WTF?? CPAC Crowd Waves Russian Flags @Trump

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CPAC scrambles to control damage after attendees wave Russian flags during Trump speech

WOW! The Russian take over is moving faster than I thought it would.
that's why the soviet union dissolved so quickly, because everyone was russian.

i voted for President Trump at last year's cpac straw poll. cruz won.

i was disappointed that he cancelled, but it was the right thing to do. there wasn't much love for Trump at last years Cpac in the big room. i talked to a woman who was badgered because she wore a Trump hat.

both reince and matt schlapp were outstanding in their dealing with that situation. their handling of that conference is one big reason why we won. it was a great conference, i'd like to be there now.
attendees saw American colors on a banner with the Trump name it and eagerly accepted them

Because they're pig ignorant Trump supporters.

Typical elitist prick lefty. This is why you turds lost.

Yeah, I'm elitist because I can recognize the flag of the world's largest nation.

You leftist creeps are so fucking gullible. You should be ashamed.
Look at the left rejoice at their "success" at falling for a teenage prank. You just look and sound stupid - as usual. But enjoy yourselves, we'll be busy running all 3 branches of the government.
attendees saw American colors on a banner with the Trump name it and eagerly accepted them

Because they're pig ignorant Trump supporters.

Typical elitist prick lefty. This is why you turds lost.

Yeah, I'm elitist because I can recognize the flag of the world's largest nation.


What flag are these Americans waving? That's not the American flag.

I guess if you don't work for a living you have plenty of time to disrupt every town hall meeting, rally, and convention the DNC tells you to go to.

So who are all those people at CPAC? Just vacationers?
It's bad enough Trump is Putin's Puppet... now the Deplorables have to commit treason to honor their leader.
This 40% of America is freaking nuts.
Why would they have them? Isn't this a promotion of and for support for trump?
No, snowflake.
Ok, rather than admit your side is full of really stupid assholes that can be pranked into carrying Russian flags with trumps name on it at a big rally, your response is to call someone a snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake has now become so overused and meaningless that the accuser actually appears to be the snowflake.
They're the ones waving the RUSSIAN flags. Stupid Repubs...
Please provide the link to show the ones waving the flags were actually cad-carrying Republicans instead of infiltrating snowflakes....
Why would they have them? Isn't this a promotion of and for support for trump?
No, snowflake.
Ok, rather than admit your side is full of really stupid assholes that can be pranked into carrying Russian flags with trumps name on it at a big rally, your response is to call someone a snowflake. Calling someone a snowflake has now become so overused and meaningless that the accuser actually appears to be the snowflake.
No, snowflake. You are proof that the term continues to appropriately apply and be relevant.
26 posts have been deleted for off topic flaming, multiple members have been thread banned for their contributions. Let's get back to the topic: CPAC, flags, pranks...

Further disruptions could result in far more icky actions.
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