Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL

Of course he is. Ever since he became friends with the North Korean dictators and supports them he's been constantly ripped by the right, and rightly so. You really only hear what you want to, don't you?

Not really. I think Kaepernick has received a lot more criticism from the right for committing an act of civil disobedience which is as American as apple pie.

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Not really. I think Kaepernick has received a lot more criticism from the right for committing an act of civil disobedience which is as American as apple pie.

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
  • Thanks
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Not really. I think Kaepernick has received a lot more criticism from the right for committing an act of civil disobedience which is as American as apple pie.

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?

No, Trump called Rodman's trip smart. End of story. You said the right had denounced Rodman for his trip and here you are now defending Trump defending Rodman.

I guess that kind of proves my point. The right thinks Kaepernick's protest is worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.
Especially if he's half-black, half orange.

Oh wait, that's Dennis Rodman.

Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Oh, my bad, I thought this thread was about boycotting the NFL. I didn't realize it was about wingnuts bashing the Koch brothers even though said wingnuts in the past have voted for the candidates they back.

The GOP establishment is behind Trump, what are you talking about? There are a lot of Republicans who refuse to support Trump, but they aren't the GOP, dipshit.

Goldman Sachs? Funny, last I checked it was a a Goldman Sachs guy who is in charge of Trump's fund raising. So, careful where you go.

The fact is that lots of people who would normally support the Republican just can't do it this time. Some of them are people I can't stand (Bill Krystol) some of them I kind of respect (Colin Powell, GHWB). The reason so many are bailing isn't to defend the status quo, it's that most of them are sane.

But, this thread is about football, boycotts and athletes.
"Sane" must be a leftwing euphemism for "douche bag."

Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.
Kind of ironic that one of the biggest assholes in sports (and humanity) who is besties with Kim Jong-un ensorses Trump but these nutjobs think a back up qb taking a knee during the national anthem is ruining football.

Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Oh, my bad, I thought this thread was about boycotting the NFL. I didn't realize it was about wingnuts bashing the Koch brothers even though said wingnuts in the past have voted for the candidates they back.

The GOP establishment is behind Trump, what are you talking about? There are a lot of Republicans who refuse to support Trump, but they aren't the GOP, dipshit.

Goldman Sachs? Funny, last I checked it was a a Goldman Sachs guy who is in charge of Trump's fund raising. So, careful where you go.

The fact is that lots of people who would normally support the Republican just can't do it this time. Some of them are people I can't stand (Bill Krystol) some of them I kind of respect (Colin Powell, GHWB). The reason so many are bailing isn't to defend the status quo, it's that most of them are sane.

But, this thread is about football, boycotts and athletes.
"Sane" must be a leftwing euphemism for "douche bag."

Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.
"Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL"

It’s also idiotic to ‘blame’ the NFL for something its players might do; players who have violated no League rules or regulations, who can be subject to no punitive measures.

Such is the extent of the ignorance and stupidity of the right.
Compared to the Kochs and other billionaires, the GOP establishment. most Islamist dictators, rapist illegal alien activists, etc., etc., that line up behind Hillary while the butt stupid muppet brigade here runs around slavishly supporting her and her Goldman Sachs friends, Rodman is nothing. You're truly mindless and clueless, aren't you.

Oh, my bad, I thought this thread was about boycotting the NFL. I didn't realize it was about wingnuts bashing the Koch brothers even though said wingnuts in the past have voted for the candidates they back.

The GOP establishment is behind Trump, what are you talking about? There are a lot of Republicans who refuse to support Trump, but they aren't the GOP, dipshit.

Goldman Sachs? Funny, last I checked it was a a Goldman Sachs guy who is in charge of Trump's fund raising. So, careful where you go.

The fact is that lots of people who would normally support the Republican just can't do it this time. Some of them are people I can't stand (Bill Krystol) some of them I kind of respect (Colin Powell, GHWB). The reason so many are bailing isn't to defend the status quo, it's that most of them are sane.

But, this thread is about football, boycotts and athletes.
"Sane" must be a leftwing euphemism for "douche bag."

Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?

No, Trump called Rodman's trip smart. End of story. You said the right had denounced Rodman for his trip and here you are now defending Trump defending Rodman.

I guess that kind of proves my point. The right thinks Kaepernick's protest is worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.

I said what Trump said, I neither criticized nor defended him for that, I said it wasn't what you said it was. I also pointed out you moved the goalposts from the right to Trump. How the fuck did you graduate high school with those reading skills, social promotion? That would explain your vacuous posts.

The funniest part though was your belief that you know what the right thinks and can speak for them. That was classic

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.
"Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL"

It’s also idiotic to ‘blame’ the NFL for something its players might do; players who have violated no League rules or regulations, who can be subject to no punitive measures.

Such is the extent of the ignorance and stupidity of the right.
The NFL is responsible because the NFL allows it. They don't allow players to put stickers on their helmets supporting cops, but they do allow players to make demonstrations supporting the people who kill those cops.
"Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL"

It’s also idiotic to ‘blame’ the NFL for something its players might do; players who have violated no League rules or regulations, who can be subject to no punitive measures.

Such is the extent of the ignorance and stupidity of the right.

The NFL can ban political protests, Opie

Consistent with the fact that conservatives are for the most part authoritarian, seek to compel conformity, and fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

For conservatives Kaepernick represents someone who refuses to conform, and that frightens them, resulting in hostility toward Kaepernick in an effort to compel him to conform.

It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?

No, Trump called Rodman's trip smart. End of story. You said the right had denounced Rodman for his trip and here you are now defending Trump defending Rodman.

I guess that kind of proves my point. The right thinks Kaepernick's protest is worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.
Trump isn't "the right" lol

Not by a fucking mile. This is two threads in 20 minutes you've had your bullshit busted in.
It's telling when they criticize his form of protest based on what they feel his protest is about. If Tim Tebow sat out the national anthem in exhcange for praying in the parking lot they'd love it. And to be honest, there really nothing wrong with that either.

You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer
Oh, my bad, I thought this thread was about boycotting the NFL. I didn't realize it was about wingnuts bashing the Koch brothers even though said wingnuts in the past have voted for the candidates they back.

The GOP establishment is behind Trump, what are you talking about? There are a lot of Republicans who refuse to support Trump, but they aren't the GOP, dipshit.

Goldman Sachs? Funny, last I checked it was a a Goldman Sachs guy who is in charge of Trump's fund raising. So, careful where you go.

The fact is that lots of people who would normally support the Republican just can't do it this time. Some of them are people I can't stand (Bill Krystol) some of them I kind of respect (Colin Powell, GHWB). The reason so many are bailing isn't to defend the status quo, it's that most of them are sane.

But, this thread is about football, boycotts and athletes.
"Sane" must be a leftwing euphemism for "douche bag."

Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
The NFL Might Have to Start Putting the Foot Down on Anthem Protests After Seeing These Ratings

Ratings are way down for a third straight week. Something that hasn't happened since eve strike in the 90s.

I used to love the NFL, but I will continue to not watch.

I guarantee the NBA will see similar protests.

Fuck NFL and NBA I am sticking to hockey

I stopped watching the NFL long ago. Now I just watch college ball. I simply grew tired of the strikes and the same teams winning over and over

I can't say I miss it.
"Sane" must be a leftwing euphemism for "douche bag."

Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. Supporting the Iraq invasion doesn't count since he was serving in the Bush administration at the time.
You two need to get a room

Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer

I didn't see a big national backlash against Rodman like I do Kaepernick. The nominee for the Republican party called Rodman's trip 'smart' and you proceed to immediately defend that position.

I proved my point, the right thinks what Kaepernick did was worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.
Did you just call Colin Powell a douche bag?

Should I refer to you as 'indouche bag' now?
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
Yes, he is a douche bag. He claims to be a Republican but he has supported Democrat candidates ever since he left the Bush Administration.

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

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