WTF?? CPAC Crowd Waves Russian Flags @Trump

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IDK. I just don't figure it was sincere considering they picked them all up.
I mean, seriously. Why would they do that?

i would think it's because they think he's a treasonous bastard.
Why treasonous?

really? you are really asking that? you believe he has no ties to russia? at all? really?????
IDK he might. But it is all assumption.
Russia is the new birther movement.
What ties do yout hink he might have that would be bad enough to label him treasonous?

knowing they dipped into our election to make sure he won. & he has surrounded himself with everyone that has or had something to gain by the russians.

where's his tax returns btw?
You don't KNOW that. You just hear it.

where's his tax returns btw
Probably in the same place the "proof" that the Russian state hacked the DNC. You know, the stuff Obama said he was going to release 3 months ago?
The attendees saw the Trump name on a flag that had red white and blue on it. Simple as that.
Only the fucking left would jump all over something like this. God you people are so goddamned disgusting, I fucking despise everything about you.

The fact is that a lot of Republicans have softened their attitude towards Russia and Putin. Putin is evil and many Republicans refuse to acknowledge this because their leader refuses to do so.
The attendees saw the Trump name on a flag that had red white and blue on it. Simple as that.
Only the fucking left would jump all over something like this. God you people are so goddamned disgusting, I fucking despise everything about you.
Oh you tender little poor butt hurt snowflake you.

Crawl inside you lil safe space.

You need to read the definition of Snowflake, it doesn't apply to Right-Winger's it's the sole domain of the Leftists.

The days are coming to an end when you Leftists get to define things and redefine them to suit your idiotic worldview.
Anti-Trump Fake News Agency CNN Falls for Teenage Prank

That is the accurate headline. The rest is just leftist shit sloshing.

There is no story here, attendees saw American colors on a banner with the Trump name it and eagerly accepted them
Our dishonest media now wants to imply that attendees are big Russian supporters, or they were ignorant about the Russian fkag.
Typical leftist smear enabled by a dishonest media.
Better then the Mexican flag you guys keep waving
You can be certain that when you see a Mexican flag at a rally or protest, it is a person of Mexican ancestry carrying it. Do you think the people carrying Russian flags for a conservative rally were of Russian ancestry and promoting their ancestry or just dumb people or just pro-Russian conservatives?
The attendees saw the Trump name on a flag that had red white and blue on it. Simple as that.
Only the fucking left would jump all over something like this. God you people are so goddamned disgusting, I fucking despise everything about you.

The fact is that a lot of Republicans have softened their attitude towards Russia and Putin. Putin is evil and many Republicans refuse to acknowledge this because their leader refuses to do so.

Republicans have softened, but they would never go around waving a goddamn Russian flag.

The attendees saw American colors with the Trump name on a banner, and eagerly accepted them
Nothing here folks.
I guess if you don't work for a living you have plenty of time to disrupt every town hall meeting, rally, and convention the DNC tells you to go to.

Some folk lack the nads to live in a free and open society.
The attendees saw the Trump name on a flag that had red white and blue on it. Simple as that.
Only the fucking left would jump all over something like this. God you people are so goddamned disgusting, I fucking despise everything about you.
Oh you tender little poor butt hurt snowflake you.

Crawl inside you lil safe space.

You need to read the definition of Snowflake, it doesn't apply to Right-Winger's it's the sole domain of the Leftists.

The days are coming to an end when you Leftists get to define things and redefine them to suit your idiotic worldview.

Suck on the top definition of snowflake @ Urban Dictionary :

Referring to someone, usually the Alt-Right, Yiannopoulos, And Nazi Sympathizers (A.K.A. ARYANS), whose immense white fragility causes a meltdown when confronted with the most minute deviation from orthodox White Supremacy.

They often cry bloody murder when expected to give the most modest expression of basic human decency.

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

Fits you and your fellow alt-righters to a T.
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