Yeah…more gun control in Europe..that's the ticket…since the illegal guns were obtained illegally...

it would still force sellers to have them in inventory, even if they are not proven.

Just repeal the law, no need for compromise.
We can require business to stock things, if we wish to. We, not they, set the rules. Deal with it.

So I can require a Jewish Butcher to stock Pork?
Nope, that would have a 1st amendment problem but requiring a gun store to sell smart guns is the same as requiring a boating supply store to sell life jackets, or life boats.

So your original statement required clarification? BIG fucking surprise from an oxygen thief such as yourself.
It only required it because you are too fucking stupid to understand business regulations.

I got you, and you have no response. back to your hole, twat.
The police have always gotten exceptions to rules, why not now.

They cannot get an exception to this rule. And they do work, you just don't want them to since that might fuck with your ability to play with your deadly toys.

Oh yeah?

Shocking test results for the Armatix iP1 “smart gun”

Once paired, a “cold start” still requires a minimum of seven push-button commands and a duration of 12 seconds before the gun can be fired.

The pistol must be within 10 inches of the watch during “start up.” This slows and complicates the use of the pistol if one hand is injured or otherwise unavailable.

and why can't the police get an exception?
Because the local Barney Fifes cannot import weapons.

Then why don't the feds start using them?

and I noticed you didn't answer the technical part of this.

They do work, more than well enough for the market, which you will not allow to work.

waiting 12 seconds for the system to "warm up" is not working.

It has to function just as easily as a regular firearm, or it's worthless.
They cannot get an exception to this rule. And they do work, you just don't want them to since that might fuck with your ability to play with your deadly toys.

Oh yeah?

Shocking test results for the Armatix iP1 “smart gun”

Once paired, a “cold start” still requires a minimum of seven push-button commands and a duration of 12 seconds before the gun can be fired.

The pistol must be within 10 inches of the watch during “start up.” This slows and complicates the use of the pistol if one hand is injured or otherwise unavailable.

and why can't the police get an exception?
Because the local Barney Fifes cannot import weapons.

Then why don't the feds start using them?

and I noticed you didn't answer the technical part of this.

They do work, more than well enough for the market, which you will not allow to work.

waiting 12 seconds for the system to "warm up" is not working.

It has to function just as easily as a regular firearm, or it's worthless.
Not at all. Just deal with the fact you never want that technology to work. You and the NRA are exactly the same.
We can require business to stock things, if we wish to. We, not they, set the rules. Deal with it.

So I can require a Jewish Butcher to stock Pork?
Nope, that would have a 1st amendment problem but requiring a gun store to sell smart guns is the same as requiring a boating supply store to sell life jackets, or life boats.

So your original statement required clarification? BIG fucking surprise from an oxygen thief such as yourself.
It only required it because you are too fucking stupid to understand business regulations.

I got you, and you have no response. back to your hole, twat.
Your example was simply stupid, as always.
lol, the Europeans are the dregs of that culture as all the best ones left for the colonies decades ago.
Oh yeah?

Shocking test results for the Armatix iP1 “smart gun”

and why can't the police get an exception?
Because the local Barney Fifes cannot import weapons.

Then why don't the feds start using them?

and I noticed you didn't answer the technical part of this.

They do work, more than well enough for the market, which you will not allow to work.

waiting 12 seconds for the system to "warm up" is not working.

It has to function just as easily as a regular firearm, or it's worthless.
Not at all. Just deal with the fact you never want that technology to work. You and the NRA are exactly the same.

Again, if it doesn't impact the function of the weapon when I need it, then I have no issue, and also it cannot be government mandated. It has to be able to work in all situations where it is needed, or it is worthless.
So I can require a Jewish Butcher to stock Pork?
Nope, that would have a 1st amendment problem but requiring a gun store to sell smart guns is the same as requiring a boating supply store to sell life jackets, or life boats.

So your original statement required clarification? BIG fucking surprise from an oxygen thief such as yourself.
It only required it because you are too fucking stupid to understand business regulations.

I got you, and you have no response. back to your hole, twat.
Your example was simply stupid, as always.

it was perfect, and you have no response other than being an statist twat, as usual.

Go play in traffic.
Wrong….we have not had 320 mass shootings….please site the source….I predict it is either the FBI study, which was shown to be flawed or any number of anti gun extremist groups studies……..source?

You're right. I was wrong. It's now up to 337.

Mass Shootings in 2015 - Mass Shooting Tracker

and of course that site is an anti gun site so it is lying to you......they use any shooting and call it a mass shooting...that is the only way they get the number that high...

Wasserman Schultz claims 294 mass shootings in 2015 alone

An academic told us that one problem with Mass Shooting Tracker is it lumps together incidents that are different -- for example, those shot in bar fights are counted along with school shootings.

"This is not consistent with the motivations behind events like Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Tucson, or Sandy Hook, and therefore are not comparable in the way we think of mass shootings," said Jaclyn Schildkraut, at State University of New York System. "By including such events to try and quantify a phenomenon (though the loss of one life is one too many), these sources essentially are inflating the statistics."

mass public shootings at different in nature than a shoutout between gangs.....and Mass Shooting Tracker doesn't show the listing all shootings they make it seem as if we have far more crazies than we actually have......
Wrong….we have not had 320 mass shootings….please site the source….I predict it is either the FBI study, which was shown to be flawed or any number of anti gun extremist groups studies……..source?

You're right. I was wrong. It's now up to 337.

Mass Shootings in 2015 - Mass Shooting Tracker

Here is the left wing news source...Mother Jones...they hate guns, just like you...they too have tracked mass shootings...and here is what they found...

If you go to the link they list each year and the specific mass shootings with details....injured, killed, weapons more will post more intelligently....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation


US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 100.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208
Accidental drowning.....3,391
Accidental exposure to smoke, fire and flames.....2,760

Deaths from mass shootings 2013..... 36

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Those are the numbers of deaths from mass shootings in the United States.....and even in the big year, 2012, they didn't break 72 deaths by mass shooters.

How many guns are there in American hands....320 million.

How many people carry guns for self defense...over 13 million.
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Wrong….we have not had 320 mass shootings….please site the source….I predict it is either the FBI study, which was shown to be flawed or any number of anti gun extremist groups studies……..source?

You're right. I was wrong. It's now up to 337.

Mass Shootings in 2015 - Mass Shooting Tracker

You should never trust anti gun extremist sites...they lie...they allow their phobia of guns control their emotions and to deal with it...they lie.....they will lie all they have to to remove the thing they fear.....

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