just what has Trump done or not done that makes it so urgently important to replace him?​

2). Liz Warren stated that healthcare is in a crisis! How is that? How can that be when we were told that the ACA Act / Obamacare was going to fix so very much? I mean, it was supposedly in a crisis BEFORE Obamacare! So it really didn’t fix anything after all?​

3). Bloomberg stated that “What Trump did to healthcare is a disgrace.” What was that? I didn’t know that Trump had done anything to healthcare! He was stopped by McCain and Congress! All I’ve heard for three years is that Trump has FAILED to address healthcare. Now he’s wrecked it?​

Why is it that these questions are never asked nor answered? I mean, these people just spent two hours on stage telling us how VITAL it was that Trump must go!!! :eek:
I highly doubt you were embarrassed about anything....That emotional response requires a level of self-awareness that you've never ever shown to posses.

Thanks for sharing, It seems my comments have hurt your feelings, the truth hurts.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.
Bernie kicked as a took names.

Warren kicked ass and didn't even bother with the names.

Bloomberg got his ass handed to him repeatedly.
In re the Vegas Debate: These internecine feuds might easily have proved fatal to the cause. Warren, Sanders and Biden were the most divisive, follow closely by Buttigieg; only Kobuchar & Bloomberg kept their composure.

Biden and Warren proved to be desperate, Warren rudely kept interrupting Bloomberg's effort to speak, and she was followed closely Sanders & Biden. These three were losers in my opinion.

In my judgment only Bloomberg, Klobuchar, were the winners, but Bloomberg seemed to me to have his eye on the ball for the cause, to prevent trump and his megalomania from being in office four more years.

That made me chuckle. Honestly.

Warren singlehandedly gutted Bloomberg (who arrived unprepared in supreme arrogance), and she demonstrated her fighting instincts. Good on her. I wish she'd shown more of same earlier.

Buttigieg was smarmy, Klobuchar (learn how to spell her name, damnit!) was petulant in return, in a rather transparent feud to win over Hispanics. Biden had one of his better nights. At least he seemed awake.

All told, Sanders sailed relatively smoothly and escaped unscathed, Biden probably couldn't save his campaign, neither could Klobuchar and Buttigieg. Bloomberg's Potemkin's village of a campaign should, if not collapse, at least experience a significant dent.

This is politics, Rye. They all left the stage with their hair and all their eyes intact. If you want eternal peace and harmony... find a knitting group, or something...

I did, have you read all the posts on this thread? The usual fools were themselves; too few comments were substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking, in short most were Idiot-grams (see the posts on page 1)
Oh, the other question I keep wondering about:
In 2016, when Trump was running, he gave interviews to everyone. Every network, every paper, no matter their leanings. Answered every question.

SO WHY IS IT THAT these Democrats only interview with Stephen Colbert, Oprah, The View, CNN and MSNBC? Why are they so afraid to interview with Mark Levin or Tucker Carson or debate on Fox News where the hosts aren't leading them with soft questions?​
Instead of being embarrassed...spend tonight getting charged up with a positive attitude and good spirit by watching the TRUMP RALLY at 6:00 pm...
Or a good Scotch and cigar.
Take your ass-kicking like an adult. Don't spend the next 4 years, crying, bitching, undermining, and attempting coups.
I’ve never voted for a Democrat.
Then you have one redeeming social value. BTW, you've missed nothing ... they are so rarely worth voting for.

The truth of it is I was a lifelong Republican. I voted Republican my entire life. When trump was elected I gave him a chance to prove himself a good president. The more I listened to him the more obvious it became to me that this man was fucked in the head. He proved to me that he is a pathological liar, a narcissist, greedy sexist and a homophobe.
I understand that when you are a businessman you kinda have to be an asshole. Not something I look for in a president. So you see I am a Democrat today because of Donald Trump. You had me and you lost me. This year I will be proudly casting my vote for Bernie Sanders.

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