WOW Michelle will pay for Adele to sing but WH tours cancelled!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!
The expenses for big moo's party is an expense paid for by the taxpayer. As soon as one dignitary is invited, it's a state party not a private one. Just because the liberal media wants to report it as a private party, don't think it's for family and a few good friends.

This is the kind of thing that topples empires. The people going without so that the ruler can have excess luxury.
Hmmm, sounds like you want to close some millionaire loopholes. So does President Obama. Call your legislator, especially if they're Republican since they're the ones opposed to closing loopholes (now).
Wow canceling the WH tours.
Shows the WH is really serious about cutting spending.... :D
‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

I am assuming your recommendations apply to all future presidents as well?
Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours.

Gohmert, who announced his amendment from the floor of the House, said Americans, whether Republicans or Democrats, will be greatly disappointed to come to Washington and not be able to get their tours of the White House. Many tours are planned well in advance.

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.
I wonder if obama will get her a gym membership for her birthday.

Appartently the WH has had a gym since at least 1948,


White House gym.
Hmmm, sounds like you want to close some millionaire loopholes. So does President Obama. Call your legislator, especially if they're Republican since they're the ones opposed to closing loopholes (now).

There's a loophole allowing people to spend their own money in whatever way they choose? Damn, yea, I'll be calling my legislators - telling them to keep that one open.

‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

I guess we can IMPEACH them now!
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

NOTHING like holding up an entire Aircraft carrier off the coast while the families are waiting......for a PR stunt, eh?
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours.

Gohmert, who announced his amendment from the floor of the House, said Americans, whether Republicans or Democrats, will be greatly disappointed to come to Washington and not be able to get their tours of the White House. Many tours are planned well in advance.

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.

[edit: forgot the link ]
Voted NO on extending AMT exemptions to avoid hitting middle-income. (Jun 2008)
Voted NO on paying for AMT relief by closing offshore business loopholes. (Dec 2007)
Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Dec 2005)
Rated 0% by the CTJ, indicating opposition to progressive taxation. (Dec 2006)
Voted YES on retaining reduced taxes on capital gains & dividends. (Dec 2005)
Repeal the Death Tax. (Jan 2009)
Taxpayer Protection Pledge: no new taxes. (Aug 2010)
Adopt a single-rate tax system. (Jul 2010)
Repeal tax hikes in capital gains and death taxes. (Jul 2010)
Supports the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. (Jan 2012)
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours.

Gohmert, who announced his amendment from the floor of the House, said Americans, whether Republicans or Democrats, will be greatly disappointed to come to Washington and not be able to get their tours of the White House. Many tours are planned well in advance.

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.

And cut pay for all those Congressional junkets too.

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