WOW Michelle will pay for Adele to sing but WH tours cancelled!

‘America’s First Lady will be holding a huge celebrity-packed party for her birthday at the White House next year and, as she adores Adele and Beyonce, she has asked them both to sing,’ says a source.
‘The Obamas will pay Adele’s expenses as it’s a private party, not a State one.’

MoS Diary: Adele lands her biggest ever gig at Michelle Obama's 50th birthday party | Mail Online

Well isn't that special!

The millionaires Obamas are prepared to shell out $25,000-$250,000. And that is just for the artist's guarantee.
Will the Obamas still be responsible for staging, lighting,sound,catering,flights,hotels,catering, backline rentals, etc just to name a few...?

All the while Americans are toughing it out , WH tours cancelled and Michelle is planning her 50th birthday!

Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

Your problem with this is what, exactly?
Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?
Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.
And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours.

Gohmert, who announced his amendment from the floor of the House, said Americans, whether Republicans or Democrats, will be greatly disappointed to come to Washington and not be able to get their tours of the White House. Many tours are planned well in advance.

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.

And cut pay for all those Congressional junkets too.

Not good enough. Eliminate the entire entertainment budget. No more junkets, parties or conferences in Hawaii.
Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No. It's still the People's House and he is allowed to have an apartment on the premises.
And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

Some of this has merit.

I agree with cutting the vacations until they come to consensus. They shouldn't be allowed to leave until they get this done.

They can't be "fired'. They should a least have some sort of liability when the work doesn't get finished.
Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours.

Gohmert, who announced his amendment from the floor of the House, said Americans, whether Republicans or Democrats, will be greatly disappointed to come to Washington and not be able to get their tours of the White House. Many tours are planned well in advance.

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume.

And cut pay for all those Congressional junkets too.

Not good enough. Eliminate the entire entertainment budget. No more junkets, parties or conferences in Hawaii.

Once again, this applies to all congress going forward? And do you have a link on those references?
Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No, they don't. Any more than any other President. That house is the People's House. Y'all really need to learn that.... seats, like "Kennedy's seat" - they don't own those - we do. Americans do.

No wonder you're so dumb.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No. It's still the People's House and he is allowed to have an apartment on the premises.


The Presidency isn't a trivial thing. ESPECIALLY in these times.

You have literally millions of people, that want to see him..and his family, DEAD.

If they can't adequately be protected..then the Whitehouse needs to be locked down.

It IS the house of the President.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No, they don't. Any more than any other President. That house is the People's House. Y'all really need to learn that.... seats, like "Kennedy's seat" - they don't own those - we do. Americans do.

No wonder you're so dumb.

Tell you what.

Go to Washington. Walk into the Oval Office. Let me know how that turns out.
And cut pay for all those Congressional junkets too.

Not good enough. Eliminate the entire entertainment budget. No more junkets, parties or conferences in Hawaii.

Once again, this applies to all congress going forward? And do you have a link on those references?

You are unaware that the government throws lavish parties? Or that the government sponsors entertainment, or even that the government pays for conferences in Hawaii? If you aren't aware, I can't help you. Become educated.

Yes, it should apply to all congress, all presidents, all senators and all government agencies. How many fiascos like the GAO Las Vegas bash do we want to pay for?
First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

Some of this has merit.

I agree with cutting the vacations until they come to consensus. They shouldn't be allowed to leave until they get this done.

They can't be "fired'. They should a least have some sort of liability when the work doesn't get finished.

What are they going to do, spend time voting for it instead of voting for the fix to this mess? While I agree with you this situation is just one of those flukes in the system. OK, a very, very large fluke in the system. Until the rich get their way we will just be stuck in this mess. Following the Republicans deflection is not the answer.

(I just can't go along with everything you say, Sallow.)
And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.
Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

Some of this has merit.

I agree with cutting the vacations until they come to consensus. They shouldn't be allowed to leave until they get this done.

They can't be "fired'. They should a least have some sort of liability when the work doesn't get finished.

What are they going to do, spend time voting for it instead of voting for the fix to this mess? While I agree with you this situation is just one of those flukes in the system. OK, a very, very large fluke in the system. Until the rich get their way we will just be stuck in this mess. Following the Republicans deflection is not the answer.

(I just can't go along with everything you say, Sallow.)

They can start by letting straight up votes for bills. "The Hastert Rule" and constant filibusters are pretty ridiculous especially when considering legislation of such national importance. The gridlock is really having a negative effect on the economy. The slowest job growth occurred over the debt ceiling fights. There really was a great deal of uncertainty and it hurt.

And you don't have to go along with everything I post. You'd be pretty boring if you did. :razz:
It is their money to spend as they please. Does look bad considering some Fox and CNN personalities have offered their own money to keep the tours open.
First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Except they aren't in debt.

That's a fallacy.
Not good enough. Eliminate the entire entertainment budget. No more junkets, parties or conferences in Hawaii.

Once again, this applies to all congress going forward? And do you have a link on those references?

You are unaware that the government throws lavish parties? Or that the government sponsors entertainment, or even that the government pays for conferences in Hawaii? If you aren't aware, I can't help you. Become educated.

Yes, it should apply to all congress, all presidents, all senators and all government agencies. How many fiascos like the GAO Las Vegas bash do we want to pay for?

Congress to Probe GSA Travel Spending | Travel Agent Central
“Unfortunately, a single instance of irresponsible decision making has the potential to cast a negative light on the millions of men and women who work every day to make America’s meetings, conventions and events industry the best in the world. It is important to remember that this particular event was the result of a failure to follow federal travel regulations that were already in place to protect the misuse of taxpayer funds,” said Roger Dow, president and CEO of the U.S. Travel Association.

“The findings of the IG report clearly detail instances of inappropriate spending and poor decision making on the part of federal employees,” said Dow. “At a time when Washington is laser-focused on creating jobs and curbing wasteful spending, we hope policymakers will remember that responsible travel can help accomplish these goals."
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

Cutting the ACA is a great beginning

MANY programs are redundant and/or unnecessary, and billions of dollars are paid out fraudulently, and often there are double pays. Stop all payments to Egypt and other nations that hate us. King Barry's golf trip with Tiger cost more than it costs to keep the WH tours funded for several years! Each time they travel to Hawaii or anywhere, Barry and Moochelle take separate planes, doubling the costs of each trip.
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Oh, you're one of those real thoughtful types, aren't ya?

yeah, i'm thoughtful for my future grandchildren, who will still be paying for your welfare check now. I'm thoughtful for future generations that aren't born yet that are all ready in debt, and I also see your thoughtful only for yourself.

Except they aren't in debt.

That's a fallacy.

Who's gonna pay the trllions in debt we are in now? Daffy duck?

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