Yahoo: 32 million accounts accessed using forged cookies


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Reuters) Yahoo Inc, which disclosed two massive data breaches last year, said on Wednesday that about 32 million user accounts were accessed by intruders in the last two years using forged cookies.

Allows intruders to use without password

Read more at Yahoo: 32 million accounts accessed using ‘forged cookies’

Liberal reactions oh who cares this isn't true so what I have nothing to hide..............
realistic thoughts type people.............. If you only knew the dangers that can be used against you twenty years ago based off something you said.

If you only knew how often the shadow Gov. does this bull shit on purpose so they can coral everybody into some bs system they great and dream up as they will claim the next newest, best security protection software bs line which in turn enters all your bio metrics into a world wide system that can still phuck you down the road.
Pffffffffffffffffft, nothing compared to what the NSA does everyday.

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