Yeah, Tell Me About Our NATO Allies


Obama sent blankets and food to Ukraine when Russia first invaded them.

Trump broke precedence by sending them weapons.

Then Biden gave Russia the "green light" to invade them again.

Biden's 'green light' to Putin on Ukraine will have 'ripple effect' throughout the world, critic says
I had no problem with Muammar Gaddafi. Libya sure was a lot more stable before you idiot Democrats started dicking around and turned it into a terrorist country.

Not to mention, turning your backs on our soldiers there and getting Americans killed in Benghazi. Thank God that stupid bitch Hillary didn't get elected.

You keep bringing up Reagan. Was he a personal favorite of yours, Tailgunner Joe?
All of the color revolutions they supported have turned into shit shows....Yet they try to brag on them. :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
By evacuating the embassy, yeah that was a green light signal for sure, not. Ukraine is not part of NATO.

Of course Ukraine isn't a part of NATO, creepy pothead.

Even more of a reason for not sending them billions of dollars.
I think it shows how far your party is fallen.

Of course, you guys don't like ANYONE you nominated before Trump, but Reagan at least gets lionized because he never got impeached, voted out or left the country in a recession.

Once again, you never fail to carry water for communist China, do you? How much are they paying you, fake Tailgunner Joe?

That "recession" you mentioned was caused by your CCP buddies and their Chinese Murder Virus. Trump's economy beat's Biden's hands down. We still haven't returned to the levels of prosperity we had under Trump, before your buddies unleashed their sniffle virus.
Obama sent blankets and food to Ukraine when Russia first invaded them.

Trump broke precedence by sending them weapons.

Then Biden gave Russia the "green light" to invade them again.

Biden's 'green light' to Putin on Ukraine will have 'ripple effect' throughout the world, critic says
Bolton says Putin was waiting for US to withdraw from NATO.

and then KT McFarland goes on about the Afghanistan withdrawal as setting an example, but that was mandated by Trump's Doha Agreement.

The actions in Ukraine always need to be done along with our NATO allies, like they are now.
Bolton says Putin was waiting for US to withdraw from NATO.

and then KT McFarland goes on about the Afghanistan withdrawal as setting an example, but that was mandated by Trump's Doha Agreement.

The actions in Ukraine always need to be done along with our NATO allies, like they are now.

Bolton is a fucking idiot. If he had his way, we would have already had World War 3.

But I'm glad you found a new best friend forever. You and he can sit in a circle jerk, jerking off each other and thinking about war.
Bolton is a fucking idiot. If he had his way, we would have already had World War 3.

But I'm glad you found a new best friend forever. You and he can sit in a circle jerk, jerking off each other and thinking about war.
Bolton was Trump's national security advisor for a year and half.
So Trump had a "fucking idiot" as his national security advisor for that long? It was long enough for Bolton to see how awful Trump is.
And Bolton criticized Biden for being timid on Ukraine invasion.
Bolton was Trump's national security advisor for a year and half.
So Trump had a "fucking idiot" as his national security advisor for that long? It was long enough for Bolton to see how awful Trump is.
And Bolton criticized Biden for being timid on Ukraine invasion.

You weak-livered soy-gulping morons have your panties in a wad for nothing again.

Just like you did the whole four years Trump was President. :laughing0301:

So let's see what the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had to say about Trump:

NATO chief plays down concerns a Trump re-election would weaken alliance​

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday played down fears that a re-election of former U.S. President Donald Trump would weaken the defense alliance as it works to ensure robust support for Ukraine.

Stoltenberg said he did not think a second Trump presidency would jeopardize U.S. membership in NATO.
"I believe that the United States will continue to be a staunch NATO ally, regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election, because it is in the U.S. interest," he said in an interview with CNN."

Now go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. I promise that mean old Trump won't get you.

I promise. :21:
Why are we supporting one side of a war between two non-NATO members, one of which isn't even a major non-NATO ally?

Major non-NATO ally - Wikipedia

Israel has major non-NATO ally status. Shouldn't NATO be protecting them against attacks fomented by Iran and Syria?
To protect NATO allies from Putin's goal of reinstating the Soviet Bloc countries as his....
Once again, you never fail to carry water for communist China, do you? How much are they paying you, fake Tailgunner Joe?

That "recession" you mentioned was caused by your CCP buddies and their Chinese Murder Virus. Trump's economy beat's Biden's hands down. We still haven't returned to the levels of prosperity we had under Trump, before your buddies unleashed their sniffle virus.

We haven't? The Dow is at record highs and unemployment has been under 4% for two years.
To protect NATO allies from Putin's goal of reinstating the Soviet Bloc countries as his....

Who cares? Like Obama said, "The 80's called. They want their foreign policy back." Wasn't it you liberals who were always saying things like "Russia isn't a communist country any more"?

Most Republicans Wrongly Believe Russia Is a Communist Country: Poll

Russia is not the Soviet Union, Putin is not a Communist

Sen. Tommy Tuberville says Russia is still a 'communist country' and is invading Ukraine because 'they need more farmland' - "The Alabama Republican, a former Auburn football coach, has a history of flubbing historical facts."

Even Wikipedia doesn't even mention "communism" in their definition of Russia's government:

"In 1993, the new Russian Constitution was adopted. The new Constitution gained legitimacy through its bicameral legislature, an independent judiciary, the position of the president and the prime minister, and democratic features. These democratic features included competitive multi-party elections, separation of powers, federalism, and protection of civil liberties."

Government of Russia - Wikipedia
You weak-livered soy-gulping morons have your panties in a wad for nothing again.

Just like you did the whole four years Trump was President. :laughing0301:

So let's see what the NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg had to say about Trump:

NATO chief plays down concerns a Trump re-election would weaken alliance​

"WASHINGTON, Jan 31 (Reuters) - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday played down fears that a re-election of former U.S. President Donald Trump would weaken the defense alliance as it works to ensure robust support for Ukraine.

Stoltenberg said he did not think a second Trump presidency would jeopardize U.S. membership in NATO.
"I believe that the United States will continue to be a staunch NATO ally, regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election, because it is in the U.S. interest," he said in an interview with CNN."

Now go curl up in your closet in a fetal position, suck your thumb, and cry yourself to sleep. I promise that mean old Trump won't get you.

I promise. :21:
the head of NATO needs to present confidence to keep the members comfortable.
But while president, Trump discussed leaving NATO, so its something we can expect if Trump again gains power.

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