Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL

Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..


What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of that have to do with orange-coloured narcissists?
Are you just illiterate?

Probably re argues the same point in every thread.
Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..


What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of that have to do with orange-coloured narcissists?
Are you just illiterate?

Babbling again? I never said a thing about anything 'orange', loon; you're just getting hysterical now.
Oh, my bad, I thought this thread was about boycotting the NFL. I didn't realize it was about wingnuts bashing the Koch brothers even though said wingnuts in the past have voted for the candidates they back.

The GOP establishment is behind Trump, what are you talking about? There are a lot of Republicans who refuse to support Trump, but they aren't the GOP, dipshit.


Goldman Sachs? Funny, last I checked it was a a Goldman Sachs guy who is in charge of Trump's fund raising. So, careful where you go.

What? hillary lunches with them regularly, moron.

The fact is that lots of people who would normally support the Republican just can't do it this time. Some of them are people I can't stand (Bill Krystol) some of them I kind of respect (Colin Powell, GHWB). The reason so many are bailing isn't to defend the status quo, it's that most of them are sane.

you're not anyone who can judge 'sane', so why throw that out there?

But, this thread is about football, boycotts and athletes.

Says the gimp who threw Trump into it in the first place. What a mentally ill dufus you are.
I am not blaming the NFL. I am blaming ESPN and the rest of the race baiting sacks of shit on the left who promote everything and anything that can be in any way perceived as race dividing in THIS ELECTION YEAR.

They say nothing of course when that asshole shows up to a press conference with a fidel castro shirt as he chants about "equal rights" for THE BLACKS.

Hardly a thing said about the castro shirt. Oh, but a confederate flag? Or someone saying that men and women bathrooms should be separate. Well. now that same pathetic fucking left wing network fires that person, AS THEY ALL CLAIM that Kaepernick is entitled to his "free speech."

As though anyone said he was not entitled. I would love to see the reaction of some pro player showed to a presser with a hitler shirt or swastika. I would just love to see how the fucking press preaches about "freedom of speech."

What am I talking about? Castro is an obvious liberal hero. He is brown and he hates American capitalism. Forget all of the dissidents he murdered and imprisoned. Forget about that.

Wait, didn't a baseball player just get suspended by baseball for the rest of the year for expressing his views?


Now, all of a sudden ESPN morons on the left said baseball did not do enough to this person. Hey, they are all on the side of "free speech" when a black guy promotes black racists and waves a castro sign. Ohhhhh, but criticize the poor blacks for the horrible situation in this country, well they are fired, suspended, crushed by that same media.

That is who I blame. That is who or what to boycott.

Free speech only applies if you agree with the left.
Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..


What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of that have to do with orange-coloured narcissists?
Are you just illiterate?

Babbling again? I never said a thing about anything 'orange', loon; you're just getting hysterical now.

Correct, you didn't. *I* did. And you somehow twisted that into Kochs and billionaires and establishments and dictator rapist aliens activists and even Goldman Sachs, NONE of which have Jack Friggety Shit to do with anything I posted at all. You just couldn't be bothered to actually read it, being infatuated with seeing your own words on the internets. Or perhaps can't read it.

--- which is why I characterize you as "illiterate".

You wingnuts should appreciate Kaepernick. He doesn't like Clinton either and he's half black. In Trump world that's almost an endorsement.

Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..
Anyone in his right might would understand Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than the likes of Trump – having nothing to do with the ‘establishment,’ whatever that’s supposed to be.

Now, if you and the other rightwing nitwits had nominated Kasich, or Rubio, or even Jeb!, you might have a point with regard to preferring the GOP nominee over that of Clinton.

But you didn’t.

You nominated Trump, someone wholly unfit to be president, likely resulting in Clinton becoming president, her faults and failings withstanding.
The NFL Might Have to Start Putting the Foot Down on Anthem Protests After Seeing These Ratings

Ratings are way down for a third straight week. Something that hasn't happened since eve strike in the 90s.

I used to love the NFL, but I will continue to not watch.

I guarantee the NBA will see similar protests.

Fuck NFL and NBA I am sticking to hockey

there are better things to do with a Sunday

then watch these fuckers
Wanna help me chop wood?And no that is not a ghey pass...

nope have to work today

and taking the boat on the missouri tommorrow
I live next to the Elk river, but it's been so dry you'd have to push the boat..

the missouri is up tommorrow i be by gavins point damn
I used to be a huge fan of my NFL team. I got rid of all my NFL related gear. Done with the NFL. Fuck the NFL and fuck Colin Krappyshit
Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..


What in the wide world of Blue Fuck does any of that have to do with orange-coloured narcissists?
Are you just illiterate?

Babbling again? I never said a thing about anything 'orange', loon; you're just getting hysterical now.

Correct, you didn't. *I* did. And you somehow twisted that into Kochs and billionaires and establishments and dictator rapist aliens activists and even Goldman Sachs, NONE of which have Jack Friggety Shit to do with anything I posted at all. You just couldn't be bothered to actually read it, being infatuated with seeing your own words on the internets. Or perhaps can't read it.

--- which is why I characterize you as "illiterate".


Lol ... I was responding to Happy Joy, you bumbling twit. You can't follow squat. Lay off the bong and maybe take your meds on schedule, dimwit.
Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..
Anyone in his right might would understand Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than the likes of Trump – having nothing to do with the ‘establishment,’ whatever that’s supposed to be.

Now, if you and the other rightwing nitwits had nominated Kasich, or Rubio, or even Jeb!, you might have a point with regard to preferring the GOP nominee over that of Clinton.

But you didn’t.

You nominated Trump, someone wholly unfit to be president, likely resulting in Clinton becoming president, her faults and failings withstanding.

I'm not a rightwinger, and you're not a 'progressive' or a 'liberal', you're just a sociopath and a gimp, and you only like Hillary because her pantsuits turn you on, just like Mao's did.
Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Yyyyyyyeahhh.... because insecure narissists who intentionally color themselves orange have SO much to do with the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends.

Fer fuck's SAKE get a life.

What are you babbling about? Lay off the bong. The entire establishment is behind Hillary, while you allegedly 'progressive' morons fall all over yourselves over her.. Talk about cognitive dissonance and imbecility, you're all Poster Children for it..
Anyone in his right might would understand Clinton is clearly more qualified to be president than the likes of Trump – having nothing to do with the ‘establishment,’ whatever that’s supposed to be.

Now, if you and the other rightwing nitwits had nominated Kasich, or Rubio, or even Jeb!, you might have a point with regard to preferring the GOP nominee over that of Clinton.

But you didn’t.

You nominated Trump, someone wholly unfit to be president, likely resulting in Clinton becoming president, her faults and failings withstanding.

I'm not a rightwinger, and you're not a 'progressive' or a 'liberal', you're just a sociopath and a gimp, and you only like Hillary because her pantsuits turn you on, just like Mao's did.

Do me a favor. When you post stupid shit like that and not directly responding to me then please remove me form your quote. I'd like to spend the rest of my time on earth not wasting it on what I just read.
You wingnuts should appreciate Kaepernick. He doesn't like Clinton either and he's half black. In Trump world that's almost an endorsement.

Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.
Is that even ENGLISH?
The players are getting paid and the stadiums are full. America is about free speech and making the dollar and respect, honor, morals etc are not part of the equation. We live in a corporate run amok society and its all about the almighty buck now. Greed rules the day. Greed rules the country.
You wingnuts should appreciate Kaepernick. He doesn't like Clinton either and he's half black. In Trump world that's almost an endorsement.

Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.
Is that even ENGLISH?

Yes, it is ENGLISH. What words don't you understand?
In understand the words...but what drugs would I need to take to understand the order you put them in? Are any of said drugs legal?
In understand the words...but what drugs would I need to take to understand the order you put them in? Are any of said drugs legal?

Quote what part doesn't make sense to you, I'd be happy to mock you for it. Also, perhaps your posts should have perfect grammar before criticizing others. 'In understand the words', what?
You wingnuts should appreciate Kaepernick. He doesn't like Clinton either and he's half black. In Trump world that's almost an endorsement.

Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.
Is that even ENGLISH?

Yes, it is ENGLISH. What words don't you understand?

What was unclear was the transition from Rodman to suddenly "these nutjobs" coming out of thin air that are somehow linked to Rodman in a way you didn't specify. Are you saying there are a bunch of people besties with North Korea?

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