Xenomorph: Video-Game [Simulating Terrorism]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Has terrorism affected consumerism ideology?

What do you think?




Christmas has come and kids want fantastic gems and toys to celebrate the commercial spirit of the season. They want little 'treasures' to reflect their love of American imagination and civilization itself. Meanwhile, their parents worry about how anti-capitalism terrorism undermines basic patriotism-sensibilities.


Ethan Madison purchased a ninja video-game early for Christmas for his son Jeb, but his son told him he didn't want a ninja game but rather an Alien film-adapted video-game. Ethan knew that Alien sci-fi horror-films were very graphic and meant for mature audiences and therefore any adapted video-game would be equally graphic/violent. However, Jeb insisted that a ninja game was not as representative of modern civilization imagination. Was Jeb right?


Ethan then purchased his son a handsome new comic book set of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro/Marvel) featuring the patriotic paramilitary-unit known as 'G.I. Joes' tackling the super-terrorist organization known as 'Cobra.' However, once again, Ethan's son Jeb told him that G.I. Joe media was not as representative of civilization imagination. Jeb wanted an Alien adapted video-game for Christmas this year. Ethan wondered if Jeb had become as 'sensitized' to apocalypse-oriented civilization-paranoia because of 9/11 as he himself had as an adult after seeing the terrorism-incident on TV in 2001.


Ethan decided to first download the new film Alien: Covenant on Netflix to once again look at the levels of violence and terror presented in the film before deciding to simply purchase a video-game (for his son Jeb) adapted from Alien films. As Ethan watched Alien: Covenant, he took notice of how the predatory intelligent creatures from the Alien film-series, known as 'Xenomorphs,' represented pure turbulence and corruption of the imagination and how the human space-explorers in the film/story exhibited absolute fear and panic as they tried to survive. It was true; Alien films really did capture all the human drama and frailty and 'moral panic' created by terrorism in the real world.


Ethan then decided to get his son a remote-control digital-screen nightlight for his room featuring a mosaic of extra-terrestrials (non-Xenomorph aliens) which would glow in the dark once selected). Ethan's son Jeb really liked this gift and decided to keep it, but he still insisted his dad Ethan get him a Xenomorph video-game (adapted from Alien films) for Christmastime, and now Christmas was only 3 days away. As Jeb played with his digital-screen nightlight in his room and showed his mom, he himself thought about the 'wonders' of extra-terrestrial characters...and pined for an Alien video-game.


Ethan decided to get Jeb an Alien film series guidebook and presentation manual, created by the film-makers and producers and sci-fi imagineers of the film series. This book/manual would help Jeb 'acclimate' himself to the levels of horror, suspense, terror, adventure, panic, and fear presented in Alien media. Now, Jeb would be 'prepared' for the level of graphic violence in the Xenomorph video-game Ethan was going to buy for him and put under the tree on Christmas Eve.


Ethan went online and found a hologram installation-art piece featuring a glowing skeletal figure of a Xenomorph (from the Alien films) and decided to order it and get it express-delivered so it'd arrive by Christmas Day. Ethan would keep this hologram-sculpture in his family TV/entertainment room and light it while supervising his son Jeb as he played with his new Xenomorph/Alien video-game on their TV-set. This would be therefore a complete 'consciousness experience' for both father and son.


On Christmas Day, Jeb plugged in his new Xbox and inserted his Alien: Isolation game-disc which his dad Ethan got him for Christmas! Ethan meanwhile turned on his Xenomorph hologram-sculpture on the stand next to the TV-set where Jeb was going to play his Alien video-game. As Jeb played Alien: Isolation, he noticed that the environment on the space-shuttle where humans were engaging with the Xenomorphs was graphic and visceral; and his father Ethan noticed how the gameplay and storytelling in Alien: Isolation was very haunting. Alien: Isolation was a terrific 'psychological monogram' of the sort of frailty-panic created by the terrorism-shock of 9/11. Jeb knew he'd scored a real 'trophy-toy' that captured all the 'social drama' of the 'real-world.'


Ethan and Jeb saw that the Xenomorph creature in Alien: Isolation was very large, fierce, cunning, shrewd, and relentless. Jeb used his human-player avatar to navigate through the ship where the Xenomorph(s) were scurrying around and seeking to hunt down human survivors. Ethan thought back to the news-story of 9/11 and how people scurried through the streets of NYC as the World Trade Center came crashing down after terrorists crashed two passenger airplanes into the skyscraper. Alien: Isolation was offering the same sort of 'human panic' emotions that Americans experienced on 9/11. Ethan wondered if Jeb was thinking about real-world terrorism while seeing the Xenomorphs create havoc on the human ship in Alien: Isolation.


"I know Alien: Isolation is merely a video-game and is in no way representative of the real world or real life. However, I've also considered how the gameplay and storytelling in Alien: Isolation offers all the survivalism drama we Americans endured on 9/11. As I watched my son Jeb play Alien: Isolation on his new Xbox, I considered how the Xenomorphs in Jeb's video-game offer fitness-imagination that kids like to 'act-out' to 'mimic' the bravery and intelligence of their parents/adults in the real world. I wonder if I've done the right thing by giving my son Jeb this Christmas gift."


"I'm so thrilled my dad got me Alien: Isolation for Christmas this year. I play it whenever I can, and it really never gets old. Perhaps the action and daring and thrills and panic and terror presented in the game represents some of the 'real-world' intrigue my parents go through when they see new of terrorism on TV. I feel like playing Alien: Isolation is honing my skills/interests in the military, so I hope this game is never censored (despite its high levels of graphic-violence and apocalyptic-gameplay!)."


TRUMP: Did you see Alien: Covenant?
CARTER: It's an outstanding film, Mr. President.
TRUMP: My son is a big fan of Alien: Isolation!
CARTER: That's become a cult-favorite video-game.
TRUMP: It's amazing how entertainment has become so graphic.
CARTER: People want 'realistic media.'
TRUMP: Maybe 9/11 represents new world bravado...
CARTER: Americans were traumatized by that news-story.
TRUMP: Seeing the World Trade Center crash was like an 'alien-invasion.
CARTER: Maybe we should hype the new film Independence Day: Resurgence!
TRUMP: That's a thrilling film about patriotic defiance of an alien-invasion.
CARTER: It seems that Alien media captures our fascination with 'survival.'
TRUMP: Americans want 'heroes' that represent modern fitness.
CARTER: Yes, Tom Cruise, Keanu Reeves, and others make films about 'sci-fi yoga.'
TRUMP: Christmastime-consumerism will 'elevate' this kind of media/entertainment.
CARTER: Isn't capitalism grand?



Volver: Collecting Doughnuts*

What will you find this Christmas that stirs your idealism about 'TrumpUSA propaganda' (if anything)?

Hey, I mean, consumerism (especially during Christmas) can be mood-enhancing, ya know...



"My name is Ajay Satan, and I'm an Algerian-American and graduate of the Ivy League school Dartmouth College. What I found this Christmas was a very nice pearl-white plastic digital G-Shock wrist-watch. This watch has it all. It's got nice little buttons and a terrific display/screen. I've named my wrist-watch the 'White-Bullet' since it never fails to help me make records of how time is linked to what I am doing in my life. You really have to have a toy-like wrist-watch in TrumpUSA to make you feel like you're sane. White-Bullet will just brighten my life...and help me forget about the demonology of 9/11."



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