WOW Michelle will pay for Adele to sing but WH tours cancelled!

Some of this has merit.

I agree with cutting the vacations until they come to consensus. They shouldn't be allowed to leave until they get this done.

They can't be "fired'. They should a least have some sort of liability when the work doesn't get finished.

What are they going to do, spend time voting for it instead of voting for the fix to this mess? While I agree with you this situation is just one of those flukes in the system. OK, a very, very large fluke in the system. Until the rich get their way we will just be stuck in this mess. Following the Republicans deflection is not the answer.

(I just can't go along with everything you say, Sallow.)

They can start by letting straight up votes for bills. "The Hastert Rule" and constant filibusters are pretty ridiculous especially when considering legislation of such national importance. The gridlock is really having a negative effect on the economy. The slowest job growth occurred over the debt ceiling fights. There really was a great deal of uncertainty and it hurt.

And you don't have to go along with everything I post. You'd be pretty boring if you did. :razz:

There is little argument that the system has gotten pretty twisted up along the way. Straightening it out is going to take one little step at a time. First economic problem and then hopefully this board will start discussing those issues and people will listen, or the other way around.

I can aspire to greatness, can't I? :D
yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Except they aren't in debt.

That's a fallacy.

Who's gonna pay the trllions in debt we are in now? Daffy duck?

If the Republicans get their way it will fall on the backs of the middle class.
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Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No. It's still the People's House and he is allowed to have an apartment on the premises.


The Presidency isn't a trivial thing. ESPECIALLY in these times.

You have literally millions of people, that want to see him..and his family, DEAD.

If they can't adequately be protected..then the Whitehouse needs to be locked down.

It IS the house of the President.

why are the Obama's so special and better than anyone else that ever occupied the white house?
yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Except they aren't in debt.

That's a fallacy.

Who's gonna pay the trllions in debt we are in now? Daffy duck?

We're the ones who did it last time. And what thanks did we get?
It's their money people. It shows their lack of generosity and not much more.

If I could afford to hire her to sing at my party I would. Course I would look like a real jackass having the party while kicking all the kids off my "lawn"
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Cutting the ACA is a great beginning

MANY programs are redundant and/or unnecessary, and billions of dollars are paid out fraudulently, and often there are double pays. Stop all payments to Egypt and other nations that hate us. King Barry's golf trip with Tiger cost more than it costs to keep the WH tours funded for several years! Each time they travel to Hawaii or anywhere, Barry and Moochelle take separate planes, doubling the costs of each trip.

ACA - The American Chiropractic Association? There are lots of ACAs.
‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

‘Adele has graciously accepted and waived her usual fee for the high-profile private performance.

That's from your article nitwit.
First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Yes, there is a problem. No, a 10% across the board cut is not the answer. Why should I be thoughtful when I can have Sallow do it for me?
‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

‘Adele has graciously accepted and waived her usual fee for the high-profile private performance.

That's from your article nitwit.

I think the point was INTENT

Doesn't surprise me you missed it.
yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Except they aren't in debt.

That's a fallacy.

Who's gonna pay the trllions in debt we are in now? Daffy duck?

Here's the deal..and let me nutshell it for you..

The government? It costs money.

How do we pay for it? Through taxes.

Taxes are mandated in the Constitution.

Of citizen is mandated to pay taxes. If they do not like the deal, they can leave the country.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Yes, there is a problem. No, a 10% across the board cut is not the answer. Why should I be thoughtful when I can have Sallow do it for me?


Not sure how to take that..

The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Cutting the ACA is a great beginning

MANY programs are redundant and/or unnecessary, and billions of dollars are paid out fraudulently, and often there are double pays. Stop all payments to Egypt and other nations that hate us. King Barry's golf trip with Tiger cost more than it costs to keep the WH tours funded for several years! Each time they travel to Hawaii or anywhere, Barry and Moochelle take separate planes, doubling the costs of each trip.

And here's the thing. The ACA has been IDENTIFYING those redundant and/or unnecessary payments..and STOPPING them. That's one of the things Romney was bitching about. Which was incredible. The government stopped making payments to Medicare Plus..which probably got Romney's magic underwear in a bunch. It was one of those well connected private programs getting rich on government money.

Everything else in this post doesn't even merit addressing.
yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Yes, there is a problem. No, a 10% across the board cut is not the answer. Why should I be thoughtful when I can have Sallow do it for me?


Not sure how to take that..


Cover for me, Sallow. g2g There is also a thread 'America, a one party system' which is building up some steam.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Well let's start here for example!!
The USA Federal government spent:
- $2.6 million to make sure prostitutes in China drink less on the job.

- $1.44 million in federal funds estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi & Ho Chi Minh City,

- Washington spends $25 billion annually maintaining unused or vacant federal properties

- Studying pig poop. The EPA awarded a $141,450 grant under the Clean Air Act to fund a Chinese study on swine manure

- a $1.2 million grant to the United Nations for clean fuel promotion.

- Conferences for government employees. In 2008 & 2009 alone, the Department of Justice spent $121 million to host or participate in 1,832 conferences.

- U.S. government has spent $1.5 million to preserve some artifacts left during the hostile Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island more than four decades go.
While the State Department saved money on security in Libya, it somehow managed to find $5.6 million in 2011 to support “pressing cultural preservation
needs” in dozens of foreign countries.
Here are some of the dire projects funded by U.S. tax dollars that perhaps could be better spent on securing U.S. embassies in hostile Arab countries.
- Uncle Sam doled out
$750,000 to restore a 16th-century tomb complex in India,
$700,000 to conserve ruins in Tanzania,
$600,000 for the “temple of the winged lions” in Jordan and
$450,000 for the conservation of a 10th century temple in Cambodia. Those were just the big ticket projects.
Hundreds of thousands more went to smaller causes throughout the world.

I mean do you REALLY think spending $2.6 million IN CHINA studying drinking habits of Chinese prostitutes is essential??

These wasteful spending examples ARE just the TIP of the total WASTE that the Federal Govt. has spent our payroll and income TAX dollars!

The Inspector GENERALS identify $67 billion in WASTE some like the above!

a Committee report released today revealed waste-cleanup recommendations from non-partisan Inspector Generals working across the federal government, which would save taxpayers $67 billion per year, have not been implemented.

Backlogs of unimplemented recommendations have grown to 16,906.
“President Obama should listen to the recommendations of his Administration’s own Inspector Generals and work with Congress
to implement common sense spending cuts that target wasteful and poorly performing programs instead of settling for the furloughs
and service disruptions happening under the sequester.”
Education and Transportation: We Have No Idea How Much Money We Spend on Conferences - Katie Pavlich
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

Strange how people KNOW what Obama's Motivation is.

The U.S. Secret Service told CNN Thursday that the plan will help the agency save $74,000 per week -- or $2 million in the next seven months. That's how much it costs to pay 37 uniformed officers $50 an hour for 40 hours a week to secure the tour's route through the East Wing.

Whine if Obama does something and whine if he didn't

As for those powerful unions!! :U.S. union membership falls to lowest percentage in 76 years.

Union affiliation by U.S. state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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