Wow US Women's Soccer team sucks.

It is not a "mini tournament", it is called the group stage and is also part of the knock-out-style tournament that the World Cup is. Each team in the same group play each other once and then the top two advance to the Round of 16.

You wasted your time writing that?
The world's absurdity is never better expressed than in the ridiculous sums paid to sports "stars".
The girl's team seems to think a lot of themselves. They impress me as a team who spends too much time reading their clippings and they always seem to know where the camera is. I think they're too worried about appearances to be champions.
US out .Another loss from an America which can no longer win anything . Guess we will now hope that merry England can make up for their poor showing -- but without cluster bombs . .
Excellent news that the US Dykes lost. Maybe the loss will lead some of their "star" players to shut up with their woke rants for a day or two. The only thing this team represents is wokery
Excellent news that the US Dykes lost. Maybe the loss will lead some of their "star" players to shut up with their woke rants for a day or two. The only thing this team represents is wokery
The Bulldykes lost to Sweden? LOL
Was this brilliant deduction based on they're going to the quarter finals?
Unlike you loudmouths, I actually know what soccer is and do not enter this topic with zero knowledge.

Sweden has always been among the four best teams in the world and have won World Cup silver and gold in the European Championships.

They have many top players and are regarded as three of the best teams in the world.
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Unlike you loudmouths, I actually know what soccer is and do not enter this topic with zero knowledge.

Sweden has always been among the four best teams in the world and have won both the World Cup and the European Championships.

They have many top players and are regarded as three of the best teams in the world.

Soccer is a pussy sport. Also, boring as hell. In the US it attracts queers and American hating Communists. All the filthy woke assholes.

The best example of that is the stupid pussy US Men Soccer players agreeing to equally sharing their revenue with the Dykes. Maybe they were afraid that if didn't the Dykes would kick their ass.
Unlike you loudmouths, I actually know what soccer is and do not enter this topic with zero knowledge.

Sweden has always been among the four best teams in the world and have won World Cup silver and gold in the European Championships.

They have many top players and are regarded as three of the best teams in the world.
Where I live it's called football asshole.
Soccer is a pussy sport. Also, boring as hell. In the US it attracts queers and American hating Communists. All the filthy woke assholes.
Clearly you have never played a game of soccer in your entire life. My bet is that your ball control is on the level of a two year old.

Soccer demands physical shape like few other sports and a very high level of spatial awareness. Whether it is boring or not is a matter of taste, but saying it is for "pussies" is just ignorant and immature.
The best example of that is the stupid pussy US Men Soccer players agreeing to equally sharing their revenue with the Dykes. Maybe they were afraid that if didn't the Dykes would kick their ass.
Did a girl in the soccer team reject you back in high school or what? Yikes. Talk about being bitter.

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