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Wow, Harris is out of her mind.

Yes it is. Go to your local mall and ask the first 20 people what they think of gay marriage, they will mostly be against it.

Most of America does not approve of the war the way the LIBERAL MEDIA PORTRAYS IT, there I helped you out.

You will be surprised to find out that I also do not approve of how the war is going only for different reasons, I thiink we shoould be using a WWII style offensive, marching through the country, wiping out towns and villages and not caring so much about civilian casualties. Believe me, when people are faced with the destruction of their town and home they will tell you where the bad guys are.

Anyway enough about Iraq...........America hater.

I almost want to completely own you, but it would be to easy.
Are you trying to be thick headed? Honestly - I can't see how the concept of "Taking what somebody says, IN CONTEXT, and applying those words" is beyond your scope of reasoning.

It's always funny when less intelligent people (dmp) try to act like they understand something that is above their abilities of thought.

I bet you challenge Christians with "If God is all-powerfull, can he make a rock so big and so strong that He cannot break it??"

I've never even thought of that question before, but now that you've brought it up; what is the answer?
With 90% of the U.S being Christian, how do you reconcile Dems being mostly non-Christian with nearly half of the presidential vote in the last 2 elections being cast for a Dem?

Thank you for your observation. This very problem has been vexing me for the past 4 Presidential election cycles. I would say, and this is conjecture alone based on conversations I've had with friends, yes I have Dem friends, who vote consistently dem, that most Dem voters do NOT truly comprehend the party's platform and beliefs. Many a Dem still votes the old "my dad was a workin' man and he said Republicans were just for the rich" party line. It is my fervent belief that were 40-60% of most Dem voters, whom are Christian, were blantantly, as in to your face line by line explanation of what the Dem party on a national perspective supports and believes, told what the Dem party nationally represents as an overall opposition to Christianity, they would NEVER VOTE DEM AGAIN IN THEIR LIVES!!!

That's why I think the Dem party is close to political extinction. If those who vote somewhat uninformed as to the Dem party true outlook are educated as to their voting against both their personal economic interests, and shown how Anti-Christian the Dem party is, that Christians that vote Dem now will abandon the party in droves.

OK That's my contention. What's yours?
Many a Dem still votes the old "my dad was a workin' man and he said Republicans were just for the rich" party line.

OMG, Rico... that is EXACTLY the story in this area.
"Do you support increased taxes?"

"Do you think it was a mistake to start the War On Terror?"
"Do you support homosexual unions?"
"HE--CK no!"
"Then WHY do you vote Democrat?"
"Because Democrat is for the working man. My Daddy was a Democrat, my union says to vote Democrat. That's good enough for me."

Makes me want to pull my hair out!
OMG, Rico... that is EXACTLY the story in this area.
"Do you support increased taxes?"

"Do you think it was a mistake to start the War On Terror?"
"Do you support homosexual unions?"
"HE--CK no!"
"Then WHY do you vote Democrat?"
"Because Democrat is for the working man. My Daddy was a Democrat, my union says to vote Democrat. That's good enough for me."

Makes me want to pull my hair out!

I know exactly what you mean. Heck my own family was Dem until the 70's. Even held elective office as Dems. Learned our lesson. Now all Republicans.

I was working in Arkansas a couple of months back on a project. Saw a bumper sticker on several cars/trucks I hadn't seen before.... "Christian or Democrat..... You can't be both!" Was surprised as the county I was in voted heavily Dem.... I think the trend is beginning...
Thank you for your observation. This very problem has been vexing me for the past 4 Presidential election cycles. I would say, and this is conjecture alone based on conversations I've had with friends, yes I have Dem friends, who vote consistently dem, that most Dem voters do NOT truly comprehend the party's platform and beliefs. Many a Dem still votes the old "my dad was a workin' man and he said Republicans were just for the rich" party line. It is my fervent belief that were 40-60% of most Dem voters, whom are Christian, were blantantly, as in to your face line by line explanation of what the Dem party on a national perspective supports and believes, told what the Dem party nationally represents as an overall opposition to Christianity, they would NEVER VOTE DEM AGAIN IN THEIR LIVES!!!

That's why I think the Dem party is close to political extinction. If those who vote somewhat uninformed as to the Dem party true outlook are educated as to their voting against both their personal economic interests, and shown how Anti-Christian the Dem party is, that Christians that vote Dem now will abandon the party in droves.

OK That's my contention. What's yours?

How is the Democratic Party "Anti-Christian"?
In the early 20th century all mention of religion and god was taken out of the public classroom along with a push by the supreme court to remove mention of god and religion out of the public arena, since then we have a soaring crime rate, more teenage births, births out of wedlock etc. etc. etc., these detriments are in direct correlation with our push to secularism.

Please explain some of the positive benefits secularism has had on our society.

Here asswipe, stop evading and answer this.
It's always funny when less intelligent people (dmp) try to act like they understand something that is above their abilities of thought.

I've never even thought of that question before, but now that you've brought it up; what is the answer?

If you don't stop the ad hominem attacks your account will be banned.
Nothing wrong with trying to live by a certain life code... so long as you only impose it on yourself. And, frankly, while Jesus said a lot of very good stuff, I don't care to have his "teachings" imposed on me. Thanks very much. Hence, sin shouldn't ever be the subject of legislation.
So sins like murder shouldn't be subject to legislation? wow.
I would be more apt to believe this if it were a link to ACLU policies and not an opinion piece by some guy who has a hard on for them.

Do you need to be hit over the head with it? Do you really think Communists are going to announce in written public policies their goal of destroying America as we know it? Time to smell the Starbucks and recognize the real enemies of America. If you doubt what this guy is saying, then take a look around at the facts for yourself. Can you truly say that the ACLU is not targeting almost everything that is Christian and decent in the public square?

This is another article (from same site) which maybe helps to understand better why liberals will rabidly attack outspoken Christian politicians such as Harris. In fact the anti-Christian communistic movement has gained so much momentum in America that many gullible people now think expressing ideas related to religion is somehow wrong and not connected to politics.

There are two misconceptions held by many Americans. The first is that communism ceased to be a threat when the Soviet Uni0n imploded. The second is that the New Left of the Sixties collapsed and disappeared as well. “The Sixties are dead,” wrote columnist George Will (Slamming the Doors, Newsweek, Mar. 25, 1991)

Because the New Left lacked cohesion it fell apart as a political movement. However, its revolutionaries reorganized themselves into a multitude of single issue groups. Thus we now have for example, radical feminists, black extremists, anti-war ‘peace’ activists, animal rights groups, radical environmentalists, and ‘gay’ rights groups. All of these groups pursue their piece of the radical agenda through a complex network of subversive organizations such as the Gay Straight Lesbian Educators Network (GSLEN), the American Civil Liberties Uni0n (ACLU), People for the American Way, United for Peace and Justice, Planned Parenthood, Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS), and Code Pink for Peace.

Both communism and the New Left are alive and thriving here in America. Code words by which they can be recognized are: tolerance, social justice, economic justice, peace, reproductive rights, sex education and safe sex, safe schools, inclusion, diversity, and sensitivity. All together, this is Cultural Marxism disguised as multiculturalism.
Do you need to be hit over the head with it? Do you really think Communists are going to announce in written public policies their goal of destroying America as we know it? Time to smell the Starbucks and recognize the real enemies of America. If you doubt what this guy is saying, then take a look around at the facts for yourself. Can you truly say that the ACLU is not targeting almost everything that is Christian and decent in the public square?

This is another article (from same site) which maybe helps to understand better why liberals will rabidly attack outspoken Christian politicians such as Harris. In fact the anti-Christian communistic movement has gained so much momentum in America that many gullible people now think expressing ideas related to religion is somehow wrong and not connected to politics.

From the original article:
The ACLU's official policy statement reveals that the intent of the ACLU (like the Communist Manifesto) is to undermine the moral foundation, and weaken the fabric of our society. For example, according to the ACLU's Policy Guide, the ACLU supports the legalization of all drugs (including "hard" drugs, like crack and PCP), public drunkenness, pornography (including "kiddie porn"), sexual perversion, (including sodomy, bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia), prostitution (including child prostitution), euthanasia, and infanticide.

I'm trying to get clarification if this is indeed the ACLU's stated policies or this guy's interpretation of them. If it's really printed policy, link it. If it's not, it's exaggerated "bullshit".

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