WWII, Hitler and the Nazis not the only anti semitics, our US top generals were as well.

Well make one wonder, is anti Semitism due to a person or the activity of Jews? Gee with so many anti semitics, do you think maybe its due to real activities and ideologies of the jews. The whole world is wrong and the Jews take the blunt.

Well you must of had your son early in life then. As well as you Mom.

you still fail simple arithmetic. It interests me that so many of the sailors
I treated ---were like you. They could not add or subtract or spell. It might
interest you to know that "THE WHOLE" world does not hate jews.
I encountered lots of people from south east Asia during my life. The Hindus,
Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Sikhs don't hate jews. The muslims do. In fact in
places in which Jews and Hindus and Zoroastrians and Muslims all live
in the same town (Mumbai)--------the jews, hindus, Zoroastrians all get along
VERY WELL -----------and the muslims.....well......try and guess.
. And here we thought it was just Hitler and his Nazis.

Not 'we'- you.

There was lots of anti-semitism in the Western World- including the United States, and Britain- France was famous for the Dreyfus(sp?) case, and of course Germany and Eastern Europe. American military was well known for having lots of officers who were anti-semites.

The difference is that Hitler officially tapped into that anti-semitism, made it official policy, and instituted industrial murder to kill off jews.

Luckily the world has progressed, and today anti-semites are seen for the hateful and harmful bigots that they are.

No like them all , they were anti communism and knew darn well what the Jewish commies would do to a country, take it over from within, like they tried to do in Russia. Funny how the whole world can be wrong, seriously think.

The Jews are the hateful bigots and we should of listened to the people who knew this firsthand. You can't make this stuff up. Every country they enter they destroy. Like locust.

Pisses me off they have to nerve to discredit the people who fought the WWII to free them, what a waste of American life's , money and time.

What a worthless Nazi worshipping POS you are.

I am so pleased that in the United States now, people who think like you are looked at like the POS you are- as I said:

There was lots of anti-semitism in the Western World- including the United States, and Britain- France was famous for the Dreyfus(sp?) case, and of course Germany and Eastern Europe. American military was well known for having lots of officers who were anti-semites.

The difference is that Hitler officially tapped into that anti-semitism, made it official policy, and instituted industrial murder to kill off jews.

Luckily the world has progressed, and today anti-semites are seen for the hateful and harmful bigots that they are

I know everybody but the Jews were wrong. Must of been something wrong with yous? What got me into this was wondering how in the world a Hitler could exist, after several years I'm at the point, How could he not!! So take your POS view and antisemtism name calling somewhere else.

That Jew who wrote that book obviously had to ruin the reputation of many good American Generals , and to think they risked their lifes fighting in WWII to help free the poor helpless jews.

for those who do not know-----the islamo Nazi partyline is----WORLD WAR II was fought to "save da-jooooos" I wonder why so many claim "but it's not just joooos that Penelope's pimp, adolf, wanted to kill " and the next day they fart out "WE FOUGHT WORLD WAR II TO SAVE DA JOOOOS"--------no doubt
the Japanese were targeting DA JOOOOOS when they bombed Pearl Harbor too
and Penelope's pimp was TARGETING DA JOOOOOS when he blitzed London
how do you know? it is clear that you know nothing about the clinical manefestations of those illnesses. How many babies have you infected?

Maybe Hitler had to put up with too many foul mouth jews.

Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate
how do you know? it is clear that you know nothing about the clinical manefestations of those illnesses. How many babies have you infected?

Maybe Hitler had to put up with too many foul mouth jews.

Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate

Just copying your potty mouth. Haven't you been taught better language than what you sprout. Its disgusting.

Also if you can't keep up with me intellectually , stop with the personal attacks.

Penelope-----INTELLECTUALLY??? I am surprised you spelled that word correctly-------there is nothing "INTELLECTUAL ABOUT YOU"----filthy whore
Maybe Hitler had to put up with too many foul mouth jews.

Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate
Maybe Hitler had to put up with too many foul mouth jews.

Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate

Just copying your potty mouth. Haven't you been taught better language than what you sprout. Its disgusting.

Also if you can't keep up with me intellectually , stop with the personal attacks.

Penelope-----INTELLECTUALLY??? I am surprised you spelled that word correctly-------there is nothing "INTELLECTUAL ABOUT YOU"----filthy whore
There you go again.
Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate
Wow......what a vile POS you are.

no just anti semitic.

Penelope---you are not "just anti-semitic" you are a depraved pile of shit,
.....and functionally illiterate

Just copying your potty mouth. Haven't you been taught better language than what you sprout. Its disgusting.

Also if you can't keep up with me intellectually , stop with the personal attacks.

Penelope-----INTELLECTUALLY??? I am surprised you spelled that word correctly-------there is nothing "INTELLECTUAL ABOUT YOU"----filthy whore
There you go again.

there I "go again" where ? you remain offended that I do not admire your
pimp, adolf hitler? ----- ATTENTION fellow posters----Penelope demands
RESPECT for her pimp
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.

oh SHEEESH sailor------and ---btw----call me Ma'am. I have a firm affection for all enlisted boys. Lots are victims of deprived backgrounds---does not mean
I do not love them and does not mean they are "inferior" ----I RESENT your calling our boys "pukes"
Last edited:
I resent you calling them boys. Pukes is an officer expression referring to enlisted men probably denoting their inferior position in the military. But one thing we cam be sure of is the enlisted pukes will sleep better tonight knowing you love them.
I resent you calling them boys. Pukes is an officer expression referring to enlisted men probably denoting their inferior position in the military. But one thing we cam be sure of is the enlisted pukes will sleep better tonight knowing you love them.

I NEVER called any of our beloved boys a "puke" -------sheeeeesh----you must be army
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.

I just watched a doc on Vietnam on WKAR, and well most of them were drafted and well the ones drafted were from lower class , so then they started doing the raffle so it would be more evenly divided between the middle and lower class and that is when the riots really started with the middle class in the colleges.

Rumsfeld was on and said they get a better enlisted people without the draft as they want to be there, but they have to actively recruit now and offer perks like college and that, so a lot of lower class sign up and volunteer to better their life's.

Few in Vietnam wanted to go, and many didn't return, it was a horrible war, but when the raffle started then the college middle started to protest the war.

The ACLU begun with a few rich kids who didn't want to go to WWI, and came out with being conscientious objectors.

I remember the last part of Vietnam, and know a lot of vets from it. Agent orange and well lots of people came home in body bags.
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I resent you calling them boys. Pukes is an officer expression referring to enlisted men probably denoting their inferior position in the military. But one thing we cam be sure of is the enlisted pukes will sleep better tonight knowing you love them.

I NEVER called any of our beloved boys a "puke" -------sheeeeesh----you must be army
Actually I first heard the phrase on board ship and a chief petty officer used it referring to some of his working detail. I never heard it used in the army, and that's too bad, it beats some of the other stuff.
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.

I just watched a doc on Vietnam on WKAR, and well most of them were drafted and well the ones drafted were from lower class , so then they started doing the raffle so it would be more evenly divided between the middle and lower class and that is when the riots really started with the middle class in the colleges.

Rumsfeld was on and said they get a better enlisted people without the draft as they want to be there, but they have to actively recruit now and offer perks like college and that, so a lot of lower class sign up and volunteer to better their life's.

Few in Vietnam wanted to go, and many didn't return, it was a horrible, but when the raffle started then the college middle started to protest the war.

The ACLU begun with a few rich kids who didn't want to go to WWI, and came our with being conscientious objectors.

Penelope-----were you born yesterday or just completely uneducated?----or were you born in some shariah shit hole and kept illiterate?. Gee----you finally get to watch TV and learn what everyone over the age of 25 already knows and most people over the age of 14 already knows. You claim to be a health care worker? Of course---you got some of the details distorted.
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.

I just watched a doc on Vietnam on WKAR, and well most of them were drafted and well the ones drafted were from lower class , so then they started doing the raffle so it would be more evenly divided between the middle and lower class and that is when the riots really started with the middle class in the colleges.

Rumsfeld was on and said they get a better enlisted people without the draft as they want to be there, but they have to actively recruit now and offer perks like college and that, so a lot of lower class sign up and volunteer to better their life's.

Few in Vietnam wanted to go, and many didn't return, it was a horrible, but when the raffle started then the college middle started to protest the war.

The ACLU begun with a few rich kids who didn't want to go to WWI, and came our with being conscientious objectors.

I remember the last part of Vietnam, and know a lot of vets from it. Agent orange and well lots of people came home in body bags.
Rumsfeld may have meant a more docile recruit. During WWII many in the ranks were educated.
I resent you calling them boys. Pukes is an officer expression referring to enlisted men probably denoting their inferior position in the military. But one thing we cam be sure of is the enlisted pukes will sleep better tonight knowing you love them.

I NEVER called any of our beloved boys a "puke" -------sheeeeesh----you must be army
Actually I first heard the phrase on board ship and a chief petty officer used it referring to some of his working detail. I never heard it used in the army, and that's too bad, it beats some of the other stuff.

oh well .....whilst ON THE SEA-----people confined on ships go a little batty.
My dad was a chief petty officer------very sweet person------
Hitlers german fighters were drafies, so they are no different than
The military, by necessity, has to have a more rigid class system than a democratic society. The military as other institutions, is based on superior and inferior people. Why do enlisted pukes have to salute and say sir to officers? I would suspect the military has little use for the draft as it brings into the military those not familiar with a more rigid class system.

what point are you struggling to make? Are you suggesting that military people are more likely to be Nazi shit? I was in the military----I was not called
"ENLISTED" I was called COMISSIONED OFFICER (I have to admit that my dad was enlisted-----it was world war II and he was a jew) In any case---I was in the military and the real NAZI SHIT I encountered were not the officers----they were the enlisted -------actually somewhat culturally deprived kids who enlisted just to get out of their alcoholic homes------that is how I recognize people like Penelope. I am hopeful that lots of them----thru education and the GI bill ----got over that which afflicts Penelope------I encouraged them as much as I could
Thank you so much for helping to make my point. Thanks also for pointing out the inferiority of the enlisted pukes that were deprived kids from alcoholic homes. And thanks too for having the courage to admit your dad was enlisted, that must make all enlisted feel a little taller today.

I just watched a doc on Vietnam on WKAR, and well most of them were drafted and well the ones drafted were from lower class , so then they started doing the raffle so it would be more evenly divided between the middle and lower class and that is when the riots really started with the middle class in the colleges.

Rumsfeld was on and said they get a better enlisted people without the draft as they want to be there, but they have to actively recruit now and offer perks like college and that, so a lot of lower class sign up and volunteer to better their life's.

Few in Vietnam wanted to go, and many didn't return, it was a horrible, but when the raffle started then the college middle started to protest the war.

The ACLU begun with a few rich kids who didn't want to go to WWI, and came our with being conscientious objectors.

I remember the last part of Vietnam, and know a lot of vets from it. Agent orange and well lots of people came home in body bags.
Rumsfeld may have meant a more docile recruit. During WWII many in the ranks were educated.

Yes that is what he meant, more gun ho as well, since they chose to be there.
There was no law or even a policy in the Military or the U.S. government regarding anti-Semitism in the 30's and 40's. It's dishonest bring up a couple of statements alleged to American Generals and use it an an argument about Nazi extermination camps and wholesale murder of the Jewish people.

Hey I didn't write the book , and Hitler was not the only one who didn't want the communist jews taking over his country, like they have taken over the US. A book wrote to put down our generals and army in WWII had the opposite effect, its showed that Hitler wasn't as nuts as everyone thought.
I wasn't aware that the "communist Jews took over our Country". Perhaps that's a different subject for a different forum.

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