WOW!!! BREAKING: Murdered DNC staffer was Wikileaks’ source, Assange admits in interview

FALSE: Donald Trump Removed From Primary Ballots

Satire website, for total fools only....

BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
Ye, that was THE RUMORS back in the primaries!
Your OP source is a joke, dingbat dupe.

BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
FALSE: Donald Trump Removed From Primary Ballots

Satire website, for total fools only....

BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
Ye, that was THE RUMORS back in the primaries!
Your OP source is a joke, dingbat dupe.

BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
BREAKING: Christian Times Newspaper has learned that Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, and Florida have all REMOVED Trump’s name from their state’s upcoming Republican primaries!

In a blow to his presidential chances, billionaire businessman Donald Trump has found upwards of FIVE states that have removed his name from the ballot ahead of their primaries in early 2016.

The above-quoted article is a work of fiction. The Christian Times Newspaper bills itself as a "satire" publication and does not publish factual stories:

Christian Times Newspaper is your premier online source for news, commentary, opinion, and half-baked theories. Christian Times Newspaper does not take responsibility for any of our readers' actions that may result from reading our stories. We make it abundantly aware that some stories are satire, and some are speculation.

While Donald Trump has not been removed from any presidential primary ballots, former state Republican chairman Fergus Cullen did challenge Trump's eligibility. The New Hampshire Ballot Law Commission quickly dismissed the challenge.
We already LAUGHED at this the FIRST TIME you posted it....Queer, little subversive, scumbag!
4 a.m. across from a convenience store, blocks from Howard University.........maybe if it were somewhere else I would believe this was a hit.
Does anyone care what a subversive thinks?

People occasionally reply to your posts, so possibly they do care what a subversive thinks. Regardless, anyone who has ever been to the 930 club know what the deal is in that area. I assume you do not.
4 a.m. across from a convenience store, blocks from Howard University.........maybe if it were somewhere else I would believe this was a hit.
Does anyone care what a subversive thinks?

People occasionally reply to your posts, so possibly they do care what a subversive thinks. Regardless, anyone who has ever been to the 930 club know what the deal is in that area. I assume you do not.

Sounds like your personal CONSPIRACY theory, subversive! ROTFLMFAO!
4 a.m. across from a convenience store, blocks from Howard University.........maybe if it were somewhere else I would believe this was a hit.
Does anyone care what a subversive thinks?

People occasionally reply to your posts, so possibly they do care what a subversive thinks. Regardless, anyone who has ever been to the 930 club know what the deal is in that area. I assume you do not.

Sounds like your personal CONSPIRACY theory, subversive! ROTFLMFAO!

I think what you are hearing is the transmissions in your head again. Might want to double up on the tin foil.

Don't you guys ever get sick of making fools of yourselves?

You guys are so fucking gullible, I'm surprised you haven't mailed your life savings to a Nigerian prince yet.
Dude not to rain on your parade but the story is not true. He doesn't say anything of the sort in that interview HOWEVER they (WikiLeaks) are offering 20K to anyone that can give them info that can lead to the arrest of Seths killer
WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich - Who Was MURDERED in DC - Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

On July 8, 2016, 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The killer or killers took nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone.

Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.

Seth Rich’s father Joel told reporters, “If it was a robbery — it failed because he still has his watch, he still has his money — he still has his credit cards, still had his phone so it was a wasted effort except we lost a life.”...

Julian Assange: Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27 year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.

Reporter: That was just a robbery, I believe. Wasn’t it?

Julian Assange: No. There’s no finding. So… I’m suggesting that our sources take risks.
The Clintons.....there's so much corruption and dead bodies around these people
Let's all pray Assange won't be the next. He's becoming #1 enemy. However they all loved him when he was telling the truth about Iraq when Bush was a president.

He's also close to leaking Trumps tax returns...

Great,i'm for the release of ALL info regarding our political nominees.
If Trumps tax returns turn out to be nefarious I want to know before I put him in the highest office of the land.
Great,i'm for the release of ALL info regarding our political nominees.
If Trumps tax returns turn out to be nefarious I want to know before I put him in the highest office of the land.
Doubt there is anything of note in them or the Establishment would have had them leaked from a mole in the IRS 9 months ago.
Great,i'm for the release of ALL info regarding our political nominees.
If Trumps tax returns turn out to be nefarious I want to know before I put him in the highest office of the land.
Doubt there is anything of note in them or the Establishment would have had them leaked from a mole in the IRS 9 months ago.

Yep...all we hear about is how crooked Trump is but it's all innuendo.
Give me some proof to go on and I'll question his ability to serve as a world leader.
Let's all pray Assange won't be the next. He's becoming #1 enemy. However they all loved him when he was telling the truth about Iraq when Bush was a president.

He's also close to leaking Trumps tax returns...

Great,i'm for the release of ALL info regarding our political nominees.
If Trumps tax returns turn out to be nefarious I want to know before I put him in the highest office of the land.
May be Wikileaks also could release Obama's birth certificate and his school grades to begin with and after that we'll talk about Trump's tax returns?
Let's all pray Assange won't be the next. He's becoming #1 enemy. However they all loved him when he was telling the truth about Iraq when Bush was a president.

He's also close to leaking Trumps tax returns...

Great,i'm for the release of ALL info regarding our political nominees.
If Trumps tax returns turn out to be nefarious I want to know before I put him in the highest office of the land.
May be Wikileaks also could release Obama's birth certificate and his school grades first and after that we'll talk about Trump's tax returns?
And tell us which crate the Ark of the Covenant got put in in Area 51, too!
Is Assange a Russian agent or Russia's tool to disseminate what they've hacked?

Don't believe for a nano second this DNC guy murdered was a Russian Mole or Assange's mole....

That's simply propaganda meant to set us off track...
What "track" are you talking about in the first place?
I wonder what gems they will pull out of these emails.

News from The Associated Press

The State Department has turned over 44 previously-unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges that the Democratic presidential nominee failed to include among the 30,000 private messages she turned over to the government last year. They show her interacting with lobbyists, political and Clinton Foundation donors and business interests as secretary of state.

The conservative legal group Judicial Watch obtained the emails as part of its lawsuit against the State Department. They cover Clinton's first three months as secretary of state in early 2009, a period for which Clinton did not turn over any emails to the State Department last year. The government found the newly disclosed messages during a search of agency computer files from longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

In one instance, Clinton exchanged messages with a senior Morgan Stanley investment executive whom she met with later that year at her office in Washington. They were among 246 pages of Abedin messages turned over to Judicial Watch.

Clinton campaign officials did not immediately answer questions about the issue.
This is actually the 3rd person in 2 months connected with the Clintons / Hillary - going to the FBI, about to testify about a UN scandal, and one filing a law suit - who have died 'mysteriously'. My favorire was the crooked UN-connected guy who 'died of natural causes' - his throat was crushed by a dumbell - before he could testify. :p
Is Assange a Russian agent or Russia's tool to disseminate what they've hacked?

Don't believe for a nano second this DNC guy murdered was a Russian Mole or Assange's mole....

That's simply propaganda meant to set us off track...

I suggest it's worth your time to dive into the ORIGINAL SOURCE for that allegation. Won't take but a minute and a half. I followed the link trail to this interview with Assange.

Assange belooft nieuwe onthullingen over Clinton

He's DEFINITELY walking a fine line between revealing a source and giving guarantees that his org will EXPOSE any harm that comes to them. It's a hard place to be caught. But I'm certain -- he IS suggesting that this guy was murdered for what he knew about the DNC. Fits perfectly. . Because news reports said he a meeting scheduled with the FBI in the next few days.

Take a look...

Assange belooft nieuwe onthullingen over Clinton

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