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Wow! #Ferguson Protesters Promise Civil Disobedience – “White Folks” Will Have to Deal With It

Vigilante is afraid to include the post below [because] "it is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes", which is what will happen to the Klan if it or its allies ever rises up again. The government will take them, try them, convict them, and execute them.

View attachment 34110 View attachment 34111

Yes, the Democratic KKK did KILL blacks up into the 30's. perhaps even later... now you want to argue if they were DemocRATS?
Vigilante is afraid to include the post below [because] "it is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes", which is what will happen to the Klan if it or its allies ever rises up again. The government will take them, try them, convict them, and execute them.

View attachment 34110 View attachment 34111
kkk was founded by dems.
Can you imagine that the THUGERY has made this abundantly clear that they plan on doing the same shit again!

Gateway Pundit ^

The Don’t Shoot Coalition, a hodge podge of radical far left grievance groups, answered questions yesterday put forth by concerned St. Louis residents. The entire St. Louis region is on pins and needles waiting for the court to release their decision on the Mike Brown case. In August protesters looted and vandalized over 100 local businesses. The Ferguson protests and riots cost local taxpayers $5.7 million… so far. Wednesday the coalition answered a few questions. They did not back down on their promise to disrupt the city after the court’s decision… Even if Officer Darren Wilson is indicted. The Post-Dispatch...

What are you bigots going to do if there are no riots? You bigots were ready for riots after Zimmerman walked from murdering an unarmed teen. Yet the citizens fooled your ignorant asses. You dumb asses are probably fondling your gunz as you post.
"What are you bigots going to do if there are no riots?"...
We do not answer loaded questions from ignorant race baiting assholes such as yourself.
Come get ya some, tough guy
MLK Jr was myth and man, necessary and human, corrupt and magnificent. All great men and women have great flaws as well as strengths. He was not perfect, but he was the man myth necessary at the time.
He could have been a chicken or Ronald McDonald or Miss Piggie. The myth was wholly constructed and bestowed on an evil being.

You are talking about yourself then.

Forgive me, I did not realize that. Carry on.
I remember Martin Luther King as a drunk, whoremaster, embezzler, plagiarist and a child abuser.
How about you? Do you have any personal remembrances of the civil rights days?

He drank, so did George Washington, George W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson, among others.

He used prostitutes, so did Jefferson who whored his slaves.

The embezzling charge cannot be verified.

Yes, he plagiarized.

No, he was not a child abuser, and those who false claim such need to be examined closely.

See how that works?

MLK Jr was a hero who gave his life for a better America, which is somewhat lesser because you are in it, but you will die one day.
MLK was one of the worst low lifes this country ever produced.

After Bull Connor was defeated in his election bid it was clear that segregation was breathing its last. Connor was known to be insane. If the cause of civil rights was prematurely successful the money wouldn't flow so freely. King needed an event. He sent black children to confront Bull Connor at the school. King was told that once Connor was gone there was no one to stop the children from going to that school. King was told that the children might be killed. That's what King wanted. Hurt children to revive the money flow. He personally sent black children into the fire hoses.

He didn't die soon enough.
Vigilante is afraid to include the post below [because] "it is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes", which is what will happen to the Klan if it or its allies ever rises up again. The government will take them, try them, convict them, and execute them.

View attachment 34110 View attachment 34111
kkk was founded by dems.

KKK was founded by CONSERVATIVES, and both Democrats and Republicans have been part of it.
Encountered MLK just once.


Didn't get introduced to him - didn't want to be. Was there only as part of my work.

Saw how he treated his entourage, including members of his own family.

They were better off without him.
I know Fakey won't understand this...way to nuanced for him, but many others, that think will!


The above is a miscomparison of a criminal thug on the left with an image from the King Philip War of 1675-1676 of red and white that left Massachusetts Colony in a welter of blood.

Below is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes

View attachment 34106 View attachment 34107

I told everyone you weren't nuanced enough to understand it, that picture on the right?... You say it's the King Philip War of 1675-1676!???

I believe we can all agree, EXCEPT YOU, that it depicts the Tea Party fight against TAXATION of tea!

Sorry Flakey, you lose...again!

BTW, DemocRATS hung that black man, better get used to being corrected on history! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Your source got the picture wrong. That often happens to crazies like you.

Yes, all that TEA coming out of the white shipping container and the WHITE INDIANS tells me I'm wrong.... Get your act together you moron!

Your word is not good enough, never been good enough. Prove it.

Come on tell us the truth: you cut and paste it off some Tea Party image board.
Encountered MLK just once.


Didn't get introduced to him - didn't want to be. Was there only as part of my work.

Saw how he treated his entourage, including members of his own family.

They were better off without him.
I imagine he said that about you, and you are just turning it around. Typical.
Vigilante is afraid to include the post below [because] "it is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes", which is what will happen to the Klan if it or its allies ever rises up again. The government will take them, try them, convict them, and execute them.

View attachment 34110 View attachment 34111
kkk was founded by dems.

KKK was founded by CONSERVATIVES, and both Democrats and Republicans have been part of it.
Nice non sequitur
Encountered MLK just once.


Didn't get introduced to him - didn't want to be. Was there only as part of my work.

Saw how he treated his entourage, including members of his own family.

They were better off without him.
Why do you think Coretta dumped his ass?
The KKK has gone from an archaic fringe to something much bigger and much more confrontational. Black violence has resurrected the KKK and breathed new life into those moldering bones.

Of course it would. For every action is an equal and opposite reaction. The KKK has no choice but to grow.
Pretty much, every time Black Nationalists go nuts and riot, they help White Nationalists grow their movement. Whereas a conciliatory approach like by Martin Luther King through non-violence, weakens White Nationalism.

I never met MLK Jr., but I miss him, and America needs another one.
A guy that noted the concept of character? Surely you jest. The libs would go postal.
Vigilante is afraid to include the post below [because] "it is the correct answer to Vigilante's misuse of images, and an exposure of real American vigilantes", which is what will happen to the Klan if it or its allies ever rises up again. The government will take them, try them, convict them, and execute them.

View attachment 34110 View attachment 34111
kkk was founded by dems.

KKK was founded by CONSERVATIVES, and both Democrats and Republicans have been part of it.

Altering history... what subversives do best... YOU ARE A FUCKING DEMOCUNT!
If there is disobedience once more, they should be handcuffed and thrown in jail.

What's so hard to understand about that?

It's easy.
Can you imagine that the THUGERY has made this abundantly clear that they plan on doing the same shit again!

Gateway Pundit ^

The Don’t Shoot Coalition, a hodge podge of radical far left grievance groups, answered questions yesterday put forth by concerned St. Louis residents. The entire St. Louis region is on pins and needles waiting for the court to release their decision on the Mike Brown case. In August protesters looted and vandalized over 100 local businesses. The Ferguson protests and riots cost local taxpayers $5.7 million… so far. Wednesday the coalition answered a few questions. They did not back down on their promise to disrupt the city after the court’s decision… Even if Officer Darren Wilson is indicted. The Post-Dispatch...
WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAPOLA! Don't you ever go in to the links provided by your supposed news source to see what the links actually are reporting instead of just repeating the garbage you have been sold a bill of goods on, and or MAKING UP your own bigoted version of what you think they have said????

from your article's links...
Don’t Shoot Coalition makes preparations for
Michael Brown Grand Jury outcome
Outlines support plan, how police can de-escalate and where responsibility lies
For Immediate Release – Wednesday, November 5, 2014
St. Louis -- The Don’t Shoot Coalition, a coalition
of approximately 50 local organizations
formed in the wake of the police shooting of Michael Brown
, announced its plans in
response to the anticipated Grand Jury announcement
concerning possible criminal
charges against Officer Darren Wilson. The coalition has been engaged in significant efforts
with numerous community groups and leaders to plan
for the anticipated announcement.
“If Officer Wilson is not indicted, we will do our
part to try to de-escalate violence without
de-escalating action” said Don’t Shoot co-chair Mic
hael T. McPhearson, executive director
of Veterans For Peace.
“We are providing a number o
f supports to promote a peaceful
response, but nothing will make a difference unless
the police do their part by giving
protesters adequate space. That’s the key to peaceful outcomes.”
In an effort to ensure community members are able to exercise their constitutional right to
assemble in a safe and intimidation-free environment, Don’t Shoot members are
attempting to negotiate three key elements to a safe police response. First, to come to
agreement on
rules of engagement
for all involved police agencies to foremost value
safety of ....


so you say this group is a bunch of RADICALS, but the truth is, this group is made up of 50 different local organizations promoting peace and CIVIL disobedience, including the group called VETERANS for PEACE...

HOW LOW can you Go, with your lies that you and your 'kind' promote? IS THERE NO SHAME in your dishonesty?

CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IS PRECISELY WHAT THIS GROUP IS PROMOTING....yet YOU and the other ducklings following your lead, are just in lock step with you, acting as though this group is promoting violence no matter the result of the grand jury.... WHAT A BIG FAT LIE.....

(Thank goodness all liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end times, justice served, at the hands of God)

Seems like it is YOU wishing for radicalism to take place.... not this group in your op article that your kind is labeling radicals.... WAY TO GO!!!
Hey shithead. Did you just finish crawling out from under your trailer. Civil disobedience?
Beatings, arson of businesses and residences, theft....This is your version of civil disobedience?
Why am I bothering to post to a person as incredibly stupid as yourself.

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