Leave The World Behind (Netflix)

I think what they got right was the effects of denial of internet, cell phone, GPS, radio, TV

They did have those loud noise events without explaining the impact, they mentioned radiation and that cuban embassy event where workers got sick.

I still can’t figure where all the people and cars went.
That area of Long Island is densely populated. The roads always have cars on them, it is a short walk to other houses.
Yet the only other people are Kevin Bacon and the crazy Mexican lady.
This movie was an interesting spin on the typical apocalyptic story. And one that had promise.
You take the recent Chinese spy balloons... add to that... reference it in the movie, make the movie about "what would happen if a foreign government hacked into America's grid system, satellites, internet. That is interesting. Far more interesting than all the weird sideline issues like flamingos in the swimming pool, deer's attacking people and mysterious insects that are never explained.
But - CLEARLY - it was a low budget film. They couldn't afford anymore actors, showing scenes of urban mayhem would be expensive. Showing a herd of CGI deer is cheaper, even if it makes no sense.
Their power stays on. Rumor was NYC was in blackout, riots, mayhem. They live normal just across the river even going to the store. That’s only one bit of hollyweird stupidity. The dumbing down of America is off the charts.
Yes it was a dumb premise for the movie but since the chaos only started the day before the low life ghetto shitheads did not yet start their raping and pillaging. It is coming soon.
The movie was, to me, something that was produced by twenty somethings who are making their first movie.

That movie could have had amazing potential, but all their situations presented were done pretty ridiculously. An arm with a watch perfectly buried under sand, only to find it it is not attached to the body, then I look up and see a beach covered in dead bodies from a plane wreck. Surprise?

Not so much, think you might have seen that coming if you only looked up.

The very first scene gave a hint.
That this was not a well written script.
The very first lines by Julia Roberts character...are unrealistic to say the least. I said to the wife... "said no one ever"
No one talks like that.
The sex role reversals continued throughout the film gets pretty ridiculous.
Women control everything, and the men who do control their environment - are gun toting maniacs (played by Kevin Bacon)
When danger is presented, it is Julie Roberts character that goes out to investigate, not the husband.
She makes every decision, while her schmuck ultra beta male is either too stupid or too weak to think for himself, and always goes along.
She shushes him, berates him, controls him... and he just goes along.

Don't expect realistic occurrences or outcomes. Like I said, the writing is absurd. The U.S. military evidently just doesn't exist. They must have vanished somehow.

The movie, with all of it's faults and messaging, keeps you interested. You want to know what is going to happen. And the end of the movie arrives. Only to present you with another absurd outcome that would never happen, just as all of the events in the movie will never happen.
To me at the end when the daughter finally got what she wanted most in life was the only good part of the whole stupid worthless woke movie.
Their power stays on. Rumor was NYC was in blackout, riots, mayhem. They live normal just across the river even going to the store. That’s only one bit of hollyweird stupidity. The dumbing down of America is off the charts.
Yes and that was another dumb premise.
The home owner mentions a generator.
A generator powerful enough to run a whole house, continue to run the pool filtration, air conditioning etc. would be the size of a car and loud as hell.
It is so dumb. Again, I say the only people that could watch this movie and not constantly notice all of the absurdities is someone with an IQ less than 100.
A black with a gun is nice enough, honest enough to let white people stay in his house? He more likely could have shot and dragged the men offsite and raped Horse-Face locked in the basement.

Instead they share food & booze not knowing how long it may last? Black man risks his life to demand medicine that might help a sick white? From a mean old white holding a shotgun? Yet….never trust whitey? More like the Jerk….a comedy. Sleeps with his teen tatooed daughter too.
A black with a gun is nice enough, honest enough to let white people stay in his house? He more likely could have shot and dragged the men offsite and raped Horse-Face locked in the basement.

Instead they share food & booze not knowing how long it may last? Black man risks his life to demand medicine that might help a sick white? From a mean old white holding a shotgun? Yet….never trust whitey? More like the Jerk….a comedy. Sleeps with his teen tatooed daughter too.
Movies like these throw stereotypes out the window. I take it you're not buying it?
Ethan Hawke was a weak character and Julia Roberts was dominant but annoying as hell

What I didn’t understand was where all the people went?
That area of Long Island is densely populated yet there was nobody on the roads. No abandoned cars, no dead bodies. The main characters vehicles all worked but there were no other vehicles on the road other than Teslas

We agree completely. And some of the conversations were just plain stupid. Felt like a movie they made up as it went along.
A black with a gun is nice enough, honest enough to let white people stay in his house? He more likely could have shot and dragged the men offsite and raped Horse-Face locked in the basement.

Instead they share food & booze not knowing how long it may last? Black man risks his life to demand medicine that might help a sick white? From a mean old white holding a shotgun? Yet….never trust whitey? More like the Jerk….a comedy. Sleeps with his teen tatooed daughter too.

He didn’t let them. They had rented from him for the weekend and allowed the black man and his daughter who show up in the middle of the night to stay.

It was the daughter who said she didn’t trust whites, not the father.

You are getting creepy. The father originally slept on the floor and only moved to the bed because his daughter said she was scared. There was nothing sexual
I like it when basically everyone agrees, no matter the political leanings.
This is a good indication that the movie producers are out of touch with the people.
No one wants social messaging and lessons on what to think when watching movies.
You just want to see a good story well told.
Yeah...but it was a poorly written story with really bad actors that normally are good at what they do. Just not in this junk pile.
I was unaware this movie was made, or that this is what Obama, former spook/POTUS is up to.

Until I watched this fascinating conversation, which is now up to nearly half million views.

IN just two days? 🤔

CIA Spy On WW3, Jeffrey Epstein, Israel-Hamas, AI & Social Media Brainwashing | Andrew Bustamante​

I knew nothing about this movie going in. I was pleasantly surprised to see there were some A-list actors in it. Julia Roberts, Kevin Bacon, Ethan Hawke. The best surprise is that Mahershala Ali is in it. Ali is not an A-lister, but he's on my personal A-list because whenever he is in a show, you can be sure some weird shit is going to happen.

And boy, does some weird shit happen in this movie. It just gets weirder and weirder.

Julia Roberts plays a very controlling woman married to a schmuck of a husband played by Ethan Hawke. She decided the family needs to go on a little vacation at the ocean and she rents a house over the internet.

This is some house. Absolutely gorgeous. I've actually rented a similar house in the Blue Ridge mountains a few times.

When the weird shit starts happening, the owner of the house (Ali) shows up with his daughter looking for shelter away from the city. Things are getting too weird.

It's hard to describe this movie without spoilers. It is described as an "apocalyptic movie", which it is, but with a different flavor than the usual apocalyptic movie. I will just say it is one of the best movies I've seen on Netflix in a while.

I hope Elon Musk has a sense of humor, because for about 60 seconds this movie turns into a video game where Julia Roberts and her family have to dodge oncoming Teslas. :lol:

When the movie finishes, it does not tie up any loose ends. It just leaves you hanging, but I was okay with that. It's nice to let your imagination do some heavy lifting as to what happens next.

Also, Julia Roberts is a terrible dancer. Almost as bad as Elaine Benes (Seinfeld reference). Roberts looks like a hamster climbing its cage when she dances. Ugh!

I thought the movie sucked. So cliche’.
Although the ending was certainly a downer, I think it was a powerful ending to a story highlining our dependence on technology and how our enemies could turn that dependence against us.

There was not an ending, it just stopped.

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