WOW Michelle will pay for Adele to sing but WH tours cancelled!

Maybe the white house will have a television special about the party. That way the public can feel like they are getting some benefit from the tax funded party time. And, obama and his evil consort can get their faces in front of the cameras one more time.
...the Obamas now think that they own the White house.

Until his term ends..they sorta do.
No, they sorta don't. The White House is owned by the American people. Obama lives in it rent free.
The Obamas only want kids in the WH when they can use them as props to stand behind King Barry, as he signs yet another bill grabbing our rights and freedoms away.

Of course, it's just a typical cheap PR stunt, same kind that unions pull each time they want a budget or tax increase. They don't cut the things that need to be cut -- they cut whatever will get the most news. This one backfired.

And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh we can't do that. Nancy Pelosi looked absolutely pitiful when she said that reducing cogressional pay, benefits, or expense accounts would diminish the dignity of the job.

So our elected leaders from the White House and Congress and those they appoint to high positions will continue to enjoy the good life while pointing to those eeeeeevul Republicans to blame for cancelling White House tours. (Those tours are led by volunteers I believe. How much could they cost anybody?)

I just wonder how much of this crap the American people are going to tolerate before they say enough is enough? Or have we already become such sheeple that they can do anything they want with impunity?
Until his term ends..they sorta do.

No, they don't. Any more than any other President. That house is the People's House. Y'all really need to learn that.... seats, like "Kennedy's seat" - they don't own those - we do. Americans do.

No wonder you're so dumb.

Tell you what.

Go to Washington. Walk into the Oval Office. Let me know how that turns out.

You really don't understand basic stuff, huh? I feel sorry for you being so dumb. When Bush was POTUS, it was not his white house, it was ours. Yours and mine and every other American - regardless of how they voted. That is the difference between us. You are driven by emotion - worship or hatred, and I am driven by calm, rational, logic, regardless of the situation.
And your recommendation of "things that need to be cut"?

First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh we can't do that. Nancy Pelosi looked absolutely pitiful when she said that reducing cogressional pay, benefits, or expense accounts would diminish the dignity of the job.

So our elected leaders from the White House and Congress and those they appoint to high positions will continue to enjoy the good life while pointing to those eeeeeevul Republicans to blame for cancelling White House tours. (Those tours are led by volunteers I believe. How much could they cost anybody?)

I just wonder how much of this crap the American people are going to tolerate before they say enough is enough? Or have we already become such sheeple that they can do anything they want with impunity?

It really made me laugh when Pelosi made that crack about 'diminishing the dignity of the office'.... like they haven't already achieved that by themselves?
First thing I would cut is the salaries of our represenatives and all the free stuff they recieve until they come up with a plan to get us out of this mess. Including obama, cut his vacations until something is done. Cut all goverment spemding and programs 10% imediatley. then you go through all programs and see what could be cut and really get rid of what is not neccessary. That would be a start.

Oh we can't do that. Nancy Pelosi looked absolutely pitiful when she said that reducing cogressional pay, benefits, or expense accounts would diminish the dignity of the job.

So our elected leaders from the White House and Congress and those they appoint to high positions will continue to enjoy the good life while pointing to those eeeeeevul Republicans to blame for cancelling White House tours. (Those tours are led by volunteers I believe. How much could they cost anybody?)

I just wonder how much of this crap the American people are going to tolerate before they say enough is enough? Or have we already become such sheeple that they can do anything they want with impunity?

It really made me laugh when Pelosi made that crack about 'diminishing the dignity of the office'.... like they haven't already achieved that by themselves?

No worries, she cleaned out the swamp.

No more water now. Plenty of snakes and gators though lol
No, they don't. Any more than any other President. That house is the People's House. Y'all really need to learn that.... seats, like "Kennedy's seat" - they don't own those - we do. Americans do.

No wonder you're so dumb.

Tell you what.

Go to Washington. Walk into the Oval Office. Let me know how that turns out.

You really don't understand basic stuff, huh? I feel sorry for you being so dumb. When Bush was POTUS, it was not his white house, it was ours. Yours and mine and every other American - regardless of how they voted. That is the difference between us. You are driven by emotion - worship or hatred, and I am driven by calm, rational, logic, regardless of the situation.

I gave you an experiment.

Let me know the results.
Hmmm, sounds like you want to close some millionaire loopholes. So does President Obama. Call your legislator, especially if they're Republican since they're the ones opposed to closing loopholes (now).

There's a loophole allowing people to spend their own money in whatever way they choose? Damn, yea, I'll be calling my legislators - telling them to keep that one open.


Maybe Obamas will deduct this expense as they did the $122,000 losses in market Obama has been writing off plus his 14% of income donations...ah... that's what he'll do! He' write off Adele's fee as a DONATION on her behalf to her favorite charity!

Did you not read the opening post? I provided it here for you to see where he was bitching about deductions.

As much as I hate to bring him up, Bush did worse. Remember him throwing his $40mil inauguration party while our troops in Iraq didn't have body armor.

Neither Bush nor Obama should be throwing parties under their respective circumstances. Both are wrong for doing so.

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