Yellow Journalism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Since this U.S. presidential election is swamped with pedestrianism philosophy questions such as "Does America need a finance-wizard to lead the nation?" and "Is America ready for a female president?", I thought it would be prudent to consider the populism relevance of race-related culture questions.

Here's a modernized 'Emmett Till cautionary-tale' to reflect on, since this is the eve of the end of the term of the first ethnic-minority American President (Barack Obama).


Raj was working as an ESL teacher at the Drew School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA), an under-funded and overcrowded inner-city public school with a predominantly African-American student body comprised of juvenile delinquents, drug-dealers, and vandals. Raj was a graduate of a prestigious university in India where he studied Education, and he wanted to apply his studies to the improvement of social conditions in multi-cultural America, and he began teaching at the Drew School in 1997. Raj had just me a beautiful Caucasian female teacher at Drew School named Sally and decided to court her for a relationship.

Sally had a strange past. She was formerly an airline stewardess for American Airlines but decided to become a schoolteacher and decided to work in a Philly public school. Sally had ties to a crime syndicate leader named Dean whom she met while she was involved in an opium-smuggling operation connected to American Airlines. Trying to start a new life, Sally wanted to be an English teacher at Drew School and wanted to apply her redemption-minded goals to focus on an ethically-clean life. Raj stirred her interest, since he was ambitious and idealistic (and very intelligent).

Raj told one of his peers, a teacher-friend at Drew School named Toby, that he decided to court Sally. Toby had heard rumors of Sally's strange past and warned his friend to 'be careful' in establishing affectionate ties with Sally. Raj was not too worried about Toby's warning and decided to court Sally anyway; however, he wondered if there was any truth to the 'gossip' surrounding Sally's foggy past. Sally and Raj started dating and connected very nicely and decided to marry within a year. They decided to honeymoon in Mexico. Everything was going well, until one day in Tijuana, Sally ran into one of her 'opium-ring cohorts' (through American Airlines) in Tijuana (a Mexican man named Ernesto).

SALLY: It's good to see you, Ernesto. I've started a new life with Raj (he's from India).
ERNESTO: You're married! Wow! No more opium, eh?
RAJ: You were involved with drugs, Sally?

SALLY: Mind your own business, Raj. You're just an ESL teacher.
ERNESTO: So you married an ESL teacher from India, eh?
RAJ: Why didn't you tell me about your past, Sally?

SALLY: The past is meant to be forgotten, Raj.
ERNESTO: Why don't you tell your new husband about your ties with the KKK?
RAJ: Sally, you have ties to the Ku Klux Klan?

SALLY: Raj, I didn't expect to suddenly meet an 'idealistic ESL teacher' from India!
ERNESTO: Calm down, Sally. You never know...maybe Raj is a Democrat.
RAJ: No one is a Democrat these days, Sally. Why did you hide your past?

SALLY: Can social change begin with transcendence?
ERNESTO: Not in Tijuana!
RAJ: This is terrible. I think I'll become a vigilante.

SALLY: Forgive me, Raj. America is not as clean as you think.
ERNESTO: You two should become 'diplomats of Democrats.'
RAJ: Maybe America needs Robin Hood.



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