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Global Warming Hysteria has now degenerated into a new LIEberrhoidal Mania: El Nino is the cause for fucking wars. God's Truth .........Or. at least, a LEberrhoidal and/or Obamarhoidal Truth.

Read all aboout it:

Here's the link to something that: YA GOTTA READ IT TO BELIEVE IT !!!

Global Warming Causes Civil War at White House - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Hahahaha. If after you read it, you believe it, I've got some nice land near a big city in La. that I want to sell you.......
Global Warming Hysteria has now degenerated into a new LIEberrhoidal Mania: El Nino is the cause for fucking wars. God's Truth .........Or. at least, a LEberrhoidal and/or Obamarhoidal Truth.

Read all aboout it:

Here's the link to something that: YA GOTTA READ IT TO BELIEVE IT !!!

Global Warming Causes Civil War at White House - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Garbage---so called "climate change" is the GOD of liberal agendas. Remember when it was called global warming but that wasn't working out to well ? If people can be frightened enough to buy into this crap, politicians and their donors stand to make fortunes.

Nah, there are a lot of things that liberals care more about than climate change, most notably protecting social programs. A huge percentage of their votes come from people on Medicare, SS, and welfare.

The bottom line is that man-made climate change is a very real thing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignoring the science. The left may stand to benefit from climate change, but the right is spreading misinformation and lies to try to convince people that man-made climate change is some myth so that they can continue to rake in record oil profits.

Which side is more guilty: the one that stands to benefit from the facts or the one that lies to protect profits?

Scientific consensus a fact does not make. Scientists have to earn a paycheck too, and right now the money is on climate change studies.

Besides, you say deniers are ignoring science, well I say science is ignoring history. Basing an argument for climate change off of a 10, 100, or even a 1,00 year model, is extremely misleading when it comes to a planet that is billions of years old.
Or the ones that lie to infringe on our freedoms?

Fair enough. I assume you're against the Patriot Act, then?

Or the ones that use climate change for personal profit (al gore)

While I don't necessarily agree with Al Gore on some things (like the fact that his personal energy use is ridiculous and makes him look like a hypocrite), I will still argue that using a fact for personal gain is not nearly as bad as denying a fact for personal gain.

Or the ones that use climate change to expand the power of the govt (obama administration....expanding the govt infringes on individual liberties in most instances)

How exactly has Obama used climate change to expand the power of the gov't?

Or the ones that use climate change to try and redistribute wealth as part of their political agenda (Van Jones)

I'd have to ask for an explanation here again. All I know about Van Jones is that he was a White House advisor and he's an environmental activist.

tex please don't break up the quote like that it makes it very hard to do a simple response but here I go.

1) Yes I'm strongly against the unconstitutional patriot act
2) That is fine, we have different opinions, but at least you dont deny Gore uses it to get rich
3) Obama using the EPA to expand the power of govt under the guise of protecting the environment PICKET: EPA imposes Obama's cap and trade regs- energy prices 'skyrocket' - Washington Times
4) Van Jones, In his own words, calls for using green jobs, green laws, and a green economy to redistribute the wealth[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Green-Collar-Economy-Solution-Problems/dp/0061650765/ref=sr_1_1?amp;ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266967178&sr=8-1"] in his book[/ame]
CLimate change gives reason to push cap and trade.
Cap and trade brings government into the operation of almost every industry.

CLimate change theories satisfy two areas of the left:

Larger government (as explained aboive)
Ecoological concners

I personally do not believe climate change is man made. For the life of me I can not figure out what kind of technoilogy man had that created the ice age and the subesequent warming trend...and what technology man had in the 1700's that caused the mini ice age where we had snow in the northern plains during the summer...and what technology we had in the early 1800's that caused the warming trend that is still going on today.

You're falling for the idea that just because warming had one cause in the past, that it couldn't have a different cause now. What you have to be aware of is the time scale. Warming in the past that caused the end of the Ice Age took thousands of years. What AGW proponents are concerned about is the apparent rise over the last ~200 years, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. You have to ask yourself, why couldn't it be man, if we're pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS, than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year?
Or the ones that lie to infringe on our freedoms?

Fair enough. I assume you're against the Patriot Act, then?

While I don't necessarily agree with Al Gore on some things (like the fact that his personal energy use is ridiculous and makes him look like a hypocrite), I will still argue that using a fact for personal gain is not nearly as bad as denying a fact for personal gain.

How exactly has Obama used climate change to expand the power of the gov't?

Or the ones that use climate change to try and redistribute wealth as part of their political agenda (Van Jones)

I'd have to ask for an explanation here again. All I know about Van Jones is that he was a White House advisor and he's an environmental activist.

tex please don't break up the quote like that it makes it very hard to do a simple response but here I go.

1) Yes I'm strongly against the unconstitutional patriot act
2) That is fine, we have different opinions, but at least you dont deny Gore uses it to get rich
3) Obama using the EPA to expand the power of govt under the guise of protecting the environment PICKET: EPA imposes Obama's cap and trade regs- energy prices 'skyrocket' - Washington Times
4) Van Jones, In his own words, calls for using green jobs, green laws, and a green economy to redistribute the wealth[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Green-Collar-Economy-Solution-Problems/dp/0061650765/ref=sr_1_1?amp;ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266967178&sr=8-1"] in his book[/ame]

None of that, whether true or not, proves that AGW is false. Just because someone you don't like believes something, doesn't make it automatically wrong. A good analogy is that Communists love their children. Does that mean we should hate ours?
Fair enough. I assume you're against the Patriot Act, then?

While I don't necessarily agree with Al Gore on some things (like the fact that his personal energy use is ridiculous and makes him look like a hypocrite), I will still argue that using a fact for personal gain is not nearly as bad as denying a fact for personal gain.

How exactly has Obama used climate change to expand the power of the gov't?

I'd have to ask for an explanation here again. All I know about Van Jones is that he was a White House advisor and he's an environmental activist.

tex please don't break up the quote like that it makes it very hard to do a simple response but here I go.

1) Yes I'm strongly against the unconstitutional patriot act
2) That is fine, we have different opinions, but at least you dont deny Gore uses it to get rich
3) Obama using the EPA to expand the power of govt under the guise of protecting the environment PICKET: EPA imposes Obama's cap and trade regs- energy prices 'skyrocket' - Washington Times
4) Van Jones, In his own words, calls for using green jobs, green laws, and a green economy to redistribute the wealth[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Green-Collar-Economy-Solution-Problems/dp/0061650765/ref=sr_1_1?amp;ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1266967178&sr=8-1"] in his book[/ame]

None of that, whether true or not, proves that AGW is false. Just because someone you don't like believes something, doesn't make it automatically wrong. A good analogy is that Communists love their children. Does that mean we should hate ours?

What? Try saying that a different way please im lost right now.

We weren't talking about if global climate change was true or false, i was talking about how people and politicians use the Global Warming thing to either gain power, get rich, or play out their liberal redistributive wealth desires.
CLimate change gives reason to push cap and trade.
Cap and trade brings government into the operation of almost every industry.

CLimate change theories satisfy two areas of the left:

Larger government (as explained aboive)
Ecoological concners

I personally do not believe climate change is man made. For the life of me I can not figure out what kind of technoilogy man had that created the ice age and the subesequent warming trend...and what technology man had in the 1700's that caused the mini ice age where we had snow in the northern plains during the summer...and what technology we had in the early 1800's that caused the warming trend that is still going on today.

You're falling for the idea that just because warming had one cause in the past, that it couldn't have a different cause now. What you have to be aware of is the time scale. Warming in the past that caused the end of the Ice Age took thousands of years. What AGW proponents are concerned about is the apparent rise over the last ~200 years, since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. You have to ask yourself, why couldn't it be man, if we're pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere in DAYS, than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year?

the warming trend following the mini ice age of the late 1700's took about 200 years.....
I am just not cinvinced that our atmosphere and climate is as sensitive as the climate change theory makes it out to be
Garbage---so called "climate change" is the GOD of liberal agendas. Remember when it was called global warming but that wasn't working out to well ? If people can be frightened enough to buy into this crap, politicians and their donors stand to make fortunes.

Nah, there are a lot of things that liberals care more about than climate change, most notably protecting social programs. A huge percentage of their votes come from people on Medicare, SS, and welfare.

The bottom line is that man-made climate change is a very real thing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignoring the science. The left may stand to benefit from climate change, but the right is spreading misinformation and lies to try to convince people that man-made climate change is some myth so that they can continue to rake in record oil profits.

Which side is more guilty: the one that stands to benefit from the facts or the one that lies to protect profits?

Stating that something is absolute fact--settled science and should not be questioned or challenged ever, or face being compared to holocaust denier, is indicative that you don't just believe global warming, you have a religious-like undying faith in it.

The fact is the atmospheric consequence of CO2, a naturally occurring chemical compound without which life would not exist, is not completely known.

Allowing the government the power to regulate CO2 would literally open the door to regulating every and all aspects of your life. You fucking breathe it out.

The religious environmental left is slaughtering camels in Australia to combat global warming/change or whatever the hell it is now. (Australia Camels Would Be Slaughtered To Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Under Proposed Law)

We are told that the worst sin against the deity of the this faith is have children. (Are Babies Bad for the Environment? : Scientific American Podcast)

Yes, I'm sure you would be espousing the same unyielding conviction in the 70's when it was global cooling. The religious environmental left has shown ever since the 60's that they are constantly exaggerating and are incorrect in their bullshit claims. You can go down the list.

You can sum up your faith in one Captain Planet clip.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2zZa9vz1Rk]Captain Planet CO2 brainwashing - YouTube[/ame]
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"Data from NASA's Terra satellite covering the period 2000 through 2011 shows that when the earth's climate heats up, the atmosphere appears to be better able to channel the heat to outer space.

The satellite data call into question the computer models favored by global warming believers and may put to rest controversy over the discrepancy between the computer models and actual meteorological readings." (http://news.yahoo.com/nasa-data-blow-gaping-hold-global-warming-alarmism-192334971.html)
Global Warming Hysteria has now degenerated into a new LIEberrhoidal Mania: El Nino is the cause for fucking wars. God's Truth .........Or. at least, a LEberrhoidal and/or Obamarhoidal Truth.

Read all aboout it:

Here's the link to something that: YA GOTTA READ IT TO BELIEVE IT !!!

Global Warming Causes Civil War at White House - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Hahahaha. If after you read it, you believe it, I've got some nice land near a big city in La. that I want to sell you.......


For you and those other Freaks that are certified Obamarrhoidal Stooges, genuine Congenital Idiots, and establlished Pieces of Shit, I will reiterate what I stated to that transparent phony LIEberrhoid, TexSHIT, that checkmates your kind of arrant BULLSHIT:

Next, the global warming evidence is such that for every so-called proof......there's the opposite.

Finally, the fact that the LIEberrhoidals, and/or Obamarrhoidals are buying into this bullshit as indicated in the OP-ed's article is that YOU CAN ACTUALLY READ IT IN THE SUGGESTED LIEBERRHOIDAL ARTICLES OR MEDIA SUCH AS THE PUFFINGTON POST, ETC !!!!

So, STFU because you're making a bigger fucking idiot of yourself than you are already !!!
Garbage---so called "climate change" is the GOD of liberal agendas. Remember when it was called global warming but that wasn't working out to well ? If people can be frightened enough to buy into this crap, politicians and their donors stand to make fortunes.

Nah, there are a lot of things that liberals care more about than climate change, most notably protecting social programs. A huge percentage of their votes come from people on Medicare, SS, and welfare.

The bottom line is that man-made climate change is a very real thing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignoring the science. The left may stand to benefit from climate change, but the right is spreading misinformation and lies to try to convince people that man-made climate change is some myth so that they can continue to rake in record oil profits.

Which side is more guilty: the one that stands to benefit from the facts or the one that lies to protect profits?

Yes let's take a look at who profits from the AGW scam shall we? Goldman Sachs is heavily invested in getting Congress to pass carbon trading schemes. What do they make on it? Over 3 trillion dollars for doing nothing but shuffle papers. Don't forget the oil companies either. They too are in favor of carbon schemes. remember ENRON? They were a key player in the Kyoto agreement. Why? Because they will then get to really overcharge for their oil. And who pays? You do. And all the other poor schmucks out there. The only group that does well is the rich. They get to become super rich while the rest of us turn into paupers.

Smart move. I hope you enjoy not being able to do much of anything. Oh and BTW there is not a single piece of empirical data to support AGW theory. Not one. Everything you read is derived from computer models that are so bad they can't recreate the weather that occure three days ago. and that is the "evidence" you support.
Toro, were it only climatologists that were stating concerns about global warming, you might have a point. However, Geologists, Biologists, and Oceanographers, as well as Physicists and Chemists are also pointing out things that are changing. Changes that can only be explained by the effect of the GHGs that we have put into the atmosphere. From the ocean rise, ocean acidification, melting glaciers, alpine and continental, and many other observations, we are seeing the effects of global warming.

Arrnhenius predicted some of these effects in 1896, many more have been predicted in the interrum. Most of what has already happened occurred much sooner than anyone's predictions. The observed effects are not computer models, they are what has already happened, and what is happening at the present time.

Since the climate is too complex to accurately model, scientist do not fully understand how it works they cannot point to definitive proof.

What are the effect of deforrestation? How about the heat generated by millions of interal combustion engines. Do those have any effect at all?
Global Warming Hysteria has now degenerated into a new LIEberrhoidal Mania: El Nino is the cause for fucking wars. God's Truth .........Or. at least, a LEberrhoidal and/or Obamarhoidal Truth.

Read all aboout it:

Here's the link to something that: YA GOTTA READ IT TO BELIEVE IT !!!

Global Warming Causes Civil War at White House - John Ransom - Townhall Finance

Hahahaha. If after you read it, you believe it, I've got some nice land near a big city in La. that I want to sell you.......


For you and those other Freaks that are certified Obamarrhoidal Stooges, genuine Congenital Idiots, and establlished Pieces of Shit, I will reiterate what I stated to that transparent phony LIEberrhoid, TexSHIT, that checkmates your kind of arrant BULLSHIT:

Next, the global warming evidence is such that for every so-called proof......there's the opposite.

Finally, the fact that the LIEberrhoidals, and/or Obamarrhoidals are buying into this bullshit as indicated in the OP-ed's article is that YOU CAN ACTUALLY READ IT IN THE SUGGESTED LIEBERRHOIDAL ARTICLES OR MEDIA SUCH AS THE PUFFINGTON POST, ETC !!!!

So, STFU because you're making a bigger fucking idiot of yourself than you are already !!!

Hahahaha. No one should listen to a lying piece of shit like you:eek:.
Hahahaha. If after you read it, you believe it, I've got some nice land near a big city in La. that I want to sell you.......


For you and those other Freaks that are certified Obamarrhoidal Stooges, genuine Congenital Idiots, and establlished Pieces of Shit, I will reiterate what I stated to that transparent phony LIEberrhoid, TexSHIT, that checkmates your kind of arrant BULLSHIT:

Next, the global warming evidence is such that for every so-called proof......there's the opposite.

Finally, the fact that the LIEberrhoidals, and/or Obamarrhoidals are buying into this bullshit as indicated in the OP-ed's article is that YOU CAN ACTUALLY READ IT IN THE SUGGESTED LIEBERRHOIDAL ARTICLES OR MEDIA SUCH AS THE PUFFINGTON POST, ETC !!!!

So, STFU because you're making a bigger fucking idiot of yourself than you are already !!!

Hahahaha. No one should listen to a lying piece of shit like you:eek:.



You don't have to read the IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS that I posted .......Obamarrhoidal Freaks like you don't know how to deal with them.

READ YOUR OWN OBAMARRHOIDAL & LIEBERRHOIDAL BIBLES like the PUFFINGTON POST.....and the other fucked up Obamarrhoidal articles indicated in the OP-ed !!!


Sent: Friday, 08 October 2010 17:19 Hal Lewis
From: Hal Lewis, University of California, Santa Barbara
To: Curtis G. Callan, Jr., Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society
6 October 2010

Dear Curt:

When I first joined the American Physical Society sixty-seven years ago it was much smaller, much gentler, and as yet uncorrupted by the money flood (a threat against which Dwight Eisenhower warned a half-century ago).

Indeed, the choice of physics as a profession was then a guarantor of a life of poverty and abstinence—it was World War II that changed all that. The prospect of worldly gain drove few physicists. As recently as thirty-five years ago, when I chaired the first APS study of a contentious social/scientific issue, The Reactor Safety Study, though there were zealots aplenty on the outside there was no hint of inordinate pressure on us as physicists. We were therefore able to produce what I believe was and is an honest appraisal of the situation at that time. We were further enabled by the presence of an oversight committee consisting of Pief Panofsky, Vicki Weisskopf, and Hans Bethe, all towering physicists beyond reproach. I was proud of what we did in a charged atmosphere. In the end the oversight committee, in its report to the APS President, noted the complete independence in which we did the job, and predicted that the report would be attacked from both sides. What greater tribute could there be?

How different it is now. The giants no longer walk the earth, and the money flood has become the raison d’être of much physics research, the vital sustenance of much more, and it provides the support for untold numbers of professional jobs. For reasons that will soon become clear my former pride at being an APS Fellow all these years has been turned into shame, and I am forced, with no pleasure at all, to offer you my resignation from the Society.

It is of course, the global warming scam, with the (literally) trillions of dollars driving it, that has corrupted so many scientists, and has carried APS before it like a rogue wave. It is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life as a physicist. Anyone who has the faintest doubt that this is so should force himself to read the ClimateGate documents, which lay it bare. (Montford’s book organizes the facts very well.) I don’t believe that any real physicist, nay scientist, can read that stuff without revulsion. I would almost make that revulsion a definition of the word scientist.

So what has the APS, as an organization, done in the face of this challenge? It has accepted the corruption as the norm, and gone along with it…

Another denier....
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For you and those other Freaks that are certified Obamarrhoidal Stooges, genuine Congenital Idiots, and establlished Pieces of Shit, I will reiterate what I stated to that transparent phony LIEberrhoid, TexSHIT, that checkmates your kind of arrant BULLSHIT:

Next, the global warming evidence is such that for every so-called proof......there's the opposite.

Finally, the fact that the LIEberrhoidals, and/or Obamarrhoidals are buying into this bullshit as indicated in the OP-ed's article is that YOU CAN ACTUALLY READ IT IN THE SUGGESTED LIEBERRHOIDAL ARTICLES OR MEDIA SUCH AS THE PUFFINGTON POST, ETC !!!!

So, STFU because you're making a bigger fucking idiot of yourself than you are already !!!

Hahahaha. No one should listen to a lying piece of shit like you:eek:.



You don't have to read the IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS that I posted .......Obamarrhoidal Freaks like you don't know how to deal with them.

READ YOUR OWN OBAMARRHOIDAL & LIEBERRHOIDAL BIBLES like the PUFFINGTON POST.....and the other fucked up Obamarrhoidal articles indicated in the OP-ed !!!


Oh my. POO humor:eek: :eek: Is this Anderson Cooper?
Garbage---so called "climate change" is the GOD of liberal agendas. Remember when it was called global warming but that wasn't working out to well ? If people can be frightened enough to buy into this crap, politicians and their donors stand to make fortunes.

Nah, there are a lot of things that liberals care more about than climate change, most notably protecting social programs. A huge percentage of their votes come from people on Medicare, SS, and welfare.

The bottom line is that man-made climate change is a very real thing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is ignoring the science. The left may stand to benefit from climate change, but the right is spreading misinformation and lies to try to convince people that man-made climate change is some myth so that they can continue to rake in record oil profits.

Which side is more guilty: the one that stands to benefit from the facts or the one that lies to protect profits?

Yes let's take a look at who profits from the AGW scam shall we? Goldman Sachs is heavily invested in getting Congress to pass carbon trading schemes. What do they make on it? Over 3 trillion dollars for doing nothing but shuffle papers. Don't forget the oil companies either. They too are in favor of carbon schemes. remember ENRON? They were a key player in the Kyoto agreement. Why? Because they will then get to really overcharge for their oil. And who pays? You do. And all the other poor schmucks out there. The only group that does well is the rich. They get to become super rich while the rest of us turn into paupers.

Smart move. I hope you enjoy not being able to do much of anything. Oh and BTW there is not a single piece of empirical data to support AGW theory. Not one. Everything you read is derived from computer models that are so bad they can't recreate the weather that occure three days ago. and that is the "evidence" you support.

And, Howzabout Jeffrey Immelt, CEO of GE (who did business with Iran in spite of Iran being our Mortal Enemy) ??? This is the SUPER ARSEHOLE who as an Obamarrhoidal Stooge has been appointed by Sambo Obambo as the Chairman of the Obamarrhoidal Agency to CREATE JOBS......And, what does that SUPER ARSEHOLE IMMELT DO AFTER GETTING A SPECIAL BAILOUT BECAUSE NBC, HIS ORGANIZATION, WAS OBUMMER'S PROPAGANDA MACHINE (And, paying ZERO taxes) ???

Immelt and Obummer forbid Boeing to go to South Carolina to get the non-competitive non-union workers .......AND, IMMELT ENTERS GE INTO A PARTNERSHIP WITH CHINA TO COMPETE WITH BOEING AND CREATE JOBS FOR THE CHINESE ......eliminating the jobs that would have salvaged tens of thousands of American jobs !!!

NOT ONLY THAT........The Chinese have a sine qua non: before you can enter an agreement of partnership you must divulge all the pertinent trade secrets with them.... and G.E. has an enormous knowledge of MILITARY DATA which they are now sharing with the chinks.
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Hahahaha. No one should listen to a lying piece of shit like you:eek:.



You don't have to read the IRREFUTABLE TRUTHS that I posted .......Obamarrhoidal Freaks like you don't know how to deal with them.

READ YOUR OWN OBAMARRHOIDAL & LIEBERRHOIDAL BIBLES like the PUFFINGTON POST.....and the other fucked up Obamarrhoidal articles indicated in the OP-ed !!!


Oh my. POO humor:eek: :eek: Is this Anderson Cooper?

Nope, you certified Obamarrhoidal Freak, a genuine Congenital Idiot, and an established Piece of Shit: I, Gautama. am your worst fucking nightmare......and you know it !!!!!


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