WTF?? CPAC Crowd Waves Russian Flags @Trump

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Another dumb as a rock OP who is incapable of seeing what happened here.

Simple answer:

Attendees were given a small flag/banner with the colors red white and blue (sound familliar?) and Trumps name on it.

The left with their lap dogs in the media want to imply that attendees were eager to wave a Russian flag, or they were too stupid to know it was a Russian flag.
It was neither. They simply waved our familliar colors with their guys name on it.
Why would they have them? Isn't this a promotion of and for support for trump?
No, snowflake.
Ok, rather than admit your side is full of really stupid assholes that can be pranked into carrying Russian flags with trumps name on it at a big rally, your response is to call someone a snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake has now become so overused and meaningless that the accuser actually appears to be the snowflake.
No, snowflake. You are proof that the term continues to appropriately apply and be relevant.
Well, you are one of USMB's best known delusional posters, so your opinions are almost always irrelevant.
Why would they have them? Isn't this a promotion of and for support for trump?
No, snowflake.
Ok, rather than admit your side is full of really stupid assholes that can be pranked into carrying Russian flags with trumps name on it at a big rally, your response is to call someone a snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake has now become so overused and meaningless that the accuser actually appears to be the snowflake.
No, snowflake. You are proof that the term continues to appropriately apply and be relevant.
Well, you are one of USMB's best known delusional posters, so your opinions are almost always irrelevant.
No, snowflake. I am well known for laughing at and making fun of pouty, whiny, subversive, butt-hurt snowflakes who try to pass off FAKE NEWS as you...
Why would they have them? Isn't this a promotion of and for support for trump?
No, snowflake.
Ok, rather than admit your side is full of really stupid assholes that can be pranked into carrying Russian flags with trumps name on it at a big rally, your response is to call someone a snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake has now become so overused and meaningless that the accuser actually appears to be the snowflake.
No, snowflake. You are proof that the term continues to appropriately apply and be relevant.
Well, you are one of USMB's best known delusional posters, so your opinions are almost always irrelevant.
No, snowflake. I am well known for laughing at and making fun of pouty, whiny, subversive, butt-hurt snowflakes who try to pass off FAKE NEWS as you...
OK, this is a thread about a prank played on conservatives at a rally. I am making sarcastic jokes about it and baiting fools like you and you are responding as if this is a serious discussion of importance. Even responding to the point of self-aggrandizing yourself.
you would think the Russian loving RW's could appreciate their own flag ..

but nooooooooooo ..
So the great and powerful Democratic Party's BEST plans to defeat and overthrow Trump are Fraternity Pranks?

'MOON'ing an Empty Trump Towers building in Chicago (with Trump not even there) and immaturely handing out little Russian-like flags with Trump's name on it? SERIOUSLY?!

Holy crap, you guys are pathetic - I remember when the Democratic Party once had pride, self-respect, and actually carried themselves with dignity, when they actually meant something. Now they have been reduced to a safe space-needing, whining, openly crying, ass-showing, pranking fraternity.

What's next? Whoopee Cushions on Air Force One?

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It's hardly a case of conservatives showing an alliance to Russia, like the OP is trying to imply.
America is not stupid. It was found out later that they were DNC plants. Same as the paid thugs Hillary and the DNC gave money to spit and punch and harass Trump supporters. Same as the paid protesters at town halls, etc. I personally think paying a protester should be illegal.

If Lefty ain't Lying & Deceiving, He Aint Breathin!
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