WOW! Frogs Kickin' Ass near Paris


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!


France Manhunt For Charlie Hebdo Suspects: Hostage Taken After Fugitives Sighted North Of Paris
(Reuters) - French anti-terrorist police surrounded a small northern town and helicopters hovered overhead after at least one person was taken hostage in a print works by two men believed to have carried out an attack on a Paris satirical journal.

Earlier, police had chased a vehicle at high speed along the nearby A2 motorway towards Paris as authorities appeared to be closing in on the two brothers. Gunshots rang out and police trucks, ambulances and armored vehicles descended on the area close to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport.

Police and anti-terrorist forces blocked all entries to the town of about 8,000, clearly seeking to limit the scale of any siege.
I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.
Well done France sad it took something like this to get them into action but good job guys keep it up.
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!
And here you are calling them frogs.
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!


France Manhunt For Charlie Hebdo Suspects: Hostage Taken After Fugitives Sighted North Of Paris
(Reuters) - French anti-terrorist police surrounded a small northern town and helicopters hovered overhead after at least one person was taken hostage in a print works by two men believed to have carried out an attack on a Paris satirical journal.

Earlier, police had chased a vehicle at high speed along the nearby A2 motorway towards Paris as authorities appeared to be closing in on the two brothers. Gunshots rang out and police trucks, ambulances and armored vehicles descended on the area close to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport.

Police and anti-terrorist forces blocked all entries to the town of about 8,000, clearly seeking to limit the scale of any siege.

Why are you slandering them by calling them frogs?
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!


France Manhunt For Charlie Hebdo Suspects: Hostage Taken After Fugitives Sighted North Of Paris
(Reuters) - French anti-terrorist police surrounded a small northern town and helicopters hovered overhead after at least one person was taken hostage in a print works by two men believed to have carried out an attack on a Paris satirical journal.

Earlier, police had chased a vehicle at high speed along the nearby A2 motorway towards Paris as authorities appeared to be closing in on the two brothers. Gunshots rang out and police trucks, ambulances and armored vehicles descended on the area close to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport.

Police and anti-terrorist forces blocked all entries to the town of about 8,000, clearly seeking to limit the scale of any siege.

I noted that on this mornings news, the majority of the French polices were armed with M1A1 rifles - WWII vintage weapons. This picture makes them look prepared, but what was playing on TV all morning showed cops with rifles that hadn't been touched in 70 years.
So you guys are patting them on the back and giving them extra kudo's for going after these guys ?
What exactly were you expecting ? Of course they're going after them !! They're not an Islamic state yet for crying out loud !

Anyway, I hope they take the Islamic bastards alive so they can get as much info out of them as possible.
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!
And here you are calling them frogs.

Cuz' the eat cuisses de grenouilles.

"""Terry O'Connor: English people and French people have long been enemies, culturally, militarily and commercially. In fact the two countries have almost been at war more often than at peace. (Well, not really, but it sometimes seems that way when you browse the history books.) So insults between the two nations are common. The French have described the English as a nation of shopkeepers and the English have described the French as a nation of frog-eaters. So, boil it down over the years and "frog-eaters" becomes frogs or froggies. N'est pas?"""
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!
And here you are calling them frogs.

Cuz' the eat cuisses de grenouilles.

"""Terry O'Connor: English people and French people have long been enemies, culturally, militarily and commercially. In fact the two countries have almost been at war more often than at peace. (Well, not really, but it sometimes seems that way when you browse the history books.) So insults between the two nations are common. The French have described the English as a nation of shopkeepers and the English have described the French as a nation of frog-eaters. So, boil it down over the years and "frog-eaters" becomes frogs or froggies. N'est pas?"""
It's a term of derision. How can you not know?
I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.

I'd move there if I could afford it. I like the southern area better than Paris, unless I could speak the language without a hint of an American accent.
CNN just reported the two brothers have been killed.

Damn, wish they could have been taken alive.
So you guys are patting them on the back and giving them extra kudo's for going after these guys ?
What exactly were you expecting ? Of course they're going after them !! They're not an Islamic state yet for crying out loud !

Anyway, I hope they take the Islamic bastards alive so they can get as much info out of them as possible.
Exactly...ask France to take a stand against the killer joining an international effort...they run with their heads between their legs.
Now To Pea in my Pants (No Tea Party Please!) must be all upset, his fucking muslim terrorists are going to be killed!

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