WTF?? CPAC Crowd Waves Russian Flags @Trump

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I'm speechless ....



Flags bearing the same pattern of Russia's tricolor banner and President Donald Trump's last name were reportedly confiscated at Friday's Conservative Political Action Conference.

While it was unclear its the white, blue and red-striped flags were a prank, they didn't last long as staffers collected them, according to journalist Peter Hamby.

Russian flags branded with 'Trump' waved, confiscated at CPAC
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism…
Oh gawd lol
Maybe it was Dem activists?

& of course they were bought & paid for by george soros, riiiiiiiight? :cuckoo:
IDK. I just don't figure it was sincere considering they picked them all up.
I mean, seriously. Why would they do that?

i would think it's because they think he's a treasonous bastard.
Pootin is worth more than Trumpet, which is who he admires in the world...
he does?
Yes the topic of this thread is the Russian flag and the Mexican flag and the American flag.

Not really.

The topic of the thread is that Trump supporters got punked into waving Russian flags because they're too damned pig ignorant to recognize a Russian flag.
I didn't see the Russian hammer and sickle that lefties used to wave in the street. Is it possible that Red White and Blue also stands for America in the conspiratorial mind of lefties who have nothing better to do? ?
Oh...."Russian hammer and sickle"? Or do you mean the Soviet hammer and sickle? No wonder RWrs like you fell so easily for it. You haven't a clue on countries or flags. Here:
& of course they were bought & paid for by george soros, riiiiiiiight? :cuckoo:
IDK. I just don't figure it was sincere considering they picked them all up.
I mean, seriously. Why would they do that?

i would think it's because they think he's a treasonous bastard.
Why treasonous?

really? you are really asking that? you believe he has no ties to russia? at all? really?????
IDK he might. But it is all assumption.
Russia is the new birther movement.
What ties do yout hink he might have that would be bad enough to label him treasonous?

knowing they dipped into our election to make sure he won. & he has surrounded himself with everyone that has or had something to gain by the russians.

where's his tax returns btw?
Oh gawd lol
Maybe it was Dem activists?

& of course they were bought & paid for by george soros, riiiiiiiight? :cuckoo:
IDK. I just don't figure it was sincere considering they picked them all up.
I mean, seriously. Why would they do that?

i would think it's because they think he's a treasonous bastard.
No, they are Trump supporters. They were just too stupid to know it was a Russian flag.
because paperview says so :rolleyes:
No, because the attendees are saying so.

A guy was handing them out to Trump supporters.

They took 'em and started waving, unwittingly, because: Trump supporter..

They found the guy handing them out - and booted him .

From CPAC:
"Spotted: the dude who was handing out the Russian Trump flags just shouted "You're fascist!" and got escorted out. #CPAC2017

Oh jesus christ, this was just a prank.

The flag wavers simply saw red white and blue, and assumed it was patriotic American colors.
& of course they were bought & paid for by george soros, riiiiiiiight? :cuckoo:
IDK. I just don't figure it was sincere considering they picked them all up.
I mean, seriously. Why would they do that?

i would think it's because they think he's a treasonous bastard.
No, they are Trump supporters. They were just too stupid to know it was a Russian flag.
because paperview says so :rolleyes:
No, because the attendees are saying so.

A guy was handing them out to Trump supporters.

They took 'em and started waving, unwittingly, because: Trump supporter..

They found the guy handing them out - and booted him .

From CPAC:
"Spotted: the dude who was handing out the Russian Trump flags just shouted "You're fascist!" and got escorted out. #CPAC2017


Top notch pranking.

I commend the creative young lad!

I'm speechless ....



Flags bearing the same pattern of Russia's tricolor banner and President Donald Trump's last name were reportedly confiscated at Friday's Conservative Political Action Conference.

While it was unclear its the white, blue and red-striped flags were a prank, they didn't last long as staffers collected them, according to journalist Peter Hamby.

Russian flags branded with 'Trump' waved, confiscated at CPAC

I know you lefties are butthurt, I know you lost everything, I know reality hasn't been agreeing with anything you think or say...I know that you need to have your little temper tantrums, I know you need to say and do things that you think will make the pain go away, but damn! At some point you have got to start thinking again right? How far can you go without using your brain?
The attendees saw the Trump name on a flag that had red white and blue on it. Simple as that.
Only the fucking left would jump all over something like this. God you people are so goddamned disgusting, I fucking despise everything about you.
They were waving those flags to piss off libtards...I am gonna get a russian flag sticker for my truck :badgrin:

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