Yea the boycott is Working - Fuck the NFL

I get it. Everyone you disagree with is a douche bag. What a way to get through life.

Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.
Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer

I didn't see a big national backlash against Rodman like I do Kaepernick. The nominee for the Republican party called Rodman's trip 'smart' and you proceed to immediately defend that position.

I proved my point, the right thinks what Kaepernick did was worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.

And so the goalposts move again.

Kaepernick did it publicly, it was seen more. Rodman was also a few years ago. The things said about Rodman were way, way worse than Kaepernick, but now you want the same number of people criticizing him even though Rodman's wasn't on national TV. And you want the criticism today even though it was years ago it happened.

Do you not feel stupid yourself at some point? Are you that unaware?
Still waiting for the right to denounce Trump for calling Rodman's trip to N. Korea 'smart'.

Trump praises 'smart' Rodman trip

You know, since you made the point that the right made a stink out of the Rodman trip you can tell me how Trump was put into his place after making those comments.

When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer

I didn't see a big national backlash against Rodman like I do Kaepernick. The nominee for the Republican party called Rodman's trip 'smart' and you proceed to immediately defend that position.

I proved my point, the right thinks what Kaepernick did was worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.
I think they were both equally stupid. And if my memory isn't too rusty I believe I may have even created threads about that Dumbass basketball player.
Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.
Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?
Left wingers are all douche bags. They prove it every day right here in this forum. Right now one of your fellow douche bags is making excuses for Hillary supporters who vandalized private property.

Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

A Republican is someone who votes for Republicans. He voted for Obama twice and he says he's going to vote for Hillary. He's not a genuine Republican. He's a mole.
When did you start waiting since we hadn't discussed that article before?

Did you read the article, it says Trump thought it would be a good idea for Obama to call the North Korean despot. Agree or disagree, you're moving the goal posts.

And I wasn't defending Trump, you whack job. I oppose him, I'm voting for Johnson. We were talking about criticism of Rodman versus criticism of Kaepernick from the right. The right is a lot harsher to Rodman in what they say, though they criticize both.

How did that become about what Trump himself says outside your delusional mind?
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer

I didn't see a big national backlash against Rodman like I do Kaepernick. The nominee for the Republican party called Rodman's trip 'smart' and you proceed to immediately defend that position.

I proved my point, the right thinks what Kaepernick did was worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.

And so the goalposts move again.

Kaepernick did it publicly, it was seen more. Rodman was also a few years ago. The things said about Rodman were way, way worse than Kaepernick, but now you want the same number of people criticizing him even though Rodman's wasn't on national TV. And you want the criticism today even though it was years ago it happened.

Do you not feel stupid yourself at some point? Are you that unaware?

Rodman's trip was very public so that's irrelevant. What difference does it make whether it was yesterday or a couple years ago? You just found out today that Trump thought that trip was a smart idea and you immediately went into Trump defense mode to defend something you claim conservatives denounced, weird, huh?

You basically now say that Rodman's trip to North Korea is smart even though you denounced it just a couple minutes ago. Weird.
Bait & switch. It's all he has
No, it’s called the inconsistent conservative and rightwing hypocrisy.

The right blasts Rodman, the right blasts Kaepernick, and you see hypocrisy in that? Explain, Gomer

I didn't see a big national backlash against Rodman like I do Kaepernick. The nominee for the Republican party called Rodman's trip 'smart' and you proceed to immediately defend that position.

I proved my point, the right thinks what Kaepernick did was worse than Rodman's trip to North Korea.

And so the goalposts move again.

Kaepernick did it publicly, it was seen more. Rodman was also a few years ago. The things said about Rodman were way, way worse than Kaepernick, but now you want the same number of people criticizing him even though Rodman's wasn't on national TV. And you want the criticism today even though it was years ago it happened.

Do you not feel stupid yourself at some point? Are you that unaware?

Rodman's trip was very public so that's irrelevant. What difference does it make whether it was yesterday or a couple years ago? You just found out today that Trump thought that trip was a smart idea and you immediately went into Trump defense mode to defend something you claim conservatives denounced, weird, huh?

You basically now say that Rodman's trip to North Korea is smart even though you denounced it just a couple minutes ago. Weird.

I didn't say Rodman's trip to Korea was smart, I said Trump said that you stupid fuck. I also said I oppose Trump, which you obviously know given the number of anti-Trump threads I've started. Have you considered remedial reading? Maybe a brain scan?

And as for your standard that the right should still criticize Rodman like it was today instead of years ago, you're full of shit. Again
Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

I think most Democrats/liberals would think the economy begins with demand.

He was also for the Iraq war and moderate on most other issues.
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

So why would he support Republicans? They don't. Their nominee is specifically running against free market capitalism.

The Republicans are a political party, so you couldn't back up the crap you made up Rodman is one either
Colin Powell is not a 'left winger'. Can you not just debate without going to absolute extremes?
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

A Republican is someone who votes for Republicans. He voted for Obama twice and he says he's going to vote for Hillary. He's not a genuine Republican. He's a mole.

A Republican is someone who is either a Republican or says they are a Republican.
I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

So why would he support Republicans? They don't. Their nominee is specifically running against free market capitalism.

The Republicans are a political party, so you couldn't back up the crap you made up Rodman is one either

The current nominee is running on large tax breaks for the rich and depending on trickle down economics to grow the economy.
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

His "except" is wide enough to drive a semi through. Douche bags like Hillary also claim to support free enterprise, all the while the are constantly agitating to curtail it.

Also, you just admitted that "trickle down" is a left wing euphemism meaning "capitalism."

Thanks for proving what a douche bag Powell and all other left wingers are
Yes, he is a leftwinger. Name one thing he has ever said that sounds right wing. His period serving in the Bush administration doesn't count.

I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

A Republican is someone who votes for Republicans. He voted for Obama twice and he says he's going to vote for Hillary. He's not a genuine Republican. He's a mole.

A Republican is someone who is either a Republican or says they are a Republican.

Not if they never vote Republican. They are moles.
I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

His "except" is wide enough to drive a semi through. Douche bags like Hillary also claim to support free enterprise, all the while the are constantly agitating to curtail it.

what 'except' are you talking about?

Also, you just admitted that "trickle down" is a left wing euphemism meaning "capitalism."

Thanks for proving what a douche bag Powell and all other left wingers are

No, trickle down is cutting taxes for the top to to spur the economy.
I never claimed he was right wing. Reread my previous post about asking you why you can't have a debate without going to extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

A Republican is someone who votes for Republicans. He voted for Obama twice and he says he's going to vote for Hillary. He's not a genuine Republican. He's a mole.

A Republican is someone who is either a Republican or says they are a Republican.

Not if they never vote Republican. They are moles.

Why are you saying never? Again with the extremes.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

His "except" is wide enough to drive a semi through. Douche bags like Hillary also claim to support free enterprise, all the while the are constantly agitating to curtail it.

what 'except' are you talking about?

Also, you just admitted that "trickle down" is a left wing euphemism meaning "capitalism."

Thanks for proving what a douche bag Powell and all other left wingers are

No, trickle down is cutting taxes for the top to to spur the economy.

"beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry."

That's pretty much the sum total of liberalism.

You can't cut taxes on people who don't pay them. Cutting taxes is allowing the free market to work.
  • Thanks
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We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

A Republican is someone who votes for Republicans. He voted for Obama twice and he says he's going to vote for Hillary. He's not a genuine Republican. He's a mole.

A Republican is someone who is either a Republican or says they are a Republican.

Not if they never vote Republican. They are moles.

Why are you saying never? Again with the extremes.
Name one Republican he voted for.
We know he's not a right winger. He's a left winger.

He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

So why would he support Republicans? They don't. Their nominee is specifically running against free market capitalism.

The Republicans are a political party, so you couldn't back up the crap you made up Rodman is one either

The current nominee is running on large tax breaks for the rich and depending on trickle down economics to grow the economy.

He's advocating a lot of other non-capitalist things like punishing companies that want to escape our belligerent government. But if you want to vote for Trump, go ahead.

But Trump isn't "the right," he isn't even "right," so one quote from Trump doesn't prove shit about the right's view of Rodman, the ridiculous claim you made that they don't criticize him
He's a moderate Republican.

I googled it and I couldn't find support for that. Link?

He's fiscally conservative, believes in supply-side economics.

I am impressed with our nation’s present entrepreneurial vitality. Everything I observe affirms my belief in free enterprise. It creates new wealth, generates new jobs, enables people to live good lives, fuels demand, and triggers fresh enterprise, starting the cycle all over again. Government should not interfere with the demonstrated success of the free marketplace, beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry.

Don't know too many Democrats who would agree with trickle down economics. He was also a proponent for the Iraq war.

He's pretty moderate on other issues.

His "except" is wide enough to drive a semi through. Douche bags like Hillary also claim to support free enterprise, all the while the are constantly agitating to curtail it.

what 'except' are you talking about?

Also, you just admitted that "trickle down" is a left wing euphemism meaning "capitalism."

Thanks for proving what a douche bag Powell and all other left wingers are

No, trickle down is cutting taxes for the top to to spur the economy.

"beyond controls to protect public safety and to prevent distortions of competition by either labor or industry."

That's pretty much the sum total of liberalism.

You can't cut taxes on people who don't pay them. Cutting taxes is allowing the free market to work.

No, that's a moderate stance. Most moderates (liberals happen to agree) want safety nets and market regulations. That's just common sense.

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