Xeno-Trump: Capitalism Covenant(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This Xenomorph allegorical capitalism-elegy was inspired by Alien: Covenant which premiered on HBO last night (Saturday).


A Xenomorph is a predatory alien-creature first discovered by the vessel Prometheus and then investigated by Weyland Corporation. The Xenomorph is a very large half-insectisoid, half-dragon like creature possessing highly-corrosive acid for blood (rendering it very dangerous to puncture!), ravenous claw-limbs, sometimes a large tail, and an obelisk-like head with nearly-metallic teeth/jaws. The Xenomorph is the capitalist's worst nightmare, having no remorse/pity for any mental frailty regarding childish competitiveness or juvenile survivalism instincts. It will stalk you, hunt you out, and basically devastate you until you're nothing more than a mass of flesh and blood and screwed up (if not pulled out) bones on the floor.

The Xenomorph is aware of the physique sensitivities and weaknesses of beings it pursues with predatory efficiency. It is cognizant of the fact that the human body is comprised of soft flesh, sensitive veins of blood (which can not continue to leak profusely), a rather basic circulatory/respiratory/digestive system composed of delicate valves and openings (e.g., nostrils), and of course very fragile cartilage (in the ears and nose). The Xenomorph is relentless and has no hesitancy in simply knocking off the nose of a human or pushing it back into its brain to kill the human immediately. It will also rip out veins or skeletal-bones or gash a human's stomach and turn it into a blood-gushing 'bag.'

The Xenomorph is therefore the epitome of fury and ravenous malice. It kills for the augmentation of pride and the achievement of murderous skill. It kills to eat and it kills for the sport of hunt. It kills to destroy any conceptualization of a 'challenger.' The Xenomorph is therefore the worst perceiver of the human 'funny-bone.' Just think --- the human funny-bone, when struck, induces both sudden if not fatal pain and a sense of queasy ticklishness and physical humor. The human funny-bone is therefore a sensitive human body-part, and the Xenomorph is the last 'being' you want to recruit for a philosophical rumination on the 'meaning' of the funny-bone (for a comedian or artist!).

TRUMP: America has a lot of spectators...
XENO: Capitalism is weak!
TRUMP: Hey, competition doesn't have to be detrimental.
XENO: Pirates and profiteers demoralize your priests.
TRUMP: You're a 'dragon' which demolishes any sense of security!
XENO: I may be insane, but at least I'm not a 'sentimentalist.'
TRUMP: Is it so 'childish' to cater to the sentiments behind the funny-bone?
XENO: Humans are ticklish but can also bleed profusely.
TRUMP: Do you intend to 'bleed-out' capitalism to my dismay?
XENO: I intend to prove you're part of a 'weak system.'
TRUMP: Weak? Las Vegas, Wall Street, and Starbucks are 'trophies.'
XENO: I will take those trophies and bash in the skulls of complacent politicians.
TRUMP: Your cynical intention is to use capitalism to inflict malicious harm.
XENO: I'm not a cynic...merely...a punisher!
TRUMP: Punishment is easy, but commerce is a triumph.
XENO: Perhaps...



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